The other people in the city Lord's residence who are fighting below can only see the dizziness of their minds. The consequences of Ye Feng's move can almost be expected.

"Young master ye... No!"

The great eagle king and benlei beheader, who fought with the three strong forces in the distance, were also flustered to see this scene. If Ye Feng was killed by Ning Shentong, even if they went back to kill in chaos, they would certainly face the thunder and anger of the killing God moon. Everyone would have to eat and go, not to mention the inscription reward.


"Young people are still too impulsive!"

With a knife, Mo ruthlessly spits blood in his mouth. He cuts with thunder and quickly grabs Ye Feng. He wants to rescue Ye Feng. Unfortunately, it's too late to look at this.

For today's sake, I just hope Ye Feng can survive the third palm by himself. Of course... That possibility is too low, too low, and almost negligible.


Ye Feng's posture also surprised Ning Shentong, but soon turned into a gloomy sneer.

The palm print is thick, and the rules are everywhere.

"Ten waves!"

Under the gaze of countless eyes, leaf maple appeared layers of palm prints around his body. The speed was so fast that he could not see the trace of palm dancing. Later, the infinite palm prints turned into a spherical protective cover.

The moment the shield was formed, his body crashed into the fire. At the moment of contact, two violent energies exploded.


The huge roar hit everyone's eardrums, and the overwhelming energy rose to the sky. The protective cover only lasted less than a breath, and it was blown to pieces.


The violent meaning of fire, with the majestic rules of fire yuan, poured onto Ye Feng.

"Little beast, die!"

Ning Shentong's eyes opened suddenly at this moment, and the blood gushed up. The virtual shadow palm print was covering the sky and pressing the ground. It was seen that it had been next to Ye Feng's body.

Click click

Severe pain hit his whole body. Ye Feng opened his mouth and sprayed blood. Under the double destruction of Huoyuan rule and coercion, he broke many ribs and bled all his internal organs.

The semi holy land is really not something you can resist. Even if you are beaten, you are so embarrassed!

His body, which he was always proud of, could not bear the real blow of the semi holy realm under the protection of green, black and quiet fire.


Even if he died today, he would rather bleed.

Ye Feng's vision was shrouded in fire, and he couldn't see the specific direction of Ning Shentong. However, with his strong spiritual power, he still felt the tiny blank area.


The sound of another bone fracture sounded. Ye Feng's body was short, his thighs were bleeding, and his body was almost unstable.


And blood clenched his teeth with a roar. He completely gave up his defense and burst into anger in his eyes.

At the same time, the mental power on the forehead was mixed with a red flame, which suddenly burst out. This flame seems weak, but it makes the meaning of extreme fire briefly stagnate.

With a bang, there was no time to respond. The flame soared into the air and turned into a red fire lotus the size of a washbasin.

Hiss, hiss

The sudden emergence of the flame lotus makes the temperature of this area rise rapidly, and the space around the fire lotus is constantly bright and illusory.

All the people below were dull at this moment. They only felt that their spiritual power was out of control. They were summoned by the flame lotus. Some cultivation accomplishments were weak and sad, and even knelt down involuntarily.

Ning Shentong's figure also inevitably stagnated slightly. Looking at the flame lotus shooting rapidly in front of him, he showed a thick surprised color in his eyes.

The energy from the fire lotus made him feel that it contained an extremely dangerous breath.

"What is this?"

"What a strange flame, but I'm also the king of fire. I'm afraid it won't succeed!"

Before the cold hum fell, Ning Shentong's eyes suddenly changed. The flame lotus was only blocked by the fire idea for a few seconds, so he blocked the fire idea, pierced and opened it, and shot it at his chest.

The strange scene made his eyes straight.

Ordinary flames can't help themselves to achieve the extreme fire meaning of the realm.

Is it

Different fire?

Like a cat stepped on its paw, Ning Shentong jumped into the air, and countless strange fires flashed in his mind.

This flame lotus is clearly another kind of different fire.

But... Even if this boy can subdue two different fires, how can he... Keep two different fires together?

In an instant, he couldn't allow him to think carefully. The fire of Honglian industry is so powerful that even the two supreme elders of Tiandi Yuanzong can't compete in the real holy land. With Ning Shentong's current semi holy practice, how can he guarantee to retreat in the face of the attack of industry fire?


Ye Feng, who rushed over quickly, also noticed the movement on Ning Shentong's side. He shouted like a crack in his canthus. His mental strength was fully mobilized, urging the red lotus industry fire to shoot at the blank area on Ning Shentong.

The only flaw.


Business fire transpiration, speed to the extreme.

A flame with a long flame tail broke through Ning Shentong's vitality armor and pasted his clothes in the blink of an eye.

"Damn it!"

The cold light burst in his eyes. Ning Shentong bit the tip of his tongue and forced himself to stay awake under the mental interference of the red lotus industry fire. There was a flame symbol in his body, which turned into a sharp sword about the size of Zhang and cut down against the industry fire.

The long sword condensed by the law of fire has great lethality. It cuts down from the air, as if to cut the whole city master's house with a sword.

The vast rules of fire yuan are even more airtight.

The semi holy power is really terrible. Raising your hands and feet is a great means to shake the earth.

Pedal pedal!

With a carefully prepared blow, Ye Feng staggered backward and flew out for dozens of feet. He was bleeding and burned all over. He was already miserable.

There was no blood on his face, and the yuan force in his body was evaporated. He didn't even have the power to lift a finger.

Whether the fire of Honglian industry can achieve results is beyond his control.

This is Ye Feng's last means of pressing the bottom of the box.

Other means can't play any role in front of the semi saint. He hasn't used the red lotus fire since he entered the starlight City, so that he can establish miracles in case of surprise.

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