"This palm... Give it back to Ye Feng."

The dull voice fell, and the second palm came one after another. The bombardment made Ning Shentong's head broken and bleeding, and his whole body was distracted.

"The second palm, give it back to those martial artists in Xingguang city who died because of you."

The words fell to his ears. Ning Shentong was almost crazy. He ran around with fire and hit the Star City Master indiscriminately, trying to get rid of the imprisonment of the static field.

Just a move backward, move backward, where is the possibility to get rid of.


The third palm of the Star City Lord also fell at this time. It also thundered on his celestial cap. Ning Shentong was hit like lightning, his skull broke, and his ears and seven orifices were bleeding.

"This third palm, I fight for myself. If I hadn't tolerated you at the beginning, would there be today's disaster?"

Boom, boom.

When the three palms were struck down, it was better to have one Buddha born and two Buddhas nirvana. As for the lower part, there was a roar of joy and momentum, and the martial arts of the city master's house were completely boiling.

They held the evil breath in their heart for too long, and finally let it out completely.

"Good game."

"My Lord's residence has been oppressed for several years. Today, I'm finally proud."

Chen Xiao, who has always been calm, showed some madness on his face.

The expression of a martial artist in the city Lord's residence is completely opposite. Naturally, they are the disciples of the three sects. They come on a large scale and are arrogant in order to flatten the city Lord's residence. From then on, they can be domineering.

But no one expected that such an accident would happen in the end.

Seeing that Ning Shentong has been defeated, Mo ruthless and the master of heart killing sword are pale. Since the emergence of white tiger Cheng, their hearts have been cold, but there is still the last trace of faith to support them, but this situation has undoubtedly made them fall back to the bottom of the valley.

With their cultivation strength, they can't control the war at all. Their only hope is to put it on Ning Shentong.

If Ning's supernatural power can kill the star city master, maybe for the sake of great interests, the Green family will send experts to deal with white tiger Cheng for them.

But if Ning Shentong can't control the situation in Xingguang City, it's a useless waste son, Qingjia... How can he stand out for them?


"Ah ah..."

"Old man Xing, I... Die with you!"

Shen Meng's unparalleled palm power not only made Ning Shentong spit blood, but also disturbed his mind. There is no doubt that it is impossible to turn over at this time.

Ning Shentong looks crazy. He has always been arrogant and doesn't pay attention to the Star City Lord. At present, he is preparing a plan for several years, which is empty in the blink of an eye. I can neither endure such shame nor accept such a disastrous defeat.

The state of mind is chaotic. For the strong in the semi holy land, they have lost any chance.

"Ning Shentong, it's time. You can't even clean up a semi holy old man. It's really... Disappointing me!"

"That's all right. Just be me and our young family. I've lost my eyes..."

In another battlefield above, the ghost old man's gloomy voice rolled in, with infinite disappointment in his tone. The meaning was self-evident. It was obvious that he was going to give up the three factions.

Ning Shentong, who had reached the edge of rage, was shocked and completely ignited by this sentence.


His staggering figure suddenly settled in place, and an indescribable majestic fire, mixed with Yuan force fluctuations, crazy emerged on him.

Ning Shentong trembled all over, and his chest and abdomen swelled rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. The vitality of Dantian was vertical and horizontal, and the nameless breath of terror overflowed on all sides.


"Is he going to... Explode Dantian?!"

Seeing this scene, not only the people in the city master's house were stunned, but even the three martial arts sects were scared.

The Star City Master's face also changed dramatically. At the first time when he noticed the change of Ning Shentong, the power of the reflection in the starry sky began to suppress crazily, blocking all the areas around him.

If Ning Shentong shows his martial spirit, there may be a chance of survival, but he obviously doesn't intend to escape now. He directly chooses to use extreme means such as "self exploding Dantian".

"Hahaha... It's not so easy to want my life. Let... The whole Xingguang city be buried with me!"

The seven orifices bled, the shattered Ning Shentong photographed by the tianlinggai sent out a gloomy and crazy laugh, and the bloodthirsty scarlet eyes swept to everyone.

"Get away from here."

While blocking the void, the Star City Lord turned to drink.

Ning Shentong is right. A semi holy strong man explodes himself. The power is unimaginable. Even he can't stop such a move of dying together. At that time, most of the star city will suffer from fish in the pond.

Boom, boom!

His breath kept expanding, and in the twinkling of an eye he reached the critical point. The terrible fire released its violent destructive power, and the burning void was disillusioned.

The Star City Lord is not far away.

The power of the starry sky was wrapped in him layer by layer. At the moment, the Star City Master showed a decisive color in his eyes. He has made up his mind to protect the integrity of his disciples and Xingguang city even if he struggles to fall.


At the moment when countless people ran around, a powerful and terrible holy force like the vast sea rolled down from the white tiger into a two-man war.

A black light and a white light directed at the Xiaohan, releasing a turbulent sword Qi and shaking out the ghost old figure floating like a ghost in the air.

The two divine lights, like immortality, swept across a large starry sky. The simple chill revealed by the way made people shudder.

"Yin Yang holy sword?"

"This is my young family saint."

The hoods of the ghost old man were lifted out by the sword, revealing an extremely ugly face below.

Haggard and like a fierce ghost.

In his deep-seated eyes, he showed some horror. Then he seemed to think of something and shouted, "you... Killed the strong man of my green family?"

More than a year ago, the Qing family sent several Wangjing to chase Ye Feng and want to capture the vein of fetal chemical weapons. Who knows, all of them suffered a terrible disaster. The Qing family finally found only the residual blood.

This account has always been on Ye Feng's head. Today, it finally came out.

"Kill a bunch of miscellaneous fish. Our sect leader can't remember so many."

The white tiger smiled coldly. The black-and-white holy sword cut off the void. The great holy power was pressed down from hundreds of feet high, and the ghost could not get close to it.

One of the reasons why they haven't exerted their full strength to start the war is that they both feel that the breath of the other party is not much different from that of themselves. Under the dead battle, they may lose both.

In such accomplishments as theirs, no one wants to fight with another holy land unless they have a deep hatred.

In particular, the Qing family has a great cause. If they really want to annoy a strong man in the Holy Land and secretly do bad things, there will be constant trouble and there will be no peace from now on.

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