As several people continued to go deep, gray and black smoke began to appear around, and the more they went inward, the more blurred their sight was. Even Ye Feng's mental strength could only detect some situations within a radius of tens of feet.

In the air, there was a faint cold smell, which diffused in all directions along the ground.

Bai Hucheng, the star city master and others all looked cautious and slowed down obviously.

Walking, suddenly, in the blurred vision ahead, a dark shadow came out of thin air one after another. Several people hurried to avoid, but Zhong Li, who had the lowest cultivation, was still hit by one of the dark shadows.

"Shit, how is it a body again!"

Zhong Li was hit and staggered. After seeing it clearly, his scalp felt numb.

It was a corpse that hit him.

The dried corpse was dry with blood and flesh, and the expression frozen on his face was twisted and ferocious, which made people creepy.

"How could this happen?"

"Where the hell did we come to, how... There were so many bodies."

Ye Feng has seen many strange scenes. He has never been afraid of ghosts and monsters, but the scene still makes him angry. The bodies of the wild mountains will be smashed down one by one. No matter how brave you are, you can't bear such a shock.


Just got up and didn't go far, Zhong Li was directly hit by a body. He sat on the ground with a pale face.

"These corpses are not all other warriors who died in the hands of the demon clan."

Bai Susu couldn't help asking.

"It shouldn't be." the Star City Lord shook his head and said, "in a hurry, the demon clan can't kill so many."

"Moreover, these mummies are different from the one I saw before. They have no vitality and remain. Obviously, they are things that have been dead for some time."

Just the explanation of the star city master made Ye Feng full of doubts.

If it wasn't the Terran warrior killed by the demon clan, then... Where did these mummies come from?


While they were still guessing, suddenly, a sudden violent wave broke out on the ground. Huge and incomparable energy came out of thin air, and several people who were not prepared flew out. Unexpectedly... Even the Star City Lord and white tiger Chengdu could not resist this great power.

In an instant, the dark wind roared, and bursts of black fog surged up in front of him. Ye Feng only felt that he had six senses and one black, and could not see or hear anything.

Even the spirit power is completely shielded.

Immediately after that, countless mummies fell head-on. Ye Feng, who had lost his perception ability, couldn't escape. His blood surged and fell to the ground and withdrew more than a dozen steps.

The strength of these corpses was so great that Ye Feng's flesh was aware of bursts of pain. If they were replaced by ordinary martial artists below the king's territory, they would end up with broken bones and tendons.

Shua Shua

Just barely stabilized his body, Ye Feng's body was stiff again.

Dozens of cold winds came from behind him. It seemed that something was approaching quickly and rushed to his back.

Without time to think more, he moved two steps to the left like lightning.

Several green ghost fires passed by, and the speed was like lightning. They stopped in front of Ye Feng, beating more than ten steps away, like from the dark abyss.

The cold smell of forest immediately made Ye Feng shiver.

This place is really an evil place. I seem to have come to a mysterious and ominous place unconsciously.

After beating dozens of times, the green ghost fire suddenly turned its head and rushed to Ye Feng again.

"Brother Bai!"


Ye Feng opened his mouth and shouted while avoiding the sharp light of the dark green light, but... But he didn't get any response.

According to the distance and time, several people should be nearby, but it seems that the voice can't be transmitted. Ye Feng also feels how far they are from him.

Bai Hucheng and the Star City Master naturally don't need Ye Feng to worry about. What worries him at the moment is that Zhong Li, whose cultivation has not yet reached the king's territory, and Bai Susu, who is only two or three times the king's territory.


After a dark roar, Ye Feng raised his courage and waved out in all directions, tearing up the black fog in front of him.

Two green ghost fires were attacked by spirit, and two shrill screams broke out, which were shattered on the spot.

It's so special. I feel like I have some intelligence.

Ye Feng was frightened.

Behind him, there were several faint green lights shining, but after being attacked by mental power, they flashed and slipped away quietly.

It gave him a sigh of relief.

Taking advantage of the moment when his vision was suddenly open, he flew several feet high alone. After looking around, he didn't see the figure of Star City Master, Bai Hucheng and others. The side of the body is covered with gray and black fog, and the eyesight can't reach far at all.

Mental power can't find out where several people are.

"Whatever, let's find out what's going on first."

He was worried, but with white tiger Cheng and the star city master, even if he met the strong of the demon family, it wouldn't be a big deal.

You'd better take care of yourself at this time.

After climbing several mountains in succession, he climbed a peak. The gray and black fog at the beginning had dissipated. Looking into the sky, he saw a dark place at the lowest terrain, and many martial artists were gathering there.

Just in front of these strong men of all ethnic groups, there was a huge ruins.

Among them, ruins are everywhere, and countless ancient buildings lie across the bleak. When there is a boiling volcano in the center, rolling magma ejects from it from time to time, and half of the sky turns red.

Those gray black fog, obviously from the magma torrent.

Ye Feng was surprised secretly. It was not because of the broken temples he saw at present, but because he saw an ancient temple looming in the middle of the volcano, wrapped by Fuguang, rising and falling up and down.

Several evil beasts with fierce breath wandered around the hall. However, they seemed to feel a lot of strong breath approaching. After a while, they all fled in panic.

Under the influence of this violent volcano, the sky above is constantly distorted and transformed, giving people the illusion that time stops.

"What a strong dead gas, even the high temperature of the volcano... Has been suppressed."

Ye Feng's body was stiff. Just now he didn't feel the hot temperature of the volcano, but bursts of forest cold. These gray black fog from the crater, with a strong cold smell, is like coming from the depths of Jiuyou, which makes people shudder.

"Surrounded by three mountains, living in the positive sun, facing the rising of the sun and stepping on the convergence of rivers. This... This is not a fucking historic site. It should be an ancient tomb."

After observing carefully again for half a day, Ye Feng suddenly took a breath of cool air and poured it down from the top of his head

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