Large areas of darkness came from all directions. The area where Ye Feng was located seemed to be suddenly isolated from heaven and earth. He couldn't see the scenery more than ten steps away.

Gusts of Yin wind blew through, and the piercing cold made him shiver, and his body suddenly stood up.

In front of him, about less than ten steps, a pair of blood red eyes kept turning, and looked at him with Yin Qi.

"This... Isn't it the remnant soul that the tomb Lord wants to be reborn?"

As soon as the idea came out, Ye Feng was startled by himself. If Zhong Li and the silver winged demon king's inference is correct, this tomb may really have something to do with the so-called peacock saint.

Even if not, the owner of this pair of blood eyes will never be an easy generation.


The blood red eyes in front suddenly widened a little, like sensing the idea of Ye Feng. The surprised latter hurried back a small step.

"What the hell are you!"

With a cold drink, Ye Feng boldly began to run Yuan Li and hit the bloody eyes.


A strange scene appeared. Yuan Li Peilian passed through the blood eye directly without causing any damage.

Isn't it an entity?

Ye Feng was surprised.

But if it is not an entity, why is there such a powerful demon power.

Just as he was struggling to solve it, the pair of blood eyes suddenly began to rotate and flew to Ye Feng's forehead.


A burst of deep fried drink broke out in his mouth, and Ye Feng's hair stood up one by one, almost out of instinct. The spiritual strength in the divine sea gushed out and hit the blood eyes that were rapidly approaching.


Less than five steps apart, the two surged rapidly and exploded an invisible wave of spiritual power. After that, Ye Feng's figure was shocked and retreated several steps in the air.

Of course, this impact also made the bloody eyes stagnate in the air and tremble slightly.

"It's really a remnant of spiritual power. Damn it, I'm not so lucky."

After cursing a little, Ye Feng turned and left without stopping.

His eyes were blurred and his vision was clear. He could only use his mental strength to explore the situation around him, and then with self-consciousness, he fled to a place he thought safe.

It's true that Zhong Li is right. Staring at his own existence is definitely a remnant soul.

And this wisp of remnant soul obviously comes from the ancient hall.

There is no doubt that the spiritual strength of the remnant soul exceeds level 16. If it is not a specialized spiritual engraver, it can be predicted that its strength has obviously reached the column of crossing and robbing the holy land.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng couldn't help laughing bitterly.

Even if he meets a semi saint, he can't get away. Now he is chased by a remnant soul who has almost reached the level of crossing and robbing the holy land. Maybe... He will lose his life here this time.


As soon as the front foot was off the ground, the bloody eyes in the rear chased up quickly, and the target was still Ye Feng's brain God sea.

"Want to take my body? It's just wishful thinking."

Ye Feng undoubtedly figured out the purpose of the remnant soul and left here quickly with low scolding.

If this monster is cultivated according to the method of raising corpses, its power will weaken once it leaves the ancient hall.

Facts have proved that Ye Feng's guess is right.

After about ten miles, the bloody eyes chased more urgently, and vaguely I could feel that it was gradually becoming irritable.


After a time of incense burning, an extremely violent spiritual scream came faintly from the direction of the main hall.

Ye Feng's face immediately looked ugly.

Perhaps what is cultivated in the tomb is not just a wisp of remnant soul. The real Buddha is still in the hall.

After escaping for more than 30 miles, the speed of bloody pursuit decreased again, and it was difficult to catch up with Ye Feng.

The bloody eye paused, but it did not return to the hall, but stared at Ye Feng, with a bloodthirsty desire in its pupils.

The blinded vision began to recover gradually. When the spirit was shocked, Ye Feng expelled the remaining darkness completely.

"Grandma, finally stop chasing!"

After taking a breath, Ye Feng raised his hand and made a yuan force towards the bloody eye. Of course, he was still just passing through, and he was just trying to breathe.

After confirming that there was no threat from bloody eyes behind him, Ye Feng climbed a mountain and observed the situation under the eyes.

A moment later, he had a general impression in his mind.

The place where the hall radiates 50 miles around is the scope that the demon force can cover. As long as it is 50 miles away, there will be no danger.

He tried to summon Bai Hucheng and others, but he would be weakened as long as he entered the fifty mile range, whether with Yuan force or spiritual force.

As for the central zone, there is no possibility of reaching it at all.

After several attempts, Ye Feng had to give up. He couldn't contact Bai Hucheng and the star city master, so he had to act according to the circumstances.

Strangely, at this stage, the pair of blood eyes stared at him from beginning to end. No matter where Ye Feng moved, the blood eyes tracked to which direction, but the distance did not jump out of the boundary of 50 Li.


The two sides looked at each other for a few eyes. Suddenly, a sharp pain suddenly came from their mind. Ye Feng jumped back in panic and thought that bloody eyes had attacked again.

When I looked up, blood eyes were still suspended in front, with theout moving trace.

"No, it's my mental strength... Starting to lose again."

After careful exploration, Ye Feng's face was bitter. Since he entered the king's territory, his mental strength did not increase but decreased, and there were signs of acceleration these two days.

What's terrible is that Ye Feng doesn't know where the problem is, so he can't stop the passage of spiritual power. If we continue like this, our mental strength will be exhausted in less than three or five years.

Moreover, Ye Feng felt that after he entered this area, the passing speed of spiritual power was obviously accelerating, almost disappearing all the time.

Shit, what the hell's going on?


In the standoff day and night in a row, other people were not idle. Strong people such as the silver winged demon king and the Xuanshui old monster kept trying to see if the hall was safe.

After the loss of the four strong players again, all ethnic groups did not dare to test again. Instead, they began to quietly wait for the arrival of backup.


There was a roar from the horizon. At the intersection of heaven and earth, an ancient chariot rolled over the sky, thousands of feet in a flash.

Hundreds of miles away, the spirit of killing is still strong and terrible. It can be vaguely seen that the ancient chariot is covered with runes and is pulled by three huge Unicorn monsters. When it rolls, it emits bursts of thunder and roar.

Around the main hall, almost everyone turned around and looked into the air, and then began to suck the cool air.

"Heavenly chariot?"

"They are the strong of the feather nationality. They are so fast!"

The martial artists of all ethnic groups look excited and stretch their necks to admire the style of the strong.

Shenwu has a very strict hierarchy. Except for some major events, the strong in the holy land will not come to the city. Such an ancient chariot may not be able to find one after searching hundreds of Terrans to the city.

The roar of the unicorn beast shook the sky. Without waiting for everyone to respond, it had trodden hundreds of miles and stopped directly in front of the ancient hall.

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