
The Buddha played by monk Duobao was entangled with the fire wolf.

After a burst of golden light, the body of the fire wolf was suppressed and penetrated by the Buddha, and soon dissipated into a sea of fire.

This flame can't help monk Duobao.

However, the next moment, the horror happened. The sea of fire, which should have dissipated, gathered again, turned into a fire wolf and bit monk Duobao.

Infinite rebirth?

Monk Duobao frowned. The Buddha light of the demon subduing pestle twinkled and knocked at the fire wolf.

However, the fire wolf seemed to have intelligence. A huge flame head was divided into two and turned into a double headed fire wolf. While avoiding the attack, two big mouths spewed out a demon flame.

"What is this, so annoying?" the monk Duobao frowned and said.

Seeing this, Mr. Su smiled loudly.

The light of the sword is as refined as a horse, and a sword comes from the West.

"Duobao, you never need inscriptions. Naturally, you don't know the power of the golden winged demon family."

The golden winged demon family, the blood of the Brahman family, is different from other demon families and can carry a unique and exclusive inscription. They are also different from Terrans. One body can carry multiple inscriptions at the same time.

Only the inscriptions of Brahma can be powerful with the strength of noumenon.

Based on the cultivation of the current Vatican Ao through the second holy robbery, the inscription of "fire wolf" on his body is only half holy, but the victory lies in immortality. As long as the noumenon does not die, it can exist all the time.

If the Brahma family is the most powerful existence, the patriarch of the golden wing family can summon hundreds and thousands of heads, which is impossible to prevent.

"Good thing..."

Seeing such a powerful inscription, Ye Feng couldn't help but sigh, stood in place and even forgot the curse of the yellow spring constantly invading his body.

"Brother ye, go quickly. I'm afraid I can't stop it," shouted Bai Hucheng, who was carrying several demon families in front.

Ye Feng shook his head calmly.

"I can't go yet."

The feather snake god doesn't move. He can't move. What if the old guy just plays with the psychological tactics of "I don't care"? Once you leave a few masters, you really should not be called every day. It doesn't work.


When master Su and several powerful demons fought, there was finally something on the side of the feather snake god.

His expression was cold. He raised his hand and motioned to several people around him to help van Ao resist bachelor su.

However, he was still motionless and didn't know what he was waiting for.

"Shit. Does this bastard want us both to lose and he can reap profits?"

"Shit, I knew I didn't have any good intentions. I would choose to cooperate with us for no reason."

Van Gogh gnashed his teeth with pride.

The other people of the feather snake family are just ordinary saints. They are incomparable with the feather snake god himself. Even if the four people go out together, they can't stop the Sword Fairy on Dongpo.

Just as soon as he was distracted, a glittering sword light rushed to him. He was so frightened that his golden wings shook and his figure retreated ten feet in an instant.

A golden feather fell in mid air.

Fan Ao, who barely escaped, turned his head, but saw that bachelor Su broke four feather snake people and attacked himself with a relegated fairy sword.

"Monk, you go to protect the boy and give it to me here." Bachelor Su looked a little contemptuous, and the banished immortal sword in his hand had an irresistible power.

"Damn it!" Van Ao showed a cold sweat.

Compared with monk Duobao, bachelor Su is more sharp. When he flies his sword, there is no grass.

The immortal relegation sword in his hand can be called abnormal. Once he comes into contact with Yuan Li, he will lock all the Yuan Li around him. Combined with Shangxuan's profound and exquisite swordsmanship, only the feather snake god is present. Maybe he has the ability to fight him.

"Feather snake, you... If you don't do it again, we demon clan... Don't care about it."

All the demon clansmen were stopped, and fan Ao couldn't help roaring, but... The feather snake god in the distance was still unmoved.

"No hurry, no hurry."

"It's not time yet." the flying feather snake god said slowly, and a hint of conspiracy gradually appeared in the corners of his mouth.

As soon as his voice fell, at the entrance of this secret place, several powerful breath flashed.

People from the aquarium side finally entered here.

After entering the tomb, several families spread out to look for treasure. Only Ye Feng and Bai Hucheng, led by monk Duobao, followed bachelor Su and first found the feather snake god and others here.

At this moment, a surprise suddenly appeared in the eyes of the feather snake god. The pupils became a burst of scarlet, and the demon light was in full bloom. The five Python wrapped around his waist became active again, began to bite his internal organs, and gathered the endless Demon power in the past.


He finally did it.

Ye Feng was very cautious immediately, mobilized the fire of Honglian industry and concentrated on it.

He felt that the feather snake god would definitely come to seize the jade slips in his hand at the first time.

Although there is no possibility to resist, Ye Feng is not a person who is waiting to die. No matter what, he has to fight hard.


The thick flame rose. At this moment, the temperature on all sides soared to an incredible level.

However, to everyone's surprise, the target of feather snake god is not Ye Feng, but... That island.


A piercing sound broke the air, and he left a charred mark in mid air.

The real body has appeared on the island, about two or three hundred feet away from Ye Feng.

Ye Feng, who is facing great enemies, still dare not relax his vigilance.

At such a distance, powerful as the feather snake god, one slap can kill himself.

Monk Duobao also raised a pestle to subdue demons. A golden cloud turned and a Buddha light shone on Ye Feng.

Buddha's light protects the body from all poisons.

It can counteract the power of curse, negativity, etc.

"Hey, hey..."

Seeing this scene, the feather snake god on the ground gave a sneer, and a strange smile flashed on his face. He kept pinching the Dharma formula with both hands, and a black air filled the air. Then, the whole dreamland shook violently.

Ye Feng found that the entrance of the dreamland was closed by him.


Even fan Ao, who was fighting with master Su in the distance, didn't expect such a change. He couldn't help blurting out, "feather snake god, what the hell are you doing?"

The feather snake god ignored van Ao's scolding sound and lit up two dazzling lights, one red and one red

These two colors make leaf maple feel a little familiar.

Suddenly, his mind moved, and there was a faint foreboding.

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