"Yue'er, your 'falling' ability can't be used indiscriminately. If you're possessed, do you think it's fun?" Ye Feng's tone was a little blaming.

This means is the life-saving means of the Fallen Angel family. Once used, it is very likely to turn into a devil and pay a price that ordinary people can't bear.

Light is the body load, bear internal injuries, heavy is possessed and out of control.

Of course, the month of killing God can be controlled, but even if nothing happens, too much use will cause incalculable consequences.

"I... I'm afraid something will happen to you..."

The murderous moon turned her head with a red face and said very charming, "you haven't recovered yet. The killer sneaked attack and put all his eggs in one basket. One breath can decide life and death. No matter whether you have the ability or not, you should go all out in the face of sneak attack."

"You don't have to worry about me."


Ye Feng doesn't know what to say.

Killing God moon is really for yourself?

But Ye Feng's tone was still severe for a few minutes and said solemnly: "don't do this in the future... Even if I'm at the point of life and death, you should believe me. I won't die so easily. Just like last time, in the dreamland world of Honglian fire, I entrusted my body and mind to me... Remember my words."

The month of killing God loves herself deeply after all. Once a rebellious woman like her pays her heart, she is easy to be desperate.

They looked at each other silently, but their hands were tightly held together.

At present.

Mr. Su frowned, looked at the semi holy strongman on his knees, and whispered, "Shui people... Are they from nishang tribe?"

She is both a strong man and a woman of the aquarium.

Did she come at the instigation of the fairy?

However, the aquarium Queen looks down on them too much... Just a semi saint, dare to break into the hall of God killing month in the bloody land?

With Ye Feng's keen, let alone semi holy, even Su is not sure that he can escape his spiritual perception in such a close range.

"Ha ha." the aquarium woman on the ground smiled coldly, took off her masked black robe and said, "so what? Even if you guess my identity, what can I do?"

A cold and arrogant face appeared, with long green hair, a pretty face and a strong contempt in his eyes.

Without any concealment, she despised Ye Feng and others.

"What Terran hero, a great genius, is just a lecherous man who is entangled with a fallen angel woman..."

The aquarium woman snorted coldly, looked at the killing moon with disdain, and then said, "and you, a fallen angel family, don't know how to be good. A lowlife family is worth your use of 'falling'? Do you remember your ancestral teachings for generations?"

She knows something about the month of killing God.

I have lived in the clan of the Terran since I was a child. After being persecuted, I carried out crazy revenge on the Terran. Later, I don't know how, I actually chose to forgive?

Even so close to Ye Feng?

In the eyes of the aquarium women, the act of killing God month is no different from that of the bitch, which is even lower than the bitch.

"The prisoner at the bottom of the steps, you can teach me?" Ye Feng sneered and looked directly at the aquarium woman with some pondering. "Where are you noble? Sneaky and sneaky, but you are still captured with one move, and have the face to say?"


The aquarium woman was angry and wanted to refute, but she was choked in her throat. After all, this is a fact. "The waste of the human kingdom, I can kill you with three moves."

Mr. Su shook his head, showing a look of regret. He didn't seem to want to do it.



In an instant, a sword light swept away. The fierce sword intention had cut off the vitality of the aquarium woman and made her fall to the ground in great pain.

"I can kill you with one move. Do you believe it?" Bachelor Su was slightly angry.

Ye Feng and shashenyue are both disciples of xuanyizong at present... Being disrespectful to them is insulting both scholar Su and xuanyizong.

Moreover, Su never showed mercy on other foreigners.

"Ye Feng, it's up to you to deal with whether this woman is killed or cut." after putting down the aquarium woman, Mr. Su turned his head and paid special attention to Ye Feng's opinion.

Among them, Ye Feng's strength is the worst, but he is definitely the one with the most strategy.

Su also believes in Ye Feng's judgment.

"Master, let's leave her first..."

Ye Feng slowly came forward, half squatted down and stared at the aquarium woman's face. "You must have been instructed by something. I won't kill you, but I won't let you go. If you don't tell your purpose, you'll stay for a period of time as a prisoner. How about?"


Aquarium women show the expression that birth is better than death.

When Ye Feng approached her, she felt foul smelling and wanted to ask her purpose?

A scholar prefers death to humiliation.

She would never allow such a thing to happen.

In the eyes of the aquarium woman, there was a determination. As soon as she bit her lower lip, she transported Dantian Yuanli and was ready to explode. Dantian died with Ye Feng and others.

I didn't think that her vitality had long been cut off by Su's sword intention, which could not be called up, and Ye Feng, who saw this scene, also pressed her head with a palm.


Like the feather snake god of that day, Ye Feng used a simplified version of his soul capturing method.

When consciousness, meta power and spiritual power are intertwined, a powerful idea flows into the woman's mind, which makes her unable to move like lightning in an instant.

As if consciousness were isolated from the body.

"This... What's going on?" the aquarium woman turned pale, but found that she couldn't even move her lips.

"Ha ha." the murderous moon came forward and said with a smile, "Ye Feng's spiritual power, at this distance, I'm afraid even the general holy land can be controlled... You claim to be superior to him, but you have to be at his mercy. It's ridiculous?"

Poor strength, but also ridicule others?

It's ridiculous.

These three bastards

The aquarium woman's red eyes, a feeling that life is better than death, climbed to her heart.

Falling into the hands of Ye Feng, the king of martial arts, is God's ridicule to her. If this matter is sent back to nishang tribe, even if she can go back alive, she will have no face to stay any longer?

"Master, are we going to leave as soon as possible?" Ye Feng stood up and said with some hesitation.

He can't guarantee that the people of nishang tribe have colluded with the barbarians in the north. Moreover, since there are Shui nationality spies to investigate, Ye Feng believes that there will be news from the barbarians soon.

Barutu won't let them go.

At present, Ye Feng doesn't want to entangle with each other anymore.

Thirty six strategies are the best. As long as they arrive at xuanyizong territory, even if they are given 18 courage, they will never dare to come to the door

"Good." Su bachelor nodded, and there was already a yellow talisman in his hand.

As peiran's vitality poured into it, a transmission method array gradually emerged in situ.

Xuanyizong Mountain Gate is hundreds of millions of miles away from the bloody chaos. Only by using a special transmission array can we arrive as soon as possible.

Looking at the formation of the Dharma array, the murderous moon on one side was at a loss... She flew up and danced in the air for a long time. Finally, she took a deep look at this place, but her eyes fell on Ye Feng again.

I'm leaving.

A new journey.

New partners.

An unknown story.

Among them, it is full of danger and hidden opportunities.

However, as long as you can accompany Ye Feng, even if the mountains and rivers are full of fire and dragons, what can't you do for yourself?

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