"Hum, I'm not from the other courtyard of the sword Pavilion. I won't deal with you. Now get back to me. Wait until I ask the Dean about this and see how he comes down..."

Even though he was very angry, Mr. Su still maintained due restraint, but each slapped and scolded a few words, which made Ye Feng confused.

It's just a few martial arts masters from other academies. They can't even be regarded as external disciples. As an elder of Xuanyi sect, how can bachelor Su give them so much face?

Is it difficult for these guys to have a strong background behind them?

The young man in royal clothes thanked Mr. Su, got up in a hurry and left in a panic.

Ye Feng stared at their backs and couldn't help sighing. He recalled monk Duobao's advice to him.

Xuanyizong may not be a paradise.

In this big Mac sect, there are also criminals who do evil, boast and domineering.


Ye Feng went to master Su and asked, "what are these people from? If they were also disciples of Xuanyi sect... It would be too bad for the sect's reputation?"

"Although they are also the disciples of the sect, they are only the disciples of the district difference Academy. A large part of them come from various martial arts families in the thirteen counties. They have been used to it since they were young and have a weak foundation. It is difficult to really promote them to become external disciples. Therefore, the sect has turned a blind eye, but they didn't expect to do such unscrupulous things."

"Hum... After returning to the sect, I must ask the sect leader to send someone down and discipline him well."

Su said angrily, but the expression on his face was somewhat helpless.

After calming down for a moment and returning to the car with Ye Feng, Su explained to Ye Feng and Sha Shenyue, "I'm laughing... Although I'm one of the three major Terrans, I'm also the one who has the most contact with the secular world."

The remaining two are maintaining their own traditions. Ordinary practitioners can't touch them at all. It's not too much to describe them as "high and cold".

Xuanyizong set up another courtyard around Wukang city just to keep close contact with the major aristocratic families in the thirteen counties. In this way, although it can coordinate some human forces, it is inevitable that there will be a mixture of good and bad.

"Just now, I saw through the foundation of those people. They should be the people of the night family. The night family ruled the whole Wukang city and was once one of the royal families... Of course, that was decades ago."

The past is like smoke, Mr. Su recalled.

Although there is a slight decline at present, the night family is still the most powerful aristocratic family in Wukang city.

In order to coordinate this power, the other courtyard of Jiange gathered some of the second and third generations of children of the night family and gave them the identity of a disciple.

"Ye Feng, you should be prepared. Most of the people who come in from the sect are in the other courtyard of Jiange... But you don't care. The senior level of the sect never regards them as real disciples. After entering the other courtyard, if someone doesn't open their eyes to provoke you, you don't have to be polite. The old man will decide for you." Bachelor Su's voice is cold and his eyes are murderous.

Obviously he was still angry about what had just happened.

Ye Feng touched his chin, smiled and said, "master, don't worry. Disciples have their own discretion."

In Ye Feng's mind, xuanyizong is a staple of Dingding Terran.

That's why Ye Feng wants to join.

But since some outlaws have committed crimes in the name of sect disciples, Ye Feng will not be polite.

Such a person had better not provoke himself.

Along the way, Su's expression was somewhat helpless.

Before Ye Feng joined xuanyizong, he saw an unbearable scene. He was really a sect elder. However, the dean and other elders control other hospitals, and there is nothing he can do.

After running for more than two hours, Linju went through a huge forest and came to a towering waterfall.

Su got out of the car, took out two bronze medals from the storage bag that seemed to be somewhat similar to Xuanyi Guling, and handed them to Ye Feng and shashenyue.

"Although the location of the other courtyard is fixed, the entrance is changing at any time. Only with this disciple token can you feel the specific location of the mountain gate."

Condense the yuan force on the token to open the transmission array and enter other hospitals.

"Such a token represents the identity of your disciples of other institutes. Everyone will keep the mother in the cabinet of other institutes. You can activate it by inputting Yuan Li for the first time, and then enter your life... If it falls, the mother will be broken." Su explained patiently.

Ye Feng nodded.

This kind of life card is not a strange thing. Basically, the slightly larger sect will be equipped for disciples.

But when he injected yuan force, he found a trace of strangeness.

With his powerful spiritual power, it is not difficult to feel that the token forcibly took away his breath.

This breath will obviously be backed up on the mother book of the cabinet, which can be used to track and judge their exact location.

"This is also an array?" Ye Feng asked in surprise.

Such a complicated array is not easy to concentrate in a small copper order.

What's more, it is also necessary to ensure that the master can be backed up at the same time.

The means of seven commodities is really unpredictable.

"Yes, I have guessed for a long time. With your mental strength, you may be able to guess some secrets in the token," said bachelor Su with a happy smile. "There are three arrays in this token, which are the handwriting of the master Xuanji of the first array in another hospital... If you are interested, you can learn from him after you join."

Bachelor Su showed an expression of "children can teach", while Ye Feng was surprised.

Because he heard a new word.

Array master?

"I'm really just a frog at the bottom of a well in Tiandi Yuanzong. The secrets and cultivation system of this continent are not so simple." Ye Feng had a glimmer of expectation in his heart.

The most important point is that only by mastering the array can we open the channel between Shenwu and Yuanwu. Over time, it may be possible to return to Yuanwu.

This is also a reason why Ye Feng wants to join xuanyizong.

With the two people's rapid input of element force, a small transmission method array was soon opened.

The breath around the waterfall became illusory. As a faint white light lit up on the three people, their figures disappeared at the same time.

When he reappeared, he had fallen outside a mountain gate.

The simple and tall stone gate is open in front of Ye Feng.

"This is our sect... The sword Pavilion is not the courtyard..." following the guidance of bachelor Su, Ye Feng looked behind the mountain gate, where there were several tall buildings on the top of a cloud shrouded mountain.

When you step into this other courtyard, even if you step into xuanyizong with half a foot, you represent the supreme status in Shenwu... After countless hardships, you finally get out of this step.

It's a step closer to returning to the original world.

But what Ye Feng and murderous month don't know is that at the moment when murderous month enters Yuanli.

In the other courtyard of Jiange on the top of the mountain, in a dark attic, a white haired old man suddenly frowned and gave a strange cry.

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