The xuanming array is a four level array. Based on 15 xuanming inscriptions, it gathers the power of cold frost and scorching sun to build a powerful array with positive and negative effects of yin and Yang.

But the array drawing of xuanming array doesn't look complicated. If you don't look at the dense notes written by elder Tianji, it's intuitively similar to the structure of level-1 array.

But with these annotations, it becomes complicated immediately. It involves the principle of operation, the details at the time of initial construction, the circulation of Yuan force and the use of spiritual force, and even the order... It's not complicated.

The same seemingly simple array has a completely different depth.

The array is broad and profound. It is worthy of being a magical secret.

Ye Feng sighed.

"Hmm?" thinking of this, suddenly, Ye Feng patted his head and felt suddenly enlightened.

His body jumped up.

He began to search among a lot of Dharma array drawings nearby.

Before long, Ye Feng found many similar first-class Juyuan array diagrams.

After careful comparison, he found that the drawings of these poly element arrays are very direct in order and structure. They can be placed with the simplest thinking.

Only the drawings left by Tianji elder are somewhat different.

Ye Feng has tried countless placement sequences and found that they are feasible. Although they are feasible, they... Have no effect.


Ye Feng twitched at the corners of his mouth and finally realized it.

"It turns out that... It's a level 4 or even level 5 drawing, but it's a level 1 product and makes you toss around. No wonder it's wrong."

He has been busy for most of the day. At the moment, Ye Feng has no resentment on his face. Instead, he has a sense of happiness.


On the other side, Li Jiutian, who observed the scene, gave out a burst of soft Laughter: "Taoist priest, this leaf maple is really good. So soon, he saw the Guan Qiao."


There was helplessness on the Taoist priest's face, and unexpected eyes appeared in his eyes.

He deliberately arranged layers of traps for a first-class drawing, just to prevent Ye Feng from seeing the clue.

But I didn't expect that Ye Feng figured it out in less than an hour.

"Dean, although he can see it, there is a big gap between seeing through and whether he can build this array. The old Taoist is sure... He will definitely not succeed."

"Really? Cluck, Taoist priest, why don't we make a bet? If Ye Feng can't build it successfully, the dean will spare him, but if it's really built, you can't hinder the dean's follow-up action."



A cold hum came out of the light.


At the moment, Tianji and Laodao are extremely contradictory. On the one hand, he hopes Ye Feng can surprise again and build this array.

Who doesn't want to dig out a genius himself?

But on the other hand, he hoped that Ye Feng could not succeed. After all, only he knew something. The somewhat strange Dean was carefully brewing a very dangerous plan.

If ye Feng, who only has Wang Jing's accomplishments, is stared at by her and rashly participates in it, it will definitely be a near death situation.

How can talented people and beautiful jade die prematurely if they can prosper the human race?

Fortunately, this four level array is very difficult to build. He should not succeed.


Ye Feng, at the top of the attic, didn't expect such a thing at all. At the moment, he was immersed in speculation.

After figuring out the situation, now he has encountered a new problem.

Their own yuan strength and spiritual strength are not enough.

Moreover, he has no divine consciousness. How can he set up a four-level Juyuan Dharma array?

But at least now, Ye Feng understands the true face of this drawing, so he won't have no clue.

"Building a four level Dharma array requires divine knowledge and at least cultivation in the holy land. It can't be done."

"But... Obviously, this is the test of elder Tianji. If I have the way of array, how can I see the difficulty and retreat?"

Ye Feng dragged his chin and whispered a few words, frowning.

Facing difficulties and being indomitable is the reason why he can come to the current step.

After repeatedly checking and comparing several classics, Ye Feng slowly emerged a new idea.

"So... Maybe it works?"

He copied many drawings of the primary Juyuan array and groped carefully. After some tossing, a primary Juyuan array was formed in front of him.

Well, it works.

In the past, no one taught him any knowledge of Dharma array, but it did not hinder Ye Feng's self-study.

Elder Tianji's attic is full of ancient books related to the Dharma array. Most of the books are quite esoteric and difficult for him to understand at the moment. On the contrary, there are many introductory books of the Dharma array that can be understood by Ye Feng.

If you want to build a high-level array given to him by the Tianji elder, it will certainly not work behind closed doors. However, if there are books to guide you, Ye Feng feels that he is not likely to succeed.

Being idle is also idle. It's better to... Have a try.

A faint smile appeared on his face and he began to be busy looking for the Dharma array books suitable for his self-study.


The secret Taoist priest was shocked when he saw this picture.

"What is he doing?"

"Have you chosen to give up? Stop tossing and start looking for books? Well, you know, you can learn from difficulties."

Although he doesn't understand what Ye Feng is going to do now, if he doesn't continue, there is no doubt that the Dean just bet himself that he won.

The boy should not be picked by the dean.

However, soon, the color of surprise and doubt in the eyes of Tianji elder gradually became strong. It seems that he didn't give up.

Because these books selected by Ye Feng are undoubtedly related to the four-level Juyuan array.

This is special.

I set my eyes on the ball of light. It's a pity that with the eyesight of elder Tianji, I can't see through the ball of light. See what kind of expression the Dean inside is now

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