Time flies. It's noon soon. Although the three are better than when they first entered the gravity array, they still can't make complete movements.

In particular, Ye Feng and Xiaotong are close to the bottom at the moment, but they have to hold on even if they can't lift in order not to be punished by Qin September.

"If it goes on like this, we may not be able to practice it in a few years?" Xiaotong flashed a trace of despair on his face and looked at Qin Jiujiu. "It's noon. Should we drink some spirit porridge to supplement our strength and continue?"

Spiritual porridge and spiritual food are indispensable nutrients for some powerful zongmen aristocratic families.

A lot of training will inevitably lead to the inability to maintain Yuan Li, and taking spirit porridge will help improve the recovery of disciples... Therefore, practical spirit porridge is a key link for some large gate disciples.

It is said that some ethnic groups of the demon family should use double cultivation to cultivate their yuan and consolidate their foundation.

Hearing her words, Qin Jiujiu sneered, nodded and said, "it's really time to eat... But I forgot to tell you that you three are not allowed to eat or sleep until you meet my requirements. As for how to meet my requirements, this... I haven't figured out yet."

Then she flashed and disappeared directly.


Xiaotong's face was pale and shouted. The reply to her was just a sharp shot of Yuan Li. With a hiss, Xiaotong burst out a bright light in front of her, which scared Xiaotong to collapse to the ground.

The murderous moon looked at her with a sneer and said, "if you still think that Qin Jiujiu will treat you like a person, you'd better give up as soon as possible..."

This woman is obviously torturing her spirit with extraordinary means. Of course... If you want to say that she is training her three people, that's in the past.

"This really can't last..."

Ye Feng stopped and dragged his chin into meditation.

No matter which race or sect, they all have their own reasons.

The combination of work and rest can get twice the result with half the effort. How can they be treated as harshly as Qin September?

However, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Qin September can't torture and humiliate them for no reason. Maybe she has another deep meaning.

Ye Feng nodded.

"Yue'er, Xiaotong, take a break while she's away... You can use the spirit stone and medicine to restore some yuan strength." he touched a large number of spirit stones from the storage ring and handed them to the two women.

After the murderous moon reached out and took it, she held one in each hand and began to recover.

But Xiaotong despised the spirit stone handed over by Ye Feng, took out a bottle of elixir directly, poured out a few and swallowed it.

Through the medicine, they survived the most difficult first stage and made their faces a little more ruddy.

But how long will this day last?

Now, Ye Feng and Xiaotong can understand the meaning of the previous group of disciples in other hospitals. Why can few people go out alive from Qin Jiujiu?

How many people can persist in such torture if it is repeated day by day?


When the yuan force recovered to about half, the three began to repeat their previous actions until dark.

After a whole day of oppression, Ye Feng felt exhausted. He slowly turned his head and his body was a little shaky. Finally, he stood firm under the support of his strong willpower.

"Xiaotong..." suddenly, Ye Feng frowned and struggled to look at Xiaotong.

The murderous moon was also surprised by some changes. After feeling it, the same face changed. They both found that at the moment, only the last ray of Yuan force was left in Xiaotong's body.

Even if there is a pill to solve the problem of Yuan force, under the pressure of gravity, both mind and physical strength are consumed to the extreme.

Although Xiaotong's cultivation has reached the semi holy land, his Taoist heart is not stable. If he goes on like this, he will soon encounter a mental demon.

"Why don't you take a break?"

"No. If I can't even compare with you, I'd rather die alive." Xiaotong said with crimson cheeks and hot air on her head.

"At this time, you have to be tough?"

Ye Feng smiled bitterly. Seeing that she obviously wouldn't listen to herself, she couldn't take care of her.

After a day's training, Ye Feng had a little more adaptation when he raised his Epee to practice his sword technique.

Although the sword body is heavy, it makes him feel that his body and external weight are gradually integrated.

When the heavy sword body becomes a part of your body, this weight can obviously be borne.

He slowly raised his sword in the air.

According to the description on the sword manual, begin to practice the first decomposition action of "snow splashing".

As for the month of killing God, the speed of cultivation is much faster than that of Ye Feng. You can almost stab this move completely.

Among the three, only Xiaotong is a little worse.

But she also gritted her teeth and insisted.

At this time, a familiar voice sounded behind them, which shocked the three people.

"So so so, it's OK. It seems that you haven't been lazy during my absence."

"In terms of your current cultivation accomplishments, compared with those wastes in the past, you really have to surpass..."

The graceful figure of Qin Jiujiu came slowly. Unexpectedly, she heard praise from her mouth.

However, when she approached the edge of the gravity region, she took three eggs out of her arms with a smile on her face.

Then, Qin Jiujiu lifted his palm and Yuan Li held the three eggs in the air, slowly flying in front of the three people.

"Don't get me wrong. It's not for you."

Qin Jiujiu smiled sarcastically, "you barely get through the first step. This is the task of the second step."

"Within three days, if you can't completely peel off this raw egg with 'Snow splashing', then disappear from my eyes. Of course, I mean forever..."

Three days?

Ye Feng and murderous moon frowned, and Xiaotong was bent to the extreme. He rubbed his eyes and wiped back his crying tears.

Rao is the Holy Land expert of killing God moon. They all think it is extremely difficult.

It's certainly not difficult to discuss the snow splashing style in the "snow stepping sword technique"... But with the blessing of gravity and Epee, it's almost an impossible task to complete in three days.

"Ye Feng!" the murderous moon gnawed her teeth and looked at Ye Feng with a murderous intention in her eyes.

Ye Feng shook his head slightly: "yue'er, just do it according to elder martial sister in September. She has no grievances with us in the past and no hatred recently. How can she deliberately humiliate us for no reason."

"That's right." Qin Jiujiu smiled coldly, "just because of you, you don't have the qualification to fight against me."

"What? You want to do it with me?"

"No, No." before the murderous moon collided, Ye Feng quickly shook his head and explained.

Qin Jiujiu smiled calmly and appeared in the moonlight on the top floor of the white jade palace in front.

A soft bed appeared under her.

This powerful and impenetrable beauty leaned on the bed and looked down with her hands, as if she enjoyed their torture.

"Since you don't want to die, what are you doing?"

A cold voice came, and it seemed that there was a slight sob of Xiaotong.

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