"Tut Tut, failed?"

Qin Jiujiu, above the white jade palace, sneered twice, flew over and hovered in mid air, "if you fail, you will be punished."


Doesn't Qin Jiujiu even give you a chance to try?


In an instant, he fell on a finger in the air and flew the murderous moon out, with blood hanging from the corners of his mouth.


This time, even Ye Feng couldn't stand it.

He can stand Qin Jiujiu against himself, but he can't stand Qin Jiujiu against the people around him.

In an instant, his face was full of anger, and his hair stood in front of the murderous moon.

Qin Jiujiu raised his mouth, glanced at Ye Feng and said leisurely, "hum, since you stand out for her, I'll give you a face. Now you still have two chances. If you can't succeed, you'll give me as far as you can go."

"It's rare for me to meddle in these affairs."

Ye Feng's voice was cold, his head held high and said, "don't worry, I've never given up halfway here. Just wait until the time comes."

"OK." Qin Jiujiu nodded with a trace of appreciation in his eyes. "Then you should think it over carefully. Don't learn her to use brute force indiscriminately without thinking... The essence of snow splashing style can't be brought into play only by cultivation and sword spirit."

This seemingly casual sentence made Ye Feng frown.

What is Qin Jiujiu implying? She is obviously reminding herself.

"After thinking and using brute force indiscriminately... The essence of snow splashing."

Staring at the eggs hanging in the air, Ye Feng fell into meditation.

If the test is simply for difficulty, why does Qin Jiujiu keep letting raw eggs hover in the air?

It's the hardest thing to put it directly on the ground.

Maybe the three of them really missed something. There's a cause and effect they didn't understand.

"Ye Feng..." what did shashenyue think of.

If not, I'm afraid Qin Jiujiu will really torture them to death.

After all, what does this crazy woman dare not do?

"Sobbing..." Xiaotong looked at Ye Feng and posted it. "Ye Feng, you have to think of a way. There are still a long time... I don't want to be buried with you."


Ye Feng made a gesture.

Because of his strong mental power, Ye Feng can't use his mental power to hinder the operation of gravity array, but he has no problem deducing this test in his mind.

"Come on, what's the key? Come out quickly..." he wants to race against time.

Half a day, only half a day.

At this moment, Ye Feng's spiritual power turned to the extreme, and the picture in his mind seemed to be the same as reality.

The naming of each move of "snow stepping sword" has its own meaning.

Splashing snow... Stepping snow... And back leaf.

This is a superb understanding of kendo, which integrates the ideas of experts in the complex system of kendo.

It can be seen that the snow splashing Guan Qiao is not "snow splashing", but "splashing".

"I see."

Ye Feng suddenly opened his eyes and flashed a bright light in his eyes.

When the murderous moon and Xiaotong threw surprised eyes at him, he had slowly held the Epee flat: "moon, help me."

The murderous moon immediately realized that Ye Feng seemed to have found a way to crack it. Surprised, she put her palm on Ye Feng's shoulder.

Pure yuan force flows into maple leaf like a spring... Even if yuan force is transmitted in this way, it will cause a large loss of Yuan force, but there is no time to consider these at this time.

If you can't break this maze, the three are more dangerous than good.

When the murderous moon sent a large amount of Yuan force into Ye Feng's body, Ye Feng showed a slight smile on his face. He took a deep breath and cut into the side of the raw egg... In mid air.

The Epee has no edge and no trace in the snow.

Suddenly, Ye Feng seemed to understand the profound meaning of xuanyizong's ancient sages when they founded this sword method.

In an instant, the sword Qi came out. However, under the control of Ye Feng's powerful mental power, most of the sword Qi exploded and splashed to all parties. One by one, the meaning of the sword was compressed into the size of hair by Ye Feng.

Murderous moon directly takes the Epee to stimulate the sword spirit and cut eggs.

Ye Feng was not. His blade fell on the side, only stirred up the sword Qi on all sides, flew away, and then rushed to the suspended raw eggs.

Although the same use of this move "snow splashing", even in terms of proficiency, it is not as good as killing God moon, but the results are different.


Only a slight cracking sound was heard and passed into the ears of the three people.

Thin marks appeared on the fragile eggshell. The delicate sword Qi peeled off the outer shell the size of the nail cap.

"How is that possible?"

Xiaotong was stunned.

Ye Feng, he actually... Really did it? And obviously better than the killing moon.

Mingming just returned

Xiaotong's Taoist heart is very messy at this moment.

After successfully peeling off a piece, Ye Feng's performance is not anxious and impatient. Even if he is physically and mentally tired and lacks yuan strength, he still has to insist on coming up with a way to break the game.

How did he train his perseverance?

Xiaotong's mind is full of question marks, and Ye Feng doesn't stop after trying to find out the method, and continues to use the snow splashing style to throw out the sword Qi one by one.

Xiaotong watched helplessly. The raw egg in front of him slowly turned into a crystal clear ball... Even the egg yolk inside could be seen clearly.

So terrible.

"Tut tut......"

At the top of the white jade palace, Qin Jiujiu's cold eyes gradually turned to joy. She looked down at Ye Feng from a high position. "As expected, I had great talent. It also took me three days to explore this bureau. You are half a day less than me... Good."

Somehow, Ye Feng always felt that there was a trace of cunning in Qin Jiujiu's eyes. It was obvious that there was a conspiracy.

"Very good."

She flew in front of the three, patted Ye Feng on the shoulder and said, "now that you have succeeded, go with elder martial sister... As I said before, if one of you can complete my test, you will be rewarded."

Hearing this, Ye Feng frowned.

So it's successful?

It seems that there is a feeling of thunder and heavy rain. Is it too easy for Qin to realize in September?

"Excuse me, elder martial sister September, what about the two of them? Can they leave?" Ye Feng turned to Qin September and asked.

"Just go if you want. They take care of my elder martial sister's shit. Elder martial sister only needs you." after that, Qin September said with a smile, walked ahead and slowly walked towards the white jade palace.

Ye Feng made a gesture to the worried murderous moon, indicating that she didn't have to worry, then jumped out of the gravity area and followed Qin September into it.

Inside the palace, the decoration is very simple. There are some scattered musical instruments everywhere. Occasionally, a trace of heat can be seen escaping from many hot springs inside.

However, after stepping into the palace, Ye Feng couldn't help frowning. He felt his spiritual power and was isolated at the moment he entered it.

Moreover, he was not aware of the existence of any Dharma array.

What's the reason?

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