"So you're hiding from me to be with this woman?"

A trace of disappointment and resentment flashed in the girl's eyes.

Seeing that he and Ye Feng were suddenly stopped by a beautiful girl, the killing month was also curious about her at the beginning, but her eyes narrowed when she heard the words behind her.

"Who is she?"

Turn around and ask Ye Feng.

Ye Feng shook his head. He vowed that he didn't know the girl in front of him.

The girl who stopped Ye Feng's way was mo Chengkong's second sister MO forget. But when she saw MO forget last time, she wore a curtain hat mask on her head to cover her stunning face, so Ye Feng had never seen MO forget.

Now don't forget to remove the hidden things on his head. Instead, Ye Feng looked confused and some couldn't recognize it.

"Well, Ye Feng, how dare you say you don't know me? Four days ago, I said you didn't marry, didn't you forget?" don't forget to say loudly.

This is the gate of Xuanyi sect's main courtyard. Many disciples from other academies come to attend the Kendo assembly. They have to pass through here. There is an endless stream of pedestrians.

Don't forget this sentence. It immediately attracted the attention of many people around. They stopped one after another and looked at Ye Feng.

Some even began to tell Ye Feng what to do. Their faces were full of gossip. They were quite curious.

"Are all the beauties now so hungry and thirsty?"

"Who is this man? It doesn't look special."

"Eh... He seems to be Ye Feng. Unexpectedly, the legendary Ye Feng is not only extraordinary in cultivation, but also a romantic seed. He has been followed by a great beauty. Now he is stopped by another beauty and says that he must not marry. It's worth living if a man does what he does."


Passers by stopped to comment, while others planned to stay and see how Ye Feng handled it.

Don't forget to see people talking about themselves like this, but don't get angry. Just stare at the murderous moon with slightly murderous eyes.

She felt a threat from the murderous moon.

Murderous moon is charming and moving. She has a mature temperament when she raises her hands and feet. In the face of such a girl's eyes, she just smiled, didn't make any other response, and didn't ask Ye Feng again.

Because the month of killing God completely trusts Ye Feng.

"Don't you forget?" Ye Feng reacted at this time. He looked at her unexpectedly and looked helpless.

I didn't expect that MO forget, who threatened not to marry himself, was still a great beauty.

"Of course I don't forget, otherwise who else do you think there is? Ye Feng, now you see my appearance, do you like it? I ask you now, do you want to marry me?"

Don't forget to look at Ye Feng with a trace of longing in your eyes.

Ye Feng frowned and just wanted to speak, when a sarcastic voice suddenly sounded in the crowd.

"Slag man! This leaf maple is a slag man."

The crowd turned and looked in the direction of the sound source.

The speaker is Xie Cheng.

Xie Cheng, who had watched several games, was about to leave. When he passed the gate of the main courtyard, he heard the noise from here and came to watch the excitement.

Seeing Ye Feng as the protagonist, he couldn't help feeling happy.

Huan Jue asked him to stop Ye Feng from entering xuanyizong, but at the Kendo conference, the two sides need to draw lots. Ye Feng is lucky and hasn't met him yet.

He has no excuse to deal with Ye Feng.

It was because of this that I was worried. Now I suddenly saw that Ye Feng was stopped. I couldn't help but move in my heart. I thought he was finally allowed to wait for the opportunity to humiliate and suppress Ye Feng.

Four days ago, in the first battle of Wangyue building, don't forget to wear a curtain hat. Others couldn't see her real face. Xie Cheng came in a hurry and went in a hurry. At that time, don't pay too much attention to don't forget.

So he didn't recognize the girl in front of him, which was the woman who reminded Ye Feng that day.

Seeing this stunning appearance, Xie Chengxian felt a move in his heart. Then he stepped out of the crowd without thinking. He came to the front and comforted softly: "girl, is this guy always abandoning you?"

"Hum, you are such a scum. All of us just people will not sit idly by. As long as you nod your head, I will help you take him down today and let him listen to the girl."

As he spoke, Xie Cheng rebuilt the eight kingdoms of the king's territory to give it out.

The manner of righteousness and strictness really makes people think that he is a aboveboard and upright gentleman.

However, don't forget that a pair of big eyes stopped on Ye Feng from beginning to end.

She didn't even look at Xie Cheng's appearance.


Seeing that he was ignored by the other party, Xie Cheng was angry.

However, his anger was soon suppressed by him. He came to pick things. He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to humiliate Ye Feng and even solve the problem in advance.

Even if you can't kill him directly, you can take the opportunity to hurt him.

As long as Ye Feng is injured, he has no chance to advance to the top ten. In this way, the task entrusted to him by huanjue can also be completed in advance.

On reading this, Xie Cheng immediately changed his strategy, pointed to Ye Fengzhi and asked, "unexpectedly, the so-called Wukang City, the Terran hero Ye Feng, played with and bullied women?"

"How can a person with bad morals like you be qualified to be a disciple of xuanyizong?"

However, no one paid attention to Xie Cheng this time,

Not only did Ye Feng and MO forget not look up at him, but even none of the onlookers echoed.

The world of martial arts respects martial arts. As long as you have strength, why not?

Don't say that playing with women is killing and setting fire, and no one will interfere with anything.

Xie Cheng wanted to occupy the moral commanding height, but unfortunately, for a group of martial artists, this is really a joke.

And Ye Feng didn't know this woman at first. What are you talking about playing with and bullying women?

It makes people laugh.

Completely ignored by the public, Xie Cheng only felt that his old face was hot.

But he still didn't give up. He turned to don't forget to say, "girl, you don't have to hesitate. Why take him to heart, such scum as Ye Feng? You see, he already has a beautiful woman around him. He won't care about your feelings. Just say that the other party has three heads and six arms. I thank Chengdu for taking a breath for you."

This time, Xie Cheng's words seemed to play a role.

Don't forget your eyes on Ye Feng. Finally, he moved and looked up at Xie Cheng: "are you Xie Cheng, the eldest son of the Xie family?"

When Xie Cheng heard this, he thought that after hearing his name, he was full of admiration. He couldn't help but straighten his chest and said with some pride: "yes, I am Xie Cheng! Girl, don't worry. Although Xie Cheng is not talented, he is also confident to stand up for the girl. If this boy dares to offend the girl, everyone will be punished."

He repeatedly claimed that he would not forget to come out, that is, he wanted to make an excuse to shoot Ye Feng.

However, next, don't forget a word, immediately let Xie Cheng's already red face rise like a pig's liver.

Don't forget to disdain to drink: "get out!"

"You are scum. You and your brother are scum."

"You two scum, compared with Ye Feng, you don't deserve to lift his shoes."

Xie Cheng's eyes stared and his mind "roared" for a while. He couldn't help but step back and almost thought he had heard wrong.

He felt that he had been fooled.

Ye Feng and don't forget to play together.

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