Ye Feng smiled faintly and said, "I'm a reckless man. I'm not qualified to use weapons."

"You... OK! Don't blame me for looking for your own death!"

Niu Changhao was so despised that he became angry.

He gave a loud cry and immediately appeared with an ox demon shadow on his back.

The ox demon virtual shadow seemed to be related to Niu Changhao's noumenon. With Niu Changhao's loud drink, the ox demon virtual shadow on his back also roared.

Suddenly, an appalling sound wave surged up like a tide.

Everyone under the stage felt that their ears would be deafened.

Many people retreated.

Tian Changlao, who presided over the competition, waved his hand, and white lights flew out of his cuffs, turned into dozens of light spots and landed everywhere in the challenge arena. Then an energy mask visible to the naked eye appeared on the challenge arena.

As soon as the energy mask was formed, Niu Changhao's body moved.

He jumped up and quickly jumped at Ye Feng. With a sharp howl, he cut through the air with a huge axe in his hand and chopped off at Ye Feng.

This axe was only a tentative attack. Niu Changhao didn't do his best. His purpose was to see how strong Ye Feng was.

But even so, an axe is coming, and the power is terrible after all.

Looking at the huge axe, Ye Feng only felt that there was a huge mountain on his head.

He stepped back and suddenly a mysterious inscription appeared on his back. He urged the star body protection skill to the extreme,

Then, one punch out.

"Boom -"

The challenge arena shook.

With a terrible fist power, shibagua fist rolled up towards the sky, bombarded with a giant axe, and immediately disintegrated Niu Changhao's attack.

However, Ye Feng stumbled, was forced to step back a few steps, and stepped heavily on the edge of the challenge arena.

"You can take my axe with a meat fist, Ye Feng."

Niu Changhao's body fell back to the ground again, and there was a trace of dignity in his eyes.

He didn't exert all his strength just now, but the huge axe in his hand was strong and heavy, and it fell from top to bottom. Even ordinary Wang Jing's nine heavy warriors didn't dare to dissolve it easily with his flesh.

But Ye Feng did.

It shows the strength of Ye Feng.

Thinking of this, Niu Changhao gradually put away his contempt, the yuan force in his body was crazy, and the ox demon virtual shadow on his back changed at this time, gradually condensed into a semi essence.

"Boy, don't light up your weapons again, otherwise you won't have a chance." Niu Changhao shouted, and his voice shook the sky.

Ye Feng sighed helplessly, "you told me to light weapons. Don't blame me."

Reach out.

A short black iron stick immediately appeared in Ye Feng's hand.

The short iron stick is as dark as ink and ugly. It doesn't look like a magic weapon. It looks like a fire burning stick commonly used by farmers.

Seeing Ye Feng's weapon, the people watching the war were stunned. Even some elders couldn't help shaking their heads.

"This boy is too big. It's time to humiliate his opponent?"

An elder shook his head.

"A fire burning stick can also be used as a weapon. It's really... Not like words." an elder sighed.

Previously, many elders liked Ye Feng and thought that Ye Feng was not as strong as Niu Changhao, but he was also a material that could be made.

However, Ye Feng's current performance can't help but make them sigh.

They all think that Ye Feng is vain and inappropriate.

"Ha ha, master Su, is this the good disciple you taught?"

"The stick is not like a stick, and the sword is not like a sword. What did you teach him? It is of such a standard that it is worthy to compete with my disciple. I don't think you can take back your original Flying sword today."

Qian Zhong also gave a sneer and took the opportunity to satirize.

Su's face also showed some embarrassment. He had never seen Ye Feng's short stick weapon. He also wondered what the hell Ye Feng was doing.

Some time ago, in the other courtyard of Jiange, didn't Li Jiutian pass on his sword technique?

Is it because there is no spirit sword?


When you have a chance, you should help the disciple build a magic weapon.

"You... Dare to humiliate me. You really want to die."

Seeing that the other party despised himself again and again, Niu Changhao was furious. After taking one step, he flew up again.

He no longer had any reservation. Yuan Li was urged to the extreme. The ox demon virtual shadow that had been solidified on his back changed again and suddenly increased several times.

In just a moment, the whole challenge arena was shrouded.

The huge ox demon shadow covered half the sky, and the whole challenge arena was shrouded in shadow.

"Boom -"

Suddenly, the yellow scarf axe fell from high.

It's also an axe.

The difference is that this time Niu Changhao used his martial spirit, and the ox demon virtual shadow on his back followed his body, raised a condensed black axe and chopped it down at Ye Feng.

The virtual shadow axe and Niu Changhao's Noumenon axe soon merged into one.

The momentum shook the sky and pulled out a bright huge axe blade in the void.

Before the attack fell, Ye Feng's challenge arena ground was oppressed by this terrible breath and made a loud noise.

The bluestone challenge arena blessed by the array actually opened a huge gap.

The scene made many people exclaim.

Tian Changlao bowed slightly and made a posture of readiness to rescue Ye Feng at any time. Even he didn't think that Ye Feng could take the axe.

Among all the people, except Li Jiutian, who was seated in the middle, and a few people such as Su Shifu, who had strong confidence in Ye Feng, all the others showed a look of horror.

Worried that Ye Feng will be directly cut into mud under the other party's axe.



Ye Feng, who was in the middle of the storm, was like a mountain, towering and motionless.

Just as the axe was about to fall, he gently raised the short iron bar in his hand.

"The secret of the supreme sword, open the sky!"

With a light drink, Ye Feng replaced the knife with a short iron bar and drew it out of the void.

A bright light suddenly broke out on the stick and lit up the world in an instant.

It seems that a hot sun suddenly rises above the challenge arena. The dazzling light shines so that everyone present can't open their eyes for a moment.

Both on and off the stage, including the elders sitting on one side, felt a stagnation of breathing.

A huge sense of crisis shrouded in my heart. Many spectators trembled on their feet. Some people with weak cultivation even stood unstable and fell to the rear.

Except for a limited number of people present, no one could see how Ye Feng got his hand.


When they opened their eyes again, they only saw Niu Changhao, who was as strong as an ox, spit blood at his mouth and fly up like a dead dog and fall to the ground.

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