Night nightmare said this not only to the barbarian warriors, but also to the Shui and Yu.

The leader of the aquarium is a cool woman.

Covered with a veil, I can't see the true face.

Hearing this, she frowned and whispered, "nightmares, everyone depends on their abilities. There's no need to kill them all?"

In the final analysis, the aquarium still has concerns in their hearts. Moreover, their relationship with the human race should be above the demon and barbarian races. Even if it is only a false cooperation, they still have to do superficial Kung Fu.

"Hum, Lengyue, when did you become a kind-hearted person?" nightmares disdained to make a cold hum when she heard this.

Man Da also sneered: "that is, Leng Yue, if you don't want to, just deal with me with them. I'd like to see how far your Tianshui formula has been cultivated now?"

Leng Yue's eyes were quiet and her words were cold: "what? If you want to do it, I'll accompany you."

Manda snorted, but did not pay attention to Lengyue.

Instead, he looked at Xing Kuo, a master of the feather clan and a white feather green shirt, and directly said, "let's work together to clear the Terran and aquarium, and then give a hundred layer reward. How about one person from each of the three races?"

Speak this out directly in front of everyone. I'm not afraid of Terrans and aquariums to hear it.

This is a great confidence.

I'm not afraid of being known. It will bring accidents.

Ye Feng's eyebrows wrinkled. Manda, this guy, was arrogant to the point of arrogance. He didn't pay attention to himself and others at all.

Xing Kuo was a handsome man who looked almost strange. When he heard Manda's words, he showed an unfathomable smile and said faintly, "it's a good idea."

Manda smiled and was ready to speak.

But with Xing Kuo, he said with a smile, "unfortunately, I, the Yu nationality, have no interest in your barbarian proposal!"

"You..." the smile on man Da's face was instantly stiff.

He was just about to say Xing Kuo was interested.

But now, it's coming too fast.

Xing Kuo's narrow Danfeng eyes blinked, and there was an unspeakable feminine overflow.

He looked at Manda coldly and drew a touch of light irony from the corners of his mouth: "want to use us as guns? Sorry, you made a wrong calculation."

"We have jointly dealt with Terrans and aquariums. Next time, will you barbarians and Demons work together to deal with our feather clan?"

"And although the number of places is small, I am confident that I can occupy one of them. If you want to play casually, your highness, take the first step."

After that, he flashed and jumped directly to the 93rd floor.

He climbed directly at the moment when everyone was involved.

"Xing Kuo! You!"

Man Da roared angrily, and his face was distorted with anger.

But Xing Kuo's action was too fast, so that he didn't even have a chance to stop.

Night nightmare's face on one side was also gloomy in an instant.

Then, he also flashed and rushed straight up.

At this time, where can we talk about cooperation or not? If they delay for a while, the benefits will be preempted by Xing Kuo.

It can be said that Xing Kuo's unexpected move directly broke the idea of the combination of demon and man.

It brought great convenience to Ye Feng and others.

"This feather expert is a little interesting."

Ye Feng, whose eyes twinkled, smiled and praised. He didn't hesitate. Kunpeng's nine day body method soared and flew straight up.

However, he was already one step behind, and his action was a little slow. He didn't catch up with the top five, which made Ye Feng feel a little pity.

"There are too many people. It's no way to go on like this."

Ye Feng glanced at a group of experts one by one, and secretly evaluated their combat effectiveness again.

The most powerful semi saints in the front should be nightmares, Manda, Xing Kuo and Lengyue, the leader of aquarium, plus Zhou Hongyi and the semi saints of tiandaomen.

As for the rest, including Zhao state, they can only be in the second echelon.

"All the four families have their Royal Highness in person, and the reward quota is very few. Then the semi saints of the four families will certainly obey their Highness's orders and will not compete with the superior."

"Therefore, if there is no accident, the last competitors are just a few."

"As for my Terran side..."

Ye Feng looks at Zhou Hongyi.

The semi holy master of xuanyizong hasn't seen him go all out until now. Instead, Ye Feng doesn't know whether he has the final qualification to compete with those people.

Moreover, at this level, there was no other king realm except Ye Feng himself.

After 90 floors, the difficulty doubled and doubled.

If he had not been supported by the original power of divine wood and bathed by the power of stars, it would be difficult for Ye Feng himself to be at the same level as these semi holy masters.

This is the difference in the details of cultivation, but it can't be narrowed by relying on the demon emperor's divine bow.

Now, Ye Feng even began to doubt whether he could go to the last layer.

Night nightmare and others didn't stay too much, and they all felt it. The more they went up, the more exaggerated the increase of pressure in the ladder became.

Therefore, they all began to bite their teeth and climb up against the clock.

Between the ninety-four and ninety-five, several people had nightmares all night, with a hard look on their faces and a cold sweat on their foreheads.

This surprised Ye Feng secretly.

To his surprise, after two hours of rest, many semi saints could not climb the 96 floors at all.

Whether it is the semi saints of the four races or the Terrans, they tremble and withdraw quickly after stepping on the 96 steps with one foot.

Then the whole person seemed to be out of strength and gasped.

The strong man tried to step by force, but he was directly broken away by the huge pressure on the steps and almost lost his life.

With the lesson of this unlucky man, no one dared to try again. For a time, the 96 floor seemed to be a restricted area.

After a period of preparation, nightmares were dignified and tried many times before they began to climb.

Better than them, they all seem quite laborious!

They can only step on one foot and slowly adapt to the pressure.

This made Ye Feng, who stayed on the 94th floor, frown.

It's not because the difficulty suddenly soared.

But in this way, those demon and barbarian semi saints who are obviously impossible to go up will certainly unite to snipe themselves at the instigation of night nightmare and Manda.

When the time comes, even if you still have the ability, you will be stopped by those semi saints.

He estimated the situation and felt that he could not wait any longer.

He also wanted to learn from Xing Kuo's previous practice. Unexpectedly, he directly climbed to the 96 floor and didn't give the demons and barbarians a chance to react to the joint siege.

As long as we can lead up to the 96th floor first, at most, in the face of nightmares and Manda, we are not willing to consume our energy and may not start a war.

That's it.

Having made up his mind, Ye Feng began to calculate carefully.

"Look at them. Nightmares have the hope of successfully climbing the 96th floor. They can do it, but they may not be able to do it."

"We must try our best, and there is only one chance. We can only succeed, not fail."

At this point, Ye Feng didn't hesitate.

In an instant, his body was full of Yuan force, and the secret method of "riot" was activated again. At the same time, his mouth was full of pills to restore yuan force and spirit.

In the body, the original power of Shenmu is fully mobilized.

Even leaf maple directly inspired the power of "eternal pulse" to strengthen its own defense and endurance.

Until he had done all this, he suddenly gave a loud cry, and in the confused look on everyone's face on the 95th floor, he applied the Kunpeng nine day body method and rushed up to the 95th floor like a wind.

After standing firm, Ye Feng didn't linger at all and took a deep breath.

In full view of the public, he went straight to the 96th floor.

"Shit, what the fuck did I see?"

"That guy... Actually wants to impact two layers of ladder from 94 to 96?"

"Crazy. I'm afraid he will be shocked into a blood mist directly. It's really... Looking for death!"

Ye Feng's move was beyond everyone's expectation and made all martial artists, including demon and barbarian, stunned

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