Every guide, who travels countless times in Youzhou, always has some unique experience and experience.

These can't be bought outside.

Most of the so-called intelligence sold in those shops is also known by the public, and there is little unique experience to teach.

For example, in the cave where they are now, the intelligence purchased will never be marked. There is such a safe place here.

This is based on the guide's own experience in Youzhou. These are the most precious and valuable.

What Ye Feng wants is Bai Mu's unique understanding of the millions of mountains.

Not something popular.

Bai Mu's eyes twinkled. Looking at Ye Feng, he showed a strange smile: "young master Ye has a lot of ideas. However, since you also said that these things are the capital for each of us to settle down and make a life, then a million dollars is a little low. It's not too much to say that they are priceless."

Ye Feng was not angry and nodded slightly: "the price is not a problem. Brother Bai Mu can make a quotation according to the value of each piece of information. As long as you are willing to sell, the Lingshi is not a problem."

Bai Mu looked at him and kept silent for a long time. Then he said with a smile: "young master Ye is so sincere. If I refuse again, it will be too inhumane. In that case, I'll tell young master Ye some."

"Thank you!" Ye Feng said sincerely.

"You're welcome, Mr. Ye, because I didn't tell you for free. I know a strange place in the million mountain area. It's extremely remote. If Mr. Ye wants to know this information, he needs tens of millions!"

Bai Mu's eyes flashed.

Before Ye Feng opened his mouth, Yang Zhen said discontentedly, "Hey, my senior brother asked you to make your own quotation, but he didn't want you to feel that you suffered a loss. It's kind, but it's not appropriate for you to ask for prices like this?"

He looked at Bai Mu and looked unhappy.

If you open your mouth for a message, you will ask for tens of millions. This is stealing money!

Bai Mu spread his hands and was not angry: "I naturally understand the kindness of Childe ye, but in my opinion, this information is really worth the price. Of course, if you don't want it, I can find some cheaper ones to sell."


Yang Zhen still wanted to talk, but Ye Feng stopped him.

Ye Feng looked at Bai Mu and said slowly, "I believe brother Bai Mu is a man and won't ask for prices indiscriminately. Since you say this information is worth so much, it should be worth it. I'll take it!"

When the words fell, he took out a spirit stone bag.

It doesn't matter whether the price is expensive or not. As long as Bai Mu is willing to say, the more expensive it is, the better.

What he wants most is that kind of unique intelligence!

"Mr. Ye is really happy, but the ugly words must be said first. Although I don't think others know it, because I came in by chance, I can't guarantee that others don't know. Therefore, Mr. Ye still has a chance to repent."

Bai Mu took out the spirit stone directly when he saw Ye Feng, and admired Ye Feng's cheerfulness.

But he didn't pick up the spirit stone bag.

Ye Feng waved his hand: "brother Bai Mu's words are bad. There are really unique things in this world. As long as the place is really as special as you said, it's worth the price whether others know it or not."

Bai Mu was a little stunned. He looked at Ye Feng deeply, then accepted the spirit stone bag and said slowly:

"Young master Ye is one of the few people who can make me admire at a young age. Words alone can't show that I'll draw a route for you."

"Thank you."

Bai Mu started directly, and stopped from time to time to think carefully in the process of drawing.

It took more than half an hour to draw.

Ye Feng looked at it and couldn't help feeling.

This map is indeed very detailed.

Compared with the map in their hands, it is no different. There are even some special trails in the mountains, which have been drawn and marked.

It is also a regional map of millions of mountains. If they only buy one, it is impossible to find that there are so many remote and deserted trails in the mountains.

Not to mention what's special about that place, just this detailed map makes Ye Feng feel that the ten million flowers are worth it.

"Mr. Ye, that place has been marked in red. You should remember that when you enter that area, you must wait until the full moon. Otherwise, even if you stand at the entrance, you can't find a way to enter."

Bai Mu asked Ye Feng to put away the map, and then gave a serious order.

"Is there such a saying?" Ye Feng was a little stunned.

"Yes, I entered it for the first time. Later, it took me more than half a year to constantly look for evidence and explore, and then I found the law. If I wasn't not sure whether others knew about this place, let alone 10 million, I wouldn't tell others ten times." Bai Mu said slowly.

"Thanks a lot." Ye Feng apologized again.

"In addition, I'll tell you some more information, which can also be said to be some experience that I can survive by walking in millions of mountains. If you are interested, you can pay another 30 million spirit stones!"

Bai Mu looked at Ye Feng and stretched out three fingers.

When Yang Zhen heard this, his face sank: "brother Baimu, your appetite is getting bigger and bigger. Do you think my senior brother is generous and can ask for prices arbitrarily?"

"Ten million just now and 30 million now. What if you lie to us in blank words?"

"Now trapped in this cave, there is no way to prove it. You say special is special, and you say useful is useful?"

Bai Mu looked at him and said with a smile, "Why are you angry, young master Yang? I didn't force you to buy, did I?"


Yang Zhen choked instantly.

He turned and looked at Ye Feng. The meaning of his eyes was obvious. He didn't want Ye Feng to buy it.

He felt that Bai Mu was determined to eat now. Only when they wanted those unique news did they dare to speak to the lion.

Ye Feng gave him a look and told him not to be impatient. Then he said to Bai Mu, "my younger martial brother's words are not unreasonable, but I am willing to believe brother Bai Mu's behavior. I bought the news, but if I find some deception, the monk can't run away from the temple. Brother Bai Mu won't mind me saying so?"

"Oh, of course, this is due."

Bai Mu shook his head and smiled.

Ye Feng took out a spirit stone bag again.

Bai Mu did not tell him orally, but directly used Yuan Li to carve the news and experience into a jade slip and handed it to Ye Feng.

"A good memory is not as good as a bad pen. When things happen later, young master ye can take out this jade slip and watch the comparison."

Ye Feng was stunned and thanked again.

Anyway, at least, now he feels that the information should not be false, and every point recorded in it may be worth it.

In a crisis, it's not too much to say that you can save lives.

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