Deep in no man's land.

According to the guidance of the villain, Ye Feng has been able to vaguely see the water source after nearly an hour of hard driving.

It is a clear spring.

"The water..."

When he got close, Ye Feng looked at the clear spring and suddenly felt a little familiar.

With a flash in his eyes, he took out the water collected in the Tianchi Lake directly from the storage ring.

"Very similar."

Ye Feng carefully compared it, but he was not sure.

The special breath contained in the water is very similar, but there are slight differences.

In this clear spring, the special smell of water is a little higher than those in Tianchi.

"Elder, do these two kinds of water have any special functions?"

After pondering, Ye Feng asked the villain.

"The water you collected is Kan water. The water here, to be exact, should be called congenital spirit dew. In terms of grade, congenital spirit dew is much higher than Kan water."

The child's attitude towards Ye Feng is really much better than before. Unexpectedly, he is willing to explain to Ye Feng.

"Kanshui? Congenital Linglu?"

Ye Feng knew nothing about it. He had never heard of these two things.

The villain looked at him and frowned. He seemed to be thinking about how to explain it so that he could understand the value of these two kinds of water.

A moment later, the little talent said slowly, "these two kinds of water are not what you can touch today. The ridge water can promote some special physique to change qualitatively."

"To some extent, it is more precious than a divine thing."

"More precious than divine objects?" Ye Feng was surprised.

The villain nodded slightly, then sneered and said, "in fact, it is much more precious than you think, but now you can't understand. The most precious thing you can imagine is just a divine thing."

Ye Feng was stunned.

Although the villain's words are a little ugly, he really can't understand how precious things are more precious than gods!

"As for this innate spirit dew, ha ha, it's what you can imagine. The most powerful martial artists in the world are not qualified to use it."

The villain pointed to the water in the clear spring, and his words shocked Ye Feng.

"Can't you understand? I tell you, the world of martial arts is far more complex than you see. You can't imagine some powerful existence in this world."

"What you think of now, the most powerful master, in their eyes, is no different from mole ants."

"The divine realm is just another new beginning."

The villain's words, like a heavy hammer, severely hit Ye Feng's heart, making him feel an abnormal heart plug in an instant.

Divine realm is the ultimate pursuit of all martial artists.

But now, the villain told him that the divine realm was a mole ant.

At this moment, Ye Feng wavered in his practice and persistence in enlightenment.

Gods are mole ants. What's the meaning of cultivation?

The villain looked at Ye Feng and put away the disdain in his words.

Instead, he said in an unprecedented serious tone: "the significance of practice and persistence is that you don't even have the qualification to become a mole ant until you reach the divine realm. Only when you reach the divine realm can you be qualified to go to the vast world and see the broader world and heaven and earth."

"Although the divine realm is a mole ant, it has the qualification to break away from the life of the mole ant."

"Do you want to live less than ants, or do you want to fight and choose real freedom?"

Ye Feng was stunned in his place, and the waves in his heart made him unable to calm down.

The villain's words touched him greatly.

It seemed that he had grasped something, but he missed the door.

"The weak, seeing the existence of the strong, will despair, while the strong will catch up or even surpass!"

"Do you want to be a mole ant whose fate is controlled by others, or do you want to be the supreme existence that controls the fate of others?"

The villain's voice is like a flood of bells.

Ye Feng's body trembled, his eyes became firm, and then saluted the villain respectfully: "thank you for your advice!"

He realized it.

These things are not what he can touch now, but the villain told himself.

This is to improve yourself so that you can adapt in advance.

The goal of striving for it is just another starting point. At the moment I just heard about it, I was really hit hard and my heart of despair rose.

There was even a moment of doubt about life.

But the words behind the villain let Ye Feng understand.

Now tell him this, it depends on whether he can make the right choice.

If he doesn't recover, I'm afraid the villain will give him up directly.

This is a test for him.

In addition to the test, Ye Feng also knows better what he wants.

Some things, not only have the result to work hard, but work hard, there will be the result.

Now he wants to strive for the qualification of that effort!

"Very good."

Seeing the change of Ye Feng's look, the child nodded with satisfaction.

"Rest here. With the movement of the water source, you won't be killed by the wind of yuansha. Congenital Linglu, but you can't use some things that the old immortal craves, but it's also very helpful to practice by smelling the breath. This is also a rare opportunity. If you miss it, it's hard to have it again."

Ye Feng was determined.

Took a look at the clear spring water and tried to collect some.

You can't let go of such a precious thing.

The villain didn't stop it. He just smiled and said: "human desire is really caused by nature. It's just because you want to collect innate spiritual dew. It's ridiculous..."

Ye Feng was embarrassed when he heard the speech. He was about to touch the hand of the spring and stopped for it.

That was almost a subconscious action just now.

I'm a little embarrassed now.

The villain sneered: "why stop? Try it, can you get the water away!"

Ye Feng smiled awkwardly and simply withdrew his hand.

The villain obviously told him that the water could not be taken away.

Even waiting to see his jokes.

"There is still a little self-knowledge." the villain smiled.

Ye Feng was speechless.

You can only practice next to this clear spring.

The villain just said that even if he just smelled the breath of this congenital Linglu, it would be of great benefit.


After a long time, Ye Feng didn't feel any benefit, and the speed of cultivation didn't increase.

He wondered, and the villain also wondered.

"No, Just smelling the breath of innate spirit dew can stabilize the yuan soul and increase your cultivation. Why is there no movement?"

Ye Feng shook his head: "really not."

"It's really strange. It seems that you don't have this blessing." the villain muttered.

Ye Feng scratched his head. Suddenly, a flash of light flashed at the villain and asked, "senior, since this thing is more precious than a divine thing, can it be used as a divine thing according to the lowest effect?"

"Isn't that nonsense? It's more precious than a divine thing, don't you think?" the villain gave him a white eye directly.

With a smile, Ye Feng took out the dried up enlightenment branch from the storage ring.

"This is..."

The villain was stunned.

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