
Ye Feng repeated.

He had never heard of such a strange name.

The villain beside him, after hearing Mo Changfeng's address to himself, his face suddenly changed, showing a look of shock, but then he recovered as usual.

In the eyes of Mo Changfeng, there was also a faint cyan flash. He stared at Ye Feng and seemed to want to see Ye Feng thoroughly.

A moment later, he said with emotion: "you haven't found anything special in your body. It can be seen that you are a person with good luck. The most mysterious thing about this good luck is that I can't see a trace of mystery."

Ye Feng couldn't take these words. He just smiled awkwardly, but he kept muttering in his heart.


Are you lucky?


I was kidnapped here by that villain.

He really hoped that he had great luck and was the son of destiny.

Then I wouldn't be unlucky to see this villain in Youzhou and suffer so much.

Ye Feng wants to vomit something. The middle-aged man in front of him looks very powerful. If someone finds out that he is lying, he may end up miserable.

But the villain is still looking at himself.

Ye Feng can only pretend that he doesn't know anything. He plans to make a careless eye and muddle through.

However, at this moment, he suddenly saw that Mo Changfeng's body was cold and his sharp eyes fell on the enlightenment branch.


Ye Feng was surprised.

Just now, the master appeared so suddenly that he didn't have time to put the enlightenment tree away.

Even the villains were so surprised to see him that they forgot to cover it up.

The middle-aged man is so powerful that he can survive alone in no man's land, which is enough to show his extraordinary origin. He is likely to be a powerful old monster. If he recognizes the enlightenment tree

Ye Feng felt a little cold in his heart.

You won't be unlucky to be killed and robbed, will you?

Mo Changfeng stared at the half branches of the Wudao tree for a moment. His face was already excited and became more intense.

"Sure enough, your boy is a member of the great fortune. You can even get the anti heaven thing like the enlightenment tree. Although it's only a remnant, it's the treasure after recovery!"

Ye Feng smelled the speech and sighed slightly. As expected, he couldn't hide the old monster.

He became nervous.

Mo Changfeng ignored it and continued to say happily, "it seems that my judgment is correct. It's worth my trip to meet you here."

Ye Feng can only smile bitterly and try his best to cover up the tension in his heart.

However, it is obvious that all this can not be concealed from an old and sophisticated guy like Mo Changfeng.

"What are you nervous about? Boy, are you worried that I will kill you to win the treasure for the enlightenment tree?"

Mo Changfeng smiled jokingly, and his face showed a touch of irony.

What he thought in his heart was so straightforward that Ye Feng's face turned red and was very embarrassed.

"Hehe, little fellow, maybe I could have done this before, but now, you don't have to worry."

Mo Changfeng smiled faintly and opened his mouth with some emotion.

"I still expect you to take me away from this ghost place. Moreover, the enlightenment tree can only improve me. Just put your heart in your stomach."

He spoke very frankly, which reassured Ye Feng a lot.

Mo Changfeng looked around, pinched his fingers, calculated, and slowly said, "the yuan Sha wind will not dissipate for at least half a month. I have been trapped here for too long, so I have to save some strength."

"Just wait here for another half a month, and then see if you can find a chance to go out."

"Everything is ordered by my predecessors."

Ye Feng can only nod and agree.

Mo Changfeng sighed again: "so you boy, a man of great luck, was swallowed up by the space crack, and unexpectedly appeared on the edge of the congenital spirit dew?"

Ye Feng hardened his head and said, "it's just luck and luck."

"Hehe, how can there be so many coincidences in the world? All the coincidences and luck are enough to prove something." Mo Changfeng smiled faintly.

He stretched out his hand and pointed to the branch of the enlightenment tree.

"Let's not talk about anything else. You're also the first living person I've met in so many years. I can help you first."

"Do you want to restore this branch?"

Ye Feng didn't understand what he meant, but he nodded: "of course... I can't wait."

"Do you know what you need to do to restore it?" asked Mo Changfeng.

Ye Feng said: "the younger generation knows that one or two need a lot of divine things to nourish. It is almost impossible for the younger generation to afford such a price, but... These congenital spiritual dew you said is also of great benefit to it."

"It seems that you know some ways. If you want to rely solely on divine things to recover, you need a very large number. It's your luck to meet the innate spirit dew."

"I can use the innate spirit dew to help you recover the strength of this branch as soon as possible."

Mo Changfeng said calmly.

"What?" Ye Feng was a little unbelievable.

He already knew what Mo Changfeng said before.

You don't need his help to recover with congenital Linglu?

Just put it on the side and absorb it.

Mo Changfeng looked at Ye Feng's expression and smiled and said, "have you ever thought about it, boy? When you leave here, can you still use the innate spirit dew? What I just said is to let you take some of the innate spirit dew and carry it with you to nourish the branches of the enlightenment tree at any time."


Ye Feng's eyes stared round, and he almost doubted whether he had heard wrong.

The villain just stressed again and again that the congenital Linglu can't be taken away, but when he meets an old guy, he actually says he can collect the congenital Linglu for himself?

He couldn't help looking at the villain.

The latter looked thoughtful.

Unable to get any useful information, Ye Feng said tentatively, "senior, under my cultivation, it seems that I can't take this thing away."

In this regard, Mo Changfeng just smiled faintly and said:

"In ordinary times, you really can't take it away with your cultivation, but it's still that sentence. You're lucky. You have a savvy branch in your hand. Don't say it, but you met me."

"To some extent, the enlightenment tree can be called the congenital tree."

"Congenial Linglu is also called congenial water."

"All things in the world are mutually generated and mutually restrained. The most well-known thing in the world is the theory of the five elements. Among the five elements, water can produce wood. Therefore, as long as you use it well and use this enlightenment branch, you can collect the innate spiritual dew!"

Ye Feng was shocked.

Naturally, he knows the theory of generating and restraining each other.

But knowing and being able to use are two different things.

Especially when it comes to Yin, Yang and five elements, all of them are so profound and complex that ordinary people can't imagine. In most cases, ordinary people can only use the power of mutual restraint.

For example, use the water system skill to restrain the fire system, use the earth system to restrain the water system, and so on.

As for the more abstruse theory of symbiosis, it is almost a field that Ye Feng has never touched before.

Mo Changfeng's words obviously want to use the symbiotic attribute of aquatic wood to collect the innate spirit dew

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