Mo Changfeng looked happy and pulled maple leaf towards the stone forest.

He is not afraid of danger here, just afraid that Ye Feng will not feel anything special.

The reaction now made him very excited.

At least, in this way, you may leave the no man's land.

A moment later, one by one, they had set foot in the stone forest. The soles of Ye Feng's feet inevitably stepped on those bones.

There are many bones everywhere. There is no road. If you want to go in, you can only step on the bones.

Ye Feng's heart became very uneasy.

After all, what they are stepping on at the moment are all divine bones!

"Elder, have you ever entered the stone forest before?"

In order to ease the inner tension, Ye Feng asked.

"Once, but I didn't find anything wrong, so I didn't pay more attention." Mo Changfeng nodded in response.

Ye Feng followed, pretending to look around.

In fact, they are waiting for the villain to give instructions for the next step.

The other party came here, but didn't find any difference here. His cultivation is low. He can't perceive anything, and can only wait for the guidance of villains.

Sure enough, after a long journey, the lantern in the villain's hand flashed and purple fog filled the air ahead.

He gave a direction.

That direction, in fact, is to let them continue to deepen.

Ye Feng concentrated and pretended to feel abnormal. He stepped on the pile of divine bones and moved forward slowly.

Mo Changfeng is vigilant to protect Ye Feng.

I'm afraid there will be a sudden danger to attack myself and myself.

After about several miles, the villain stopped at a place.

The further instruction he gave was to ask Ye Feng to dig up the bones under his feet.

Ye Feng was stunned.

"How?" he was always watching Ye Feng's ink. Seeing that Ye Feng looked different, he frowned and asked.

"Senior, I suddenly feel that there are some special fluctuations in this underground area... It seems that I need to dig up the bones here to have a look." Ye Feng shook his head and answered truthfully.

"Oh? There are special fluctuations? Why don't I think so?"

Mo Changfeng frowned, but he believed Ye Feng's words.

With a gentle wave of the palm, a surging force was immediately aroused, sweeping the bones in front of the body to the side.

At their feet, a large area of blood red sand was exposed.

"This... Shouldn't be red with God's blood?" a trace of horror appeared in Ye Feng's heart.

In his nostrils, he faintly smelled a faint smell of blood.

Mo Changfeng's face also became dignified: "what should I do next?"

"Dig! Even if it's not a place to go out, there must be something strange." Ye Feng said confidently.

He had seen the little man on one side digging.

Mo Changfeng nodded and began to do it immediately according to Ye Feng's instructions.

Soon, a deep hole was dug in the red sand under their feet. Sure enough, a dark channel was exposed below.

Now, Mo Changfeng's face became more dignified.

"There's such an entrance hidden. I didn't notice it last time. Well, there seems to be a very dangerous smell below."

His tone was serious.

From the dark entrance, he had vaguely felt the depth of the channel, and there was a breath that even he had to be frightened.

"Well, do you want to go down and have a look?" Ye Feng hesitated.

As far as his original intention is concerned, he certainly doesn't want to take risks, but the villain has walked to the channel entrance one step ahead of time.

"Go in, of course. If you don't go in, how do you know what's inside?"

Mo Changfeng nodded with a solemn look. At this step, he couldn't give up.

He asked Ye Feng to follow him behind him, and then stepped into the passage.

"If you are in danger, don't move or run away."

While walking, Mo Changfeng didn't forget to turn back and whispered an order.

In fact, Ye Feng's heart is not so afraid.

Because the villain has gone in, since there is no voice to remind himself that there will be no great danger here.

The passage was dark and long. After stepping into it, the surroundings became invisible, like the scene when you came from the wind ghost cave.

However, under the power of Mo Changfeng, Ye Feng can barely see some pictures around him.

On both sides of the passage, there are cyan jade walls, on which are all kinds of carvings.

They are all fierce animals that have never been seen before. Their faces are ferocious and lifelike.

Although it was only carving, when he saw it, Ye Feng even felt that these carved fierce beasts would jump down from the jade wall at any time and devour him.

After walking for about half an hour, their eyes suddenly became bright, and they had reached the end of the passage.

However, what he saw in front made Ye Feng feel a thrill.

The front is a big tomb!

Facing them is the tomb gate of the tomb.

Two huge bronze gates.

There are also complex lines on the bronze gate, as well as those fierce animal carvings. Ye Feng took a look and quickly took back his eyes.

On both sides of the gate, there are two fierce animal statues made of unknown materials.

It's the same look Ye Feng has never seen.

It exudes a rather ancient atmosphere, with a fierce look and claws. It seems to be suppressing the cemetery and guarding the gate.


His throat was slightly astringent. Ye Feng couldn't imagine what kind of existence could build the mausoleum in the depths of no man's land?

Mo Changfeng looked dignified, explored back and forth for a long time, and said slowly, "this time, we may get into trouble. This is an ancient taboo cemetery. There may be a mysterious existence in it."

As he spoke, he looked at the bronze gate and two fierce animal sculptures.

"It's very old and doesn't leave any identity marks. Either you deliberately hide your identity, or for some reason, you can't leave marks. However, in either case, the existence in this cemetery is very terrible."

Mo Changfeng's expression now is very tangled.

On the one hand, he wanted to go through here to see if he could find a chance to leave, but on the other hand, he didn't dare to go in easily.

Ye Feng did not respond to Mo Changfeng.

When he saw the mysterious villain, he went straight through the bronze gate and went in.

This scene made Ye Feng's heart bristle.

The villain didn't open the door, but directly put it in.

If it's a flesh body, can't you do this?

"Is it difficult... Is it really a spirit?" Ye Feng muttered.

In this case, it means that the villain is also likely to be a dead existence!

I actually communicated with a dead existence for so many days and signed some kind of contract with each other.

Ye Feng now even doubts whether he has died unconsciously.

He didn't dare to think it over.

Seeing Ye Feng staring at the gate, Mo Changfeng frowned and asked, "what's the matter with you? Do you also feel that there is a crisis after the gate?"

"No, no, no, that's not. I think there shouldn't be too much danger inside."

Ye Feng quickly stopped and said.

The villain didn't give a hint, which meant that they were allowed to push open the bronze gate.

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