Ye Feng looked stunned. Every disciple knew him?

This was unimaginable before.

This also shows a truth. The number of wanjuezong now is too small. Maybe there are only dozens at most. Only in this way can a disciple in charge of guarding the door know everyone.

Forcibly restrained the agitation in his heart, Ye Feng said slowly: "to tell you the truth, he lost contact with zongmen because of some accidents before going down. You don't need to doubt, just pass it on."

"Well... Well, wait a minute."

The gatekeeper hesitated a little, turned around and inspired a messenger.

Soon, he went back to Ye Feng: "I've passed it on. You said you didn't have twin peaks before. Elder Yan Xi is currently in seclusion. Another martial brother will confirm your identity later."

"It doesn't matter, thank you." Ye Feng nodded and smiled.

Even the gatekeeper, he had never known before, but at this time, he also meant to be close from the heart.

"You've been waiting here for a while"

Both the gatekeepers looked at Ye Feng curiously.

When Wan juezong moved here, he counted the number of people, and almost all the survivors were there.

In front of him, this young elder martial brother, who has reached the five levels of emptiness, said he hadn't come back for several years. It's really strange.

Ye Feng was not in a hurry. He stood quietly outside the valley and waited.

At the same time, zongnei, a side hall.

A beautiful woman was meditating, but she suddenly opened her eyes.

She looked at the messenger with a shocked face.

"Leaf maple"

After the lips opened slightly, the beautiful woman's face was full of amazement.

If ye Feng is here, he can recognize at a glance that this is the witch fish who had a good relationship with himself.

But now elder martial sister Xiaoyu has less ancient and strange temperament and more killing.

The whole person is much calmer than before.

The next moment, the figure of the witch fish disappeared directly from the side hall and rushed out like a wind.


At the mountain gate, Ye Feng only felt that someone flashed. After seeing each other's face clearly, he showed a happy smile at the corners of his mouth.

In the eyes, the meaning of reunion after a long separation is really indescribable.

"Elder martial sister Xiaoyu, I'll be fine for several years."

When the two gatekeepers saw Wu Xiaoyu, they saluted respectfully and opened their mouth to explain Ye Feng's identity, but Wu Xiaoyu interrupted them directly.

In her eyes, now, only Ye Feng is alone.

The two people actually have some meaning of caring for each other.

Ye Feng was a little uncomfortable when he was seen by the witch fish. His old face was slightly red. He just wanted to speak, but when he saw the witch fish, he burst into tears.

She rushed forward and punched Ye Feng on the shoulder.

"Ye Feng, you son of a bitch, do you still know to come back?! I knew you weren't dead, you certainly weren't dead!"

The witch fish was in tears, pear blossom with rain, but his eyes were full of smiles.

It was heartfelt happiness.

The two gatekeepers on one side burst into tears when they saw Wu Xiaoyu. The whole person trembled and quickly retreated far behind.

They all looked shocked and set off huge waves in their hearts.

Witch fish, goddess of war!

Actually shed tears, and still in front of a man.

They looked at each other and were very curious about Ye Feng's identity?

It must be the disciple of wanjuezong. They don't doubt it.

I just wonder how there are disciples who have returned for so many years.

Moreover, the relationship with witch fish is so special.

Ye Feng sighed in his heart and said slowly, "I'm sorry to make you worry about me. You've suffered all these years, but now I'm back and everything will be better in the future."

"Hum, who's worried about you? You son of a bitch, who let you show off. You have to deal with that gluttonous food. If only you died directly!"

The witch fish wiped his tears, but his mouth was still unforgiving.

Ye Feng can only smile bitterly.

This made the gatekeeper's heart tremble.

Oh, my God.

It's a senior brother who can deal with Taotie demon God?!

Looking at Ye Feng, they began to think of some legends, and the whole person retreated.

"I'm back now. I just had some accidents. I'll solve the trouble I caused." Ye Feng said softly.

But his face was very firm.

Although the birth of Taotie demon God has little to do with Ye Feng, he will take the initiative to assume this responsibility.

The witch fish took a deep breath, wiped away his tears completely, and his face was a little gentle.

Suddenly, he stretched out his arms from Ye Feng and said with a smile, "just come back, Ye Feng, welcome home!"

Go home?

Hearing these two words, Ye Feng's nose was sour.

Directly gave the witch fish a big hug: "yes, I'm back, I'm home."

"It's inconvenient to talk here. Follow me in first."

After hugging, the gentle color on the witch fish's face subsided, but it was a little cold.

Ye Feng didn't watch carefully and followed the witch fish directly into the house.

And the two gatekeepers were completely stunned.

A moment later, they trembled and said, "it can't really be the elder martial brother without twin peaks... Ye Feng?"

Although they don't know Ye Feng, they obviously have heard of Ye Feng's name.

In those years, this elder martial brother was very famous and moved the whole Yuan Dynasty.

Both the demon sect and Tianji hall hate this elder martial brother.

But then, suddenly disappeared.

Many people thought that elder martial brother Ye fell into the hand of the demon God in that secret place. Unexpectedly... He came back today.

"God, it's going to change!"

They looked at each other and seemed to see a trace of happiness and expectation from each other's eyes.


Ye Feng followed Wu Xiaoyu all the way in. All the buildings he saw along the way could not be called any momentum at all. It was obviously a palace hastily built in the past two years.

His face was complicated.

The stronghold is not big, but along the way, there are only a few internal and external disciples.

We can't speak the same language as the past prosperity.

This makes Ye Feng feel more uncomfortable.

Even if Chang Feng had already reminded him, he could see with his own eyes that the current wanjuezong, talent withered and depressed to such a degree, which still made him feel sad after all.

The whole wanjuezong is so depressed. Without double peaks, how many people will be left?

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