Ye Feng's face was speechless.

There are so many things you don't know.

"To some extent, the harm of the dark abyss is greater, because after being penetrated by dark substances, it will distort human nature, become bloodthirsty and violent, and finally lose yourself and become a killing machine that only knows killing and destruction."

Yuan Ling spoke again and told Ye Feng the horror of the dark abyss.

"The abyss race there has many incredible abilities and is so strong that you can't imagine it now. If no man's land is only a special natural existence, then..."

"The dark abyss is the common enemy of all creatures."

"Anything related to the dark abyss is a big taboo. It's frightening that the gluttonous demon God actually has magic tools made of dark materials."

Ye Feng listened with more and more doubts: "since they are so evil, can't they be completely wiped out?"

"It's not that simple. If the strong outside enter the dark abyss and are affected by the dark material, their strength will be greatly weakened. They are not the opponents of the powerful abyss lords in the dark abyss. Therefore, they can only suppress and close the entrance."

Yuan Ling shook his head and said.

"How did this thing come out? The gluttonous demon God should not be a creature in the dark abyss?" Ye Feng looked at the black evil gloves again.

"I don't know. Maybe we can get the gift of powerful abyss creatures through some kind of sacrifice. In short, this gluttonous demon God is definitely a scourge of Yuanwu. It's best to eradicate him as soon as possible," said Yuanling.

"Do you think I don't want to..."

Ye Fengbai glanced at him. The problem now is not to eradicate him, but to prevent himself from being eradicated by him.

"How to deal with these strange gloves now?" after a long pause, Ye Feng asked again.

"Keep it first and don't destroy it in a hurry. Everything has two sides. Although dark matter is very evil, it can be a powerful help if it is used well." Yuan Ling nodded slowly.

Ye Feng stared at Heisha's gloves for a long time before he continued to speak: "this thing is really strong, and you can change its shape at will. The most important thing is that its toughness is too strong. I feel that it is difficult to destroy it even with a full blow of the moon chopper. Even with the demon emperor's bow, it can't be broken."

"This is the strength of dark matter, especially the dark matter refined into magic tools. It can't be destroyed without special methods."

"So... If we can find a suitable utilization method, dark matter is the best refining material."

When Yuan Ling said this, he pondered a little and said, "but under normal circumstances, you must not directly contact with dark substances, otherwise you will be invaded by evil intentions. The innate spirit dew you obtained before is one of the few things that can erase the dark forces."

"In this way, you can use the congenital spirit dew to wipe out the dark power, and then you can use these hands."

"In this way, this trip... Can be regarded as a harvest."

"Have a harvest?" Ye Feng was stunned.

"Yes, you should know that although the dark matter is not a good thing and the dark abyss is not a good place, in the final analysis, it is because of the existence of the dark force. If the dark force can be removed, then the dark matter is definitely a rare treasure."

"Of course, with the removal of the dark forces, the dark matter will change a little, and the quality may be slightly worse, but most of its characteristics will be preserved."

"This is something that many high, heavy and strong people in the Holy Land desire."

Yuan Ling smiled.

"Is it very difficult to get rid of the dark forces? Should we use the innate Linglu?" Ye Feng said with some heartache.

There are only so many innate spiritual dew on him.

That congenital spirit dew goes to wash and practice a pair of gloves?

Is it appropriate?

"It's very difficult, it can be said to be quite difficult. If you want to completely eliminate the dark forces in the dark matter, you can only rely on some special items, such as congenital things, but the rarity of congenital things, you know, and not all congenital things can be used to drive away the dark forces."

"If you want to rely on your own strength to drive away the power of darkness, there is no Yuanwu who can do it. Shenwu... There may be a few, and you have to pay a huge price."

"That's why Ben Yuanling said that you made money this time. When you get rid of the dark forces in these gloves, you can use them safely."

"Either it can be used as a spirit tool alone, or it can be integrated into other spirit tools. Even in the future, when refining the holy soldier of this life, you can peel off the dark matter and integrate it into the holy soldier. The power of the holy soldier will definitely be greatly improved, and may even have the ability to change forms."

Yuan Ling's words surprised Ye Feng: "can you peel it off when you integrate into the moon chopping knife?"


"This is the particularity of dark matter. It is not like ordinary refining material. This refined dark matter can still be integrated into any spiritual tool, which can improve the strength and toughness of spiritual tools, and is applicable to any level."

"The higher the quality, the greater the strength and toughness that dark matter can enhance. To some extent, after driving out the dark forces, these gloves are invaluable and can be called rare treasures."

Yuan Ling explained in detail.

Looking at Ye Feng's incomprehensible appearance, he thought for a moment and said, "let's say that when you get rid of the dark forces, you can integrate these gloves into the beheading moon, then this top-grade spirit weapon on the heaven level can become a holy soldier immediately."

"If it is integrated into the holy soldier, then... That holy soldier can definitely become the king of holy soldiers."


Ye Feng was surprised.

"It's so strong. I can't tell you directly now. In short, you remember that the dark matter that drives away the power of darkness is something that God wants very much. Later, you'll know how much you earn this time." Yuan Ling smiled.

"Well, how much innate spiritual dew will it take to get rid of these dark forces?" Ye Feng turned to another question.

"About... You need one third of all the congenital spirit dew in your hand, and then sacrifice and refine for about half a year."

"One third? So much? And it will take so long to sacrifice?" Ye Feng was stunned again.

To know that a drop of congenital Linglu needs to be taken for many days.

Moreover, just a drop of innate spiritual dew is enough to promote his cultivation into the king's nine heavy realm.

Now in order to dispel the dark power of this pair of gloves, hundreds of drops have to be used?

It seems... It's not worth it.

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