"It's not just that you consume and supplement yuan force. The things involved are very complex. Benyuan spirit won't tell you in detail."

"You just need to know that it is almost equal to five times the total amount of Yuan force from the day after tomorrow to the present, so as to help you enter the holy land."

Yuan Ling said in a deep voice.

Ye Feng blinked in his eyes and interrupted: "can I more frankly understand that every 10% of the holy power needs to spare the yuan power of one and a half holy powers, which is equivalent to the amount of five and a half holy powers?"

"Although a little biased, it can also be understood this way."

"One thing to note is that so many accomplishments of semi holy cultivation can only be transformed into 10% holy power. Therefore, if you want to get 50% holy power, you need to supplement a lot of genius earth treasures." Yuan Ling nodded slightly.

"So exaggerated?" Ye Feng was stunned.

"It's not too exaggerated, is it? This is a qualitative improvement. Otherwise, how can the Holy Land master the magic skills? These are the prices that must be paid." Yuan Ling explained faintly.

"It needs so many talents to be replenished again and again. If the financial resources are not strong enough, it will be impossible?" Ye Feng frowned.

There are many holy places on Shenwu mainland.

And many can even be said to be casual repair, so Ye Feng has some doubts about this.

"It's not impossible. As long as the talent is passable and stays in the semi holy stage for more time, you can always be holy."

"In addition, you can also use some spiritual tools to resist heaven's robbery, and even some devious means can resist the power of heaven's robbery. Of course, the best way is to have a solid and enough holy power. That's the most orthodox way to enter the holy world."

Yuan Ling seemed to understand what Ye Feng was thinking, smiled and said.

"There are many martial artists who forcibly go through the first natural disaster and enter the holy land with the help of various means. Such a foundation is not solid, because after the disaster, the internal strength will begin to transform itself, but the amount of transformation comes from the martial artist himself."

"In other words, if you don't gather too much holy power before the robbery, then after the robbery, your 100% yuan power will be slowly transformed into holy power, but if you gather and transform before the robbery, your 100% yuan power can only get 10% holy power."

"That's ten times the difference!"

"Such a big gap will lead to the same holy land, but there is a great difference in their combat power. It can be said that relying on their own holy power to achieve the holy land is a perfect breakthrough and has endless benefits."

"The most direct example is that if you don't borrow spirit tools and gather 50% of the holy power to fight against heaven's robbery, after you become holy, you can deal with the ordinary holy land of heaven's robbery at least three times. This gap will become more and more obvious later."

"Therefore, for those who have the ability, such as those barbarians, demons and warriors in Shenwu mainland, they stay in semi holy for a long time. On the one hand, it is really because of these racial talents. More importantly, those Highnesses are making full use of their ability to make a perfect breakthrough."

Yuan Ling's words opened Ye Feng's eyes.

"Well... I have enough innate spiritual dew now. Can I lay a perfect foundation according to what you said!"

"That's right." Yuan Ling nodded and continued.

"This method is the most orthodox way to enter the holy world. In fact, in ancient times, those great powers were used to break through. Only later, with the changes of heaven and earth and the emergence of genius earth treasures and other spiritual tools, did we have a way to forcibly cross the robbery with the help of external forces."

"Well... If I transformed all the yuan forces in my body into ten percent of the holy power before I was robbed, wouldn't I be able to deal with most ordinary saints once I was robbed into the holy power?"

Ye Feng's eyes suddenly flashed and suddenly opened his mouth to say such a sentence.

"Ha ha, you think it's beautiful. According to Ben Yuanling, he has survived for thousands of years. The most evil people he's seen have only transformed 80% to 90%

"It's not impossible to transform ten into re-entry. In addition to the long years, it also needs extraordinary talents. Neither of them is indispensable."

Yuan Ling laughed instantly.

"Fifty percent is the standard, but after more than fifty percent, the difficulty of each transformation is beyond imagination. No one can reach the conversion rate of ten percent. Ninety percent should be the limit. Since ancient times, benyuanling has not heard who can reach ten percent."

"This is the limit for the operation of heaven and the maintenance of a certain balance."

"There are nine extremes. Those who can complete 90% transformation into saints have incredible powers. Although some ancient powers speculated that if they can complete 100% transformation, mysterious things will happen, but no one has seen it with their own eyes."

"Since ancient times, there have been many Tianjiao demons who have tried to impact 100% transformation and become saints perfectly, but without exception, none has succeeded. Even some people have paid a painful price for forced impact."

Speaking of this, Yuan Ling glanced at Ye Feng and said, "this has happened a long time ago. Now, you can see that there are only a few who can become saints in Yuan Wu. It is really fengmaolin horn who can complete 50% transformation into saints."

"Most people usually have a conversion rate of only 30% or 40%, plus there are spiritual tools to resist the power of heaven and complete the robbery."

"So, don't think about it. Even if you have a congenital spirit exposed in your hand, you can reach 50% without borrowing everything. In this era, you can definitely be called an unparalleled evil."

Ye Feng was puzzled: "what does this have to do with the age? Isn't it just that there are plenty of talented earth treasures? What's more difficult?"

"Of course, it has something to do with the times. The vitality of heaven and earth at that time was several times stronger than now."

"Every subtle change in the state of heaven and earth has a great impact on any martial artist, but these effects are not to a certain extent, you can't notice them at all, but they can cut off the path of promotion for martial artists."

"If there is a talented treasure, you can enter the holy land. How can Yuanwu have no holy land in the light of a small thousand worlds?"

"There are some things you can't reach now. You may not be able to understand when you say it."

"In short, don't think too much first, and try to convert yuan power into 50% holy power again..."

Yuan Ling was really afraid that Ye Feng would think about the transformation of 100% holy power.

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