"That's reasonable! It's a great opportunity. If I miss it, it'll be gone. Well, wait another two days to let the black souls recover some divine power, and then... I have to go to the demon palace."

Ye Feng's eyes flashed.

The gluttonous demon God is powerful for the warriors in the Yuan Wu mainland. There is no need to deal with such a strong man independently.

Now, I am fully qualified to kill people with a knife.

"Before you start, you must finish the inside of the demon killing alliance. Chenxin and his old friends have never died. Now that they have enough confidence to deal with the gluttonous demon God while there is backstage, there is no need to leave them, but need to make a good plan."

The fine awn twinkled in Ye Feng's eyes.

Now there is the common enemy of Taotie demon God.

Chenxin and others dare not blatantly attack wanjuezong, but they have been secretly squeezing against him all the time.

If we deal with the gluttonous demon God, as soon as the black soul and others leave, it is difficult to resist their joint suppression in terms of the current situation of wanjuezong.

"Chen Xin's ambition is very big. Unfortunately, over time, his ambition is not possible."

In Ye Feng's heart, a bold idea suddenly came out.

Now in Yuanwu mainland, the demon god palace and the demon killing alliance are divided into two parts of the world.

Once the gluttonous demon God falls, the demon god palace will be scattered and will soon disappear.

As for the demon killing alliance, led by Tianji hall, Chenxin is ambitious and regards himself as the leader of the alliance. The overall strength of qianniazhai, Luocha sect and Xuanyin sect is far worse than that of Tianji hall, especially Tianji hall. There is also a high-weight supreme elder in the semi holy land.

No matter what they think of each other, they can only be forced to submit to the Tianji temple and obey the orders of Chenxin.

Therefore, although it seems to be an alliance now, only Tianji hall Chenxin can decide the real events.

It can be said that the demon killing alliance is the YiYanTang of Tianji hall.

Only wanjuezong, because of the same supreme elder Nie Wushen, let Tianji hall have a trace of concern, did not dare to unify the whole alliance and the northern region directly in the light.

Moreover, the two sects have always been at odds. For the Tianji temple, I wish I could get rid of the wanjue sect.

That's why we're cracking down everywhere.

In those days when Ye Feng didn't return, Tianji hall, with the help of the demon temple, consumed wanjuezong miserably. All kinds of dangerous tasks were handed over to wanjuezong to explore the way, and wanjuezong's disciples were used as cannon fodder.

Chenxin wants to use these things to become a real overlord.

However, he still lacks some strength or luck.

But now Ye Feng has these two conditions.

If handled properly, Wan Jue Zong will definitely become the biggest beneficiary, not to mention the unified alliance and even the whole Yuan Wu.

Ye Feng didn't think about this in the past. It can be limited to the situation or strength, which is difficult to achieve in the short term, but now it should be natural.

He deliberated carefully and felt that the probability of success was great.

For a long time, Ye Feng slowly stood up and showed a strange smile on his face: "Hey, old devil of Chenxin, this time, you're going to be unlucky."

Ye Feng knew it well. Chenxin and others didn't take action against wanjuezong because they were secretly waiting for the gluttonous demon God to leave the customs. After the demon God dealt with him, they would sit down and reap the benefits.

But they can't imagine that they will return with seven powerful gods after going out alone

As time passed, night soon fell.

When Wu Xiaoyu, Lin Yang and Chu Chen came back, Ye Feng also appeared in the main hall. After receiving the materials, he asked by side.

He wants to see how Wu Xiaoyu and others react.

"You guys, do you think there is a possibility that one day we will unify the whole yuan and Wu?"

As soon as they said this, the three people who had just returned from the dusty journey were stunned in situ.

"Unified Yuanwu? Elder martial brother ye, what are you... Talking about?"

Early morning and Lin Yang looked at each other and couldn't help asking timidly.

The witch fish was more direct. He reached out and touched Ye Feng's forehead. He said strangely, "do you have a fever? Are you talking nonsense?"

"Go, you have a fever and talk nonsense... I'm sober."

Ye Feng knocked her hand off and rolled her eyes.

"Don't you have a fever? Younger martial brother ye, unify the whole Yuan Wu continent? You can say that. Even if it's a dream, please have some practical dreams."

The witch fish kissed his mouth at him.

Ye Feng was speechless and said, "you have no ideal, can't you even think about it?"

"It's not that you can't think about it, but that it's meaningless to think about it. In this situation, it's good to have a safe day if you can eat and wear warm clothes. If Taotie old demon leaves the customs one day, there will be a bloody storm."

"Although we have great confidence in your strength, younger martial brother... We can only protect ourselves at most. Let's not talk about your terrible idea. It's not certain whether we can have a stable place to settle down at that time."

Wu Xiaoyu's face collapsed, but he shook his head.

"If you think about this, you might as well save some energy, practice and improve."

Ye Feng couldn't hear it, but then he looked upright and said in a deep voice: "at present, it can be called troubled times, so it is more necessary to have a strong hero. If there were peace and prosperity, who could unify the mainland? Only now, there is such a great opportunity."

"Younger martial brother, you... Don't want to come, really?"

The witch fish didn't seem to be joking, so he became serious.

"I do have this idea, so I want to hear your opinions. If you take the initiative to make waves, do you have the will to fight and make achievements with me?"

Ye Feng asked a question he most wanted to know.

Now most of the sect disciples live in a state of muddling along. They all felt that no matter how hard they tried, they could not surpass the demon God.

As long as the demon God leaves the pass and moves north, the demon killing alliance will collapse immediately.

At that time, what else can we talk about ambition and getting ahead?

As the witch fish said, I don't know which day there will be an accident.

There was no high morale in everyone's heart.

Ye Feng wants to inspire the morale of Wan Jue Zong's disciples through Wu Xiaoyu.

"Well... Can you deal with the gluttonous demon God?"

The witch fish asked a question very solemnly.

"Well, once we clean up the gluttonous demon God, the situation may become more chaotic. I think you can understand what the consequences will be... If we don't take action at that time, we will only be swallowed up and destroyed by other forces."

Ye Feng nodded calmly.

The witch fish bowed his head and fell into meditation, while Lin Yang and Chu Chen looked at each other with a flash in their eyes.

"Younger martial brother ye, if you really have such an idea and have the ability to put it into practice, it's the best. We have lost our fighting spirit because we can't see hope at all. If you can bring us hope, I believe everyone in our sect will be willing to fight for one."

A moment later, the witch fish raised his head and said seriously word by word.

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