"What are you, dare to talk to me like this?" Ye Feng glanced at each other lightly and said impolitely.

"With all due respect, you are not qualified even if you want to question it with your status as a mere deacon."

"What..." Cai Wen's face turned red in an instant.

Ye Feng sneered: "did lanmo send you? The chamber of Commerce doesn't allow you to participate in the power struggle? If this has nothing to do with lanmo, how can a Xie family command you? I have reason to doubt that lanmo can't get rid of it!"

"Nonsense! Someone is fooling around here. Lord lanmo just sent deacon ben to verify your identity!" Cai Wen looked flustered and a cold sweat flowed out of his forehead.

Ye Feng's hat is really buckled too much.

Cai Wen wants to scare Ye Feng away with his words, but Ye Feng comes down and takes the lead.

Ye Feng smiled coldly.

The man behind the scenes has appeared. Obviously, it's almost time to close the net.

He said faintly, "what did you just say I represent the Taichu chamber of Commerce? It's true with this deacon order! The Xie family's blatant provocation is also an iron fact."

"When you came here, you said that I swaggered and cheated indiscriminately. I have every reason to suspect that you, including the people behind you, have colluded with the Xie family for a long time!"

"Young master Ye is right. I think so, too."

Ye Feng's voice has not dissipated. In the void not far away, a figure that no one can think of flashes slowly.

He Haishi, one of the two chief executives of Taichu chamber of Commerce in Tianyong city.

This scene surprised everyone, and even the Ji family directly withdrew the defensive array.

Manager he appears. It doesn't matter whether there is this dharma array or not.

Cai Wen is the confidant of lanmo and also has a high power in the branch. Ye Feng is too lazy to argue with him here and directly let he Haishi show up.

The most direct way to end this farce is to let he Haishi come out first. In this way, lanmo can't stand it and has to intervene.

Sure enough, when he saw Haishi, Cai Wen's face changed greatly: "he, manager he, why are you here?"

"How can I turn a blind eye to such a big event in this city? Besides, I can't let the cat and dog people openly insult the deacon of the chamber of Commerce and provoke the dignity of the chamber of Commerce?" he Haishi said with a light smile.

Although he didn't refer specifically, his meaning was very clear.

That is to prove Ye Feng's identity and recognize Ye Feng's previous practice.

Moreover, after exchanging eyes with Ye Feng, he Haishi turned around and said solemnly to the Xie family: "what you have done has violated the dignity of our chamber of Commerce, so you should be punished!"

As soon as he said this, xie Yuan and others changed their faces: "manager he, is there a misunderstanding? We..."

He Haishi interrupted him with a wave and said coldly, "without more words, you can't deny that all our managers have just seen in your eyes. Do you do it yourself or let our manager do it?"

"Manager he, you..." Cai Wen opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

But he Haishi stopped with a look in his eyes: "deacon Cai, old man, do you have to discuss it with you?"

Tsai Wen's eyes stiffened and didn't dare to speak.

He Haishi still looked at him and said coldly, "after you arrived just now, knowing that the Deacon order is true, you not only didn't take the initiative to protect your colleagues and the dignity of the chamber of Commerce, but also questioned the Xie family. You have obvious intention to shield the Xie family. Like deacon ye, you suspect there is collusion between you and the Xie family. Hand over your deacon order and wait for investigation!"

Cai Wen's face changed again.

After this change, his expression can be said to be extremely wonderful.

However, Cai Wen obviously didn't want to give in. He held back his anger and said, "manager he, I've explained the matter. I'm just ordered by manager LAN to investigate. Or I'm offended, but you want me to hand over the Deacon order to wait for the investigation. I'm really sorry. You don't count on it alone."

"Well, now you have another crime of contradicting the master and openly disobeying orders." he Haishi was not annoyed and still said faintly.

Cai Wen had a cold face and just wanted to speak. Xie Lin on one side was young and vigorous after all. Seeing that he Haishi was so overbearing when he came, he shouted angrily: "he Haishi, don't be too arrogant. You are not the branch manager alone. We are working for Lord lanmo! What are you in front of Lord lanmo?"

Hearing this, Cai Wen immediately turned his head and stared at Xie Lin in horror.

Xie Yuan was also shocked and angry after a short period of consternation.

This sentence undoubtedly exposed the blue desert.

Especially in front of he Haishi and others.

He didn't have time to think about it and scolded Schelling: "shut up, you fool!"

Up to now, how could he not see that no matter what Ji Shuang took the initiative to say, or all kinds of words of Ye Feng behind, they were all intended to provoke them.

Leading them, saying something.

At present, even he Haishi came in person, which made it clear that Ye Feng and others were not deliberately provoking them or targeting the Xie family.

Because they don't deserve it.

In this way, the answer is imminent.

It's clear that they came for the blue desert.

It's OK that Schelling doesn't speak. Even if he gives them the name of provoking Taichu chamber of Commerce, it's just to accept some punishment.

With the backing of blue desert, we can quickly turn big things into small ones,

But once this sentence came out, it was completely bad.

This is a public announcement that they are working for lanmo. Lanmo is going to destroy Xie's family.

Xie Lin's words are enough to let he Haishi completely gain the upper hand in the struggle with blue desert.

"It's over, everything is over, you bastard!"

Thinking of this, xie Yuan, who was very angry, slapped his son in the face and directly fanned Xie Lin out.

He Haishi and Ye Feng also smiled.

In the original plan, it took more effort to get the evidence directly, but it never occurred to me that Xie Lin was so incompetent that he completed the strongest assists in a word of anger!

It's a divine assist.

Don't mention the Ji family and the Li family. Today's things have twists and turns, which have made them completely unable to understand.

It even involves the struggle between the two managers of Taichu chamber of Commerce.

The difference is that the Ji family are all excited now.

The Li family is in mourning.

While Xie Lin was slapped by Xie Yuan, his body didn't fall to the ground. Unexpectedly, the whole person suddenly burst open.

"Big brother?"

Xie Yan screamed in horror. He was about to attack Xie Lintong's killer, but he was caught by his father Xie Yuan.

"Dad, he killed eldest brother. It must be from the Ji family. Avenge eldest brother quickly..."


Xie Yuan, with a sad face, shook his head in pain.

Because he and the owner of the Li family recognized that the ruthless and merciless murderer was the big backer behind them.

Another manager of Taichu chamber of Commerce... Lanmo.

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