Ye Feng watched the spirit of Shenjing rush into the sky and go to the sky, followed by the five holy land demon families.


The blood demon wolf showed its original shape, caught up with the spirit of Shenjing from behind, and the cold light's sharp claws burst into trouble.

Pure and extremely pure, sharp and unparalleled blood and Qi swept out.


The spirit of the divine crystal, the divine awn bloomed, and the verve runes emerged in the void. The divine lights poured out and collided with the roar of blood and Qi.

Smoke clouds exploded on the sky, and Ye Feng saw the other four holy land demon families bully and form an array with the blood demon wolf to surround the divine crystal.


Tianlei Eagle drinks low.

The five demons shot at the same time, spitting out an original evil spirit in their mouth. The next moment they gathered together and suddenly turned into a canopy.

The magnificent canopy immediately rolled down and directly covered the spirit of Shenjing.


The five demon families shot at the same time, lit up the Demon power of different colors in the palm, and madly injected into the canopy.

I saw a dazzling and terrible flame burning in the canopy.

From a distance, the gorgeous flame in the canopy even burned and broken the void, looming the color of glass.

In contrast, Ye Feng was surprised that the fire was only stronger than the different fire he had mastered. It was worthy of being the result of the alliance of five holy land demon family experts.

In the face of this terrible flame, the spirit of divine crystal in the canopy erupted a wave of spiritual power, which made the canopy vibrate endlessly.

But the five demons joined forces. Even if the spirit of Shenjing had great ability, it was difficult to shake, and the power gradually weakened.

The baby like face of the spirit of God crystal is gradually melting at the moment, and a bleak scream, if there is nothing, floats between heaven and earth.

The cry is very weak, but it is very clear into everyone's ears, like a voice from the bottom of their heart, which makes everyone feel a trace of sadness.

"Divine crystal has spirit. This baby's face should be the external manifestation of the spirit of divine crystal. The five demons work together to erase the spirit of divine crystal and make God feel sad. That's why such a vision will occur."

Ye Feng looked at the look of others, his heart moved, and he had seen the clue.

Under the cooperation of the five demons, the baby's face of the spirit of God crystal became more and more blurred. With the last sad scream, the baby's face turned into a wisp of smoke and dispersed in the sky.

"Finally got it."

The blood demon wolf's relieved voice sounded, and he took back his body again. His human body was holding a wolf's head and his face was sweating.

The other four demons, too, consumed a lot. They just looked at the half human God crystal in the canopy and smiled one by one.

"I didn't expect that the spirit of Shenjing should have such ability. We underestimated it and almost let it escape."

The sky thunder Eagle sighed and shook his head.

"Yes, it's good to take it. If such treasures run away and the city Lord blames them, we'll be in big trouble."

Another holy land demon family said in an urn voice.

The blood demon wolf nodded, waved his palm, scattered the canopy, and directly bound the spiritual crystal behind him with demon force. Then he squinted at Ye Feng below.

"First send the spirit of divine crystal into the treasure house, and then summon the slave."

The blood demon wolf said to the other four demons, "this Terran slave was the first to find the spirit of Shenjing. It's also a great achievement. We should think about how to reward him."

Hearing the speech, Tianlei Eagle glanced darkly at Ye Feng, showing a disdainful smile, but he didn't say anything.

Immediately, the five demon families all went to the demon Ming mountain, leaving only a group of people looking at the collapsed Shenjing vein and looking at each other, some at a loss.

They were caught here. Their task was mining. They couldn't complete the task in a month, and their lives were in danger.

Now that the vein has collapsed, what should we do?

Everyone was confused.

Fortunately, soon after the blood demon wolf and other demons left, the demon clan guarding in the vein was instructed.

What appeared in front of the crowd was a cat head demon family. If you don't look at the head, it's quite tempting to look at the slim and graceful figure.

"You're lucky. The mine collapsed this time. You won't worry about your life if the task this month is not completed. Lord blood demon wolf is happy and gives you a day's rest. You can repair the mine tomorrow and dig it again!"

The cat head demon clan said proudly, as if thinking of something, his eyes turned and looked at Ye Feng.

"And you, Lord blood demon wolf said that you found that the spirit of Shenjing is meritorious. At present, you won't be summoned for a while, but you don't have to dig any more mines from now on. Just stay in this vein and you can live a few more years."

Hearing this, the other Terrans who were happy because of a day's rest looked surprised and envied Ye Feng one by one.

In this vein, as a slave of the demon family, I can't help myself. It's extravagant to be able to protect my life.

Like Ye Feng, they can rest easy without mining. It's their dream.

Looking at the envious eyes on everyone's face, Ye Feng flashed a touch of sadness in his heart.

They have been bullied by the demon clan for too long. Obviously, they have lost the heart of resistance.

The demon clan gives a day off casually, but they are satisfied?


The cat head demon clan left, and other Terrans dispersed.

Since the day they were caught in this vein, they have become slaves. They not only have to work hard to mine, but also worry about their lives if they can't complete the task. How could they ever have such a chance to rest today?

Ye Feng was also going to investigate to see if there was a chance to escape.

But I saw the black hair that was cold to me the other day. I looked at myself happily and walked straight.

"You can, boy. You found the spirit of divine crystal. Now you've got a golden job. You're relaxed in this vein."

"What's easy or not? I'm always a slave and worry about my life at any time."

Ye Feng shook his head and looked at the hillside of demon Ming mountain.

That's the forbidden area in this vein.

Seeing Ye Feng's interest is not high, and black hair doesn't care, he just glances at Ye Feng's gaze and moves slightly in his heart.

"Ye boy, I know you may have great skills, but when you get to this vein, you are destined to have no day to escape. Don't worry too much."

Hearing the speech, Ye Feng's eyebrows were slightly raised. The old guy seemed to have something to say.

"What do you know, old man?"

Ye Feng couldn't help probing.

"Hehe, I'm an old bone that's going to be buried. What can I know? Just talk nonsense. It's up to you."

Black hair waved his hand and turned away.

Seeing this, Ye Feng didn't ask again. He could see that black hair and his grandson were strange and should not be a simple generation.

But what does the other party want to do in this vein?

Ye Feng couldn't think clearly and didn't care.

Now he only wants to recover his cultivation and leave this vein. It's best... To save the Terrans.

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