Aside, Jin Lang, who vomited blood and was injured, was unwilling to retreat to one side.

Jin Yi, who was ordered to come forward, was swept out with a frightening force.

The eldest son of the city Lord has reached the holy land for eight times.

It's really eight.

Ye Feng was right.

At this moment, a palm burst out and turned into a golden seal.

In the big seal, a fearsome giant ape who stood upright, raised his head to the sky and patted his chest to fight the sky could be seen faintly.


The roar came from the golden seal.

Great power, unparalleled.

This is the magic power of the Vajra family... Vajra wrath seal!

Looking at the big seal rolling down, Ye Feng's face changed dramatically. He could collide with the two or three heavy jinlang's body in the holy land, but he must be powerless to encounter an eight heavy enemy in the holy land.


Even if you can't stop it, stop it.

Ye Feng roars constantly. He is not a person waiting to die. Even if he doesn't have any chance, he won't give up.


The sky covering seal is shrouded and there is no hiding at all.

However, Ye Feng didn't intend to dodge. In the cold laughter, he didn't advance but retreated. Facing the "King Kong wrath seal", he blew up with a fist.

Without Yuan Li's blessing, Ye Feng's fist seemed very weak, like a mayfly shaking a tree.

This scene made the blood demon wolf and other demons sneer and sneer on one side: "the eldest childe is worthy of being the Tianjiao of the four armed King Kong family. How can this humble slave be the opponent of the eldest childe."

"That's right. If the boy didn't have a decent body, he would have been killed by the second childe."

"Now the eldest childe moves. Even if he doesn't die, I'm afraid there's not much left under the seal of King Kong's wrath."


Several holy land demon families praised without stinginess. A trace of happiness also appeared on jinlang's gray face.

As his brother, Jin Yi is quite famous among the younger generation of the demon family, which is the existence he regards as an example.

Sure enough

There was a loud bang.

At the moment when Ye Feng collided with King Kong's wrath seal, he directly collapsed, vomited blood, flew upside down, and fell on a statue in the main hall.


His mouth spewed out a mouthful of blood, scarlet blood, which made Ye Feng very unwilling in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

Cultivation was granted, and there was no resistance to the eight fold Jin Yi in the holy land.

This seal almost broke the bones and meridians of his hands.

Even if the immortal demon pill is condensed and has the taste of immortal demon body, it is difficult to recover in a short time for such a serious injury.

"Is that it?"

Jin Yi walked forward indifferently and stepped on Ye Feng's head.

"Is this your strength? Vulnerable."

Hearing this, Ye Feng's body trembled slightly. Such humiliation made him extremely angry, but his body couldn't lift a trace of strength at all.


He grabbed Ye Feng's right leg and Jin Yi took him to Jin Wudi.

"Father, fortunately, we can go back."

He opened his mouth.

There was no sadness or joy on his face, and he couldn't see what was thinking in his heart.

Jin Lang ran forward and wanted to trample on Ye Feng, but he was stopped by Jin Wudi.

"Jinlang, forget it."

Jin Wudi is really afraid that too much stimulation will lead Ye Feng to explode his soul.

"It's just a lowly people. When I ask everything I want, I will untie his ban. At that time, you can fight with him with all your strength and take off his head with your own hands to snow today's humiliation."

Hearing the speech, Jin Lang looked up at Jin Wudi and said, "thank you, father!"

"Well, let's go."

Jin Wudi looked at Ye Feng calmly, turned and walked out.

No one saw that there was endless fanaticism in the bottom of his eyes.

At the moment when Ye Feng collided with Jin Yi's "King Kong wrath seal", Jin Wudi noticed that there was an extremely obscure fluctuation in Ye Feng's body.

Although the fluctuation was slight and unobservable, Jin Wudi, as a divine realm, was found.

It was this wave that made his heart beat violently like a drum.

"Indeed... There is no doubt about the demon respect. The heavenly demon king must have fallen into the hands of this humble slave to inherit the skill."

Jin Wudi laughed wildly in his heart.

If ye Feng has the skill, he can take it as his own.

"At that time, the inheritance of the heavenly demon will be in the hands of the four armed King Kong giant ape, and all prospects will be realized!"

When a group of demon clansmen came out of the hall, Jin invincible's pace was faster and faster. He couldn't help but wait in his heart. When he reached the exit of the hall, he suddenly turned and looked at Jin Yi.

"It's a matter of forbidden area. Don't neglect it. I'll take him first and dare to go back."

In his eyes, there was a burning meaning.

Looking at Jin Wudi's eyes, these demon clansmen were stunned.

Jin Wudi is always indifferent. They have never seen the city master like this.


Jin Yi, who obeys Jin Wudi, wants to pass Ye Feng to his father.

However, just then, an ethereal voice, as if from the nine heaven, suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.

"Leave that man, or... You'll all die."

The voice fell, and Jin Wudi's face changed greatly. He suddenly looked up and looked up.

But jinlang and others are already angry.

The blood demon wolf scolded.

"Bastard, who is playing tricks? Dare to speak wildly. If you have seed, my blood howl will tear you to pieces!"


There was some contempt in the voice. Then, a seemingly shaky, but actually extremely fast, had drawn a magic light from the sky.

"I'll see how you broke me into pieces."

The voice spread softly, but the divine light had hit the blood demon wolf, penetrated through his celestial cover, and instantly crushed his viscera and bones.


The blood demon wolf fell to the ground.

The smelly wolf blood instantly soaked the ground into a dark red, accompanied by broken meat and viscera, which was extremely disgusting.


In such a scene, even Ye Feng, who was too seriously injured and was about to faint, stared fiercely.

The other demon clansmen showed their fear and looked at the gold invincible in the front.

On the contrary, Jin Wudi's pupil shrinks and his face is dignified.

There was a faint unease in his heart.

Even if it was him, he didn't respond well and couldn't save the blood demon wolf.

Perhaps the strength of the person who made the move is still above himself.

"Jin Yi, give him to me."

Jin Wudi repeated a sentence again, and even an obliteration appeared in his words.

Any person who prevents Jin Wudi from obtaining the inheritance of TIANYAO, even his close relatives, will kill him without hesitation.

"Give it to me!"

Seeing Jin Yi stunned, Jin Wudi couldn't help being more worried. His eyelids beat. He flew to catch Ye Feng regardless of his identity.

"Hum, it seems that you haven't paid attention to my words."

An angry hum came, and then a figure suddenly appeared in front of Jin Wudi, as if he had been standing there, waiting for Jin Wudi to approach

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