For a time, I don't know how many unstable Tianjiao, confused in consciousness, were filled with evil intentions, knew the sea and poisoned their companions.

Ye Feng knew that there was a way of life and death in the sea, and evil thoughts did not invade. He realized that the situation was wrong and immediately led Tianjiao to suppress the madman.

Ye Feng responded in time and didn't have too many casualties, but the occurrence of this kind of thing obviously covered their hearts with a layer of haze. It was obvious that a very strange thing had happened in the Tongtian tea cup.

Therefore, everyone was very nervous and wanted to know what happened in Tongtian tea.

Just then, Ye Feng and Tianjiao saw the sky curtain of Tongtian tea lanterns, lit up a star gate, and then fell down like dumplings.

"Cabinet leader?"

Ye Feng was extremely sharp. At a glance, he saw that they were in a wrong state. Whether it was the purple feeling of the divine soldier just now, or Jin Zhenhai and the divine guards, they were all in a trance and mournful.

"What happened?"

Ye Feng couldn't help frowning. He noticed that the star gate was closed, but the high priest didn't appear, and the sky curtain melted by Tongtian tea lanterns didn't close. All this made Ye Feng feel bad.

"It's all about the strange smell just now!"

Ye Feng's pupils narrowed and his heart was awe inspiring. Although he had never seen what happened inside the sky, he had noticed the strange and evil just now.

At this time, ziyouqing took back her sight of looking up at the sky, her nostalgia and sadness converged, her eyes became firm, looked down and said coldly.

"Who is God Maple? Let me go!"

"Go? Where?"

Ye Feng didn't understand, but he politely replied, "I'm the divine maple. I don't know where this sister is taking me?"


Ziyouqing's eyes are strange. I feel that the little guy entrusted by the master seems to have some meaning. Few future generations dare to call her that.

"I'm going to take you back to the Presbyterian, which is entrusted by the master."

Ziyouqing said. Speaking of the high priest, she glanced at her willow eyebrows, and a touch of loss appeared at the bottom of her eyes, but she soon hid it.

"Something's wrong."

Ye Feng did not respond, but looked at Jin Zhenhai and the gods. They all looked at themselves with complex eyes.

"What happened, high priest?"

Ye Feng looked tight and his heart was a little heavy. Looking at them, it seemed that the high priest had an accident.

But for Ye Feng, only the high priest can help him find Hualing. If something happens to the high priest, he tries his best to come to the demon Pavilion and get close to the high priest, isn't it a failure?

"It has nothing to do with you."

Ziyouqing said coldly, but his eyes towards Ye Feng became softer and softer. For ordinary people, if they can practice in the Presbyterian, they must be ecstatic. They don't care about everything in front of them.

When Ye Feng learned that he was going to take him back to the Presbyterian, he was most concerned about the high priest, which showed that Ye Feng was a loving and righteous person, and the master's vision was really good.

"Of course it has something to do with me."

Ye Feng shook his head solemnly. "The high priest is in danger. How can God maple leave?"

Ye Feng raised his eyes to purple Youqing and hugged his fist. "Shenfeng won't go to the Presbyterian yard at this moment and live up to his sister's kindness. Please forgive me."


Ziyouqing didn't expect Ye Feng to be so persistent. Listening to what he said, he was moved. He couldn't help turning his head and covering up the water mist in his eyes.

"God maple, this matter..."

Jin Zhenhai looked at Ye Feng and hesitated. He wanted to stop talking, stretched out his hand and put it down. Finally, he sighed.

"Just tell you the truth."

Ziyouqing shook her head and looked at Ye Feng again. Her crisp voice sounded in Ye Feng's mind.

"The devil is ruthless, the dog jumps over the wall and releases the ancient strange and extremely evil insect. If this evil insect escapes, it will destroy the world and destroy the lives. The master will not hesitate to give his life and suppress the evil insect."

"So the master arranged me to be your Taoist protector to repay your kindness to him."

Ziyouqing sent a message to Ye Fengdao. Although the high priest didn't tell her to be Ye Feng's guardian, ziyouqing knew that the high priest asked her to protect Ye Feng comprehensively, which meant this, and she was willing to follow the high priest's wishes.


Ye Feng's sword eyebrows stood up, and his heart was shocked. He looked at the purple feeling unbelievably. The high priest wanted to suppress the extremely evil insects at the cost of his own life?

Although according to the description of ziyouqing, the extremely evil evil insects are very strange, and the high priest's move is a supreme good deed, Ye Feng still needs him to find the whereabouts of Hualing, and doesn't want the high priest to die.

"If so, I can't leave!"

Ye Feng frowned deeply and stared at the purple love. His eyes were very firm and sent a message to her.

"What can you do if you don't leave? Do you have a way to save him? Do you have the strength to deal with evil insects!"

Ye Feng was so affectionate that ziyouqing appreciated it very much, but she knew that Ye Feng would stay and the situation would not change, so she asked in a deep voice.

This question, like a heavy hammer hitting the heart of deciduous maple, made him look stunned and clenched his fist.

"Yes, I'm not strong enough. It's useless to stay..."

Ye Feng felt anxious. Everything was attributed to weakness. If he was strong, all troubles would be solved.

"Do you really want to go to the Presbyterian?"

Ye Feng looked at the purple and hesitated. There was a place beyond the realm of God in the Presbyterian courtyard. There were a large number of capable people and different scholars. If you are not sure, you can see that he was possessed of demons, respected martial arts and disguised his real body. At that time, he will be doomed.

When Ye Feng hesitated, Jin Zhenhai was trying to contact the Presbyterian, and ordered all the gods to guard, summon Tianjiao of the demon Pavilion and contact the demon families in each territory.

Jin Zhenhai will gather all forces of the demon family in the sea of death, follow the instructions of the high priest and send troops to destroy the five demon families.

If the high priest really dies with the extremely evil insect, this is to avenge the high priest. Jin Zhenhai wants to use killing to calm his anger and sadness.


In the sky, the curtain of heaven shook violently. Ye Feng and the demons looked up at the same time. He saw waves of ripples in the curtain of heaven. Obviously, a startling war broke out in the curtain of heaven.


There was another sound, a hole was opened in the sky, and a figure suddenly fell down.

"High priest!"

Ye Feng's face was stiff. This figure was a Nine Tailed demon fox. It was the high priest.

At the moment, the high priest's breath was chaotic, his whole body was snow-white, his hair was scarlet, and he looked very miserable. When he fell from the air, his divine blood was scattered everywhere, and he was obviously badly hurt.


Ziyouqing's delicate body trembled. Seeing that the high priest was seriously injured, she had no time to think more. She rushed up and hugged the high priest.

"As a teacher, no, not its opponent..."

The high priest looked at the disciple, his deep and wise eyes were decadent, and his tone was very lost.

The high priest wants to suppress the evil insects again at the cost of his life.

During this period, the high priest sent ziyouqing and jinzhenhai away from Tongtian tea lanterns, and the extremely evil insects did not stop them.

At first, the high priest didn't understand the intention of the extremely evil insects. Only when he sent away the demons, recklessly burned his accomplishments and fought with the extremely evil insects with his life, did he understand the reason.

Extremely evil insects have great power, which is far from being shaken by the divine realm.

As soon as he burned his accomplishments, he was slapped by the extremely evil insect, which shook the sea of Qi and scattered the evil spirit. It was very difficult to mobilize every trace.

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