Ye Feng wields the flame sabre. The sabre technique is like a dragon. He runs around and leaves deep scars on the giant cunning slave.


The giant tricky slave was so angry that his damaged arm grew out at this moment and stormed at Ye Feng.

"It's tricky"

Ye Feng frowned deeply and his face was very ugly.

The extremely evil insect is the immortal body. This strange slave obviously inherits this characteristic. Although he doesn't want to be indelible as weird, the physical body is extremely difficult to damage and can be reborn continuously.

"If you lose your head, can you still live?"

Ye Feng's heart crossed, flashed and moved, rushed out of the giant's strange slave's palm and went straight to his head.

At the same time, thousands of roots followed Ye Feng and stabbed the giant cunnu's head. They had the same plan as Ye Feng.

"Wisdom is not low."

This scene brightened Ye Feng's eyes. These roots are very smart.

"Get out of here!"

It's a pity that he hasn't been close to the giant crafty slave's head yet. His eyes suddenly shoot out evil awns, which pierce through, and Ye Feng can only avoid.

On the other side, thousands of roots are not afraid of evil awn. Even if they are pierced, there are still roots rushing to the giant's strange slave head regardless of life and death.


A rhizome pierced into the giant's strange slave's head, followed by infinite rhizomes, one by one.

In the blink of an eye, the giant strange slave's head turned into a hedgehog.


The giant strange slave fell to the ground, and Ye Feng stopped. He looked at the giant strange slave who had lost his breath of life, and a touch of joy flashed in his eyes.

It seems that although the strange slave is not afraid of the injury, the head is still the key. If the head is hurt, he will die.

But this joy lasted only a moment. After the giant strange slave fell to the ground, evil spirits spread everywhere in the world.

In the darkness, dark shadows stood up. They were fierce beasts, full of mighty evil Qi.

"The whole sky is hidden and fierce, and has been completely infected by the strangeness!"

Ye Feng looked at the frightening scene in front of him, and his heart stopped for a moment.

Behind Ye Feng, dozens of testers were stunned and frightened. It was so difficult to deal with just a giant and a strange slave. The whole day was invaded by strange things. How could they fight?

After all, except Ye Feng, they can't resist the strange attack. In the face of these fierce beasts that have become strange slaves, they have no power to parry.

For a time, despair shrouded in my heart, and some experimenters had fled back, trying to give up the trial in the black dragon palace and escape from the heaven hidden and fierce place.

Only Ye Feng, after a moment of fear, raised infinite fighting spirit.


At this time, one side of the rhizome flew to the leaf maple, and thousands of rhizomes roared to it.


Ye Feng's face changed slightly and was about to make a move. He sensed that the rhizome had no hostility and could not help but restrain his killing intention.

Then, the rhizome attached to Ye Feng, reduced his size, became thin and tough, and wrapped him round and round, just like the giant strange slave before, forming a solid armor on his body surface.

"This is..."

Ye Feng was stunned and then felt the voice of the root.

The rhizome cannot communicate with maple leaf with words, but what it thinks in its heart is introduced into maple leaf to know the sea.

It turned out that forty years ago, Tianyin fierce place was still a green mountain and green water, with the existence of life rock people. This is the most harmonious place among the top ten fierce places.

But I don't know when a strange smell floats between heaven and earth. Some creatures inhale this smell and become extremely cruel and chaotic.

At the same time, these creatures will also cause pollution and chaos.

Life rock people love every plant here. How can they ignore such things? He took the roots to explore the source of the strange smell.

Finally, the life rock man found an illusion in the depths of the earth, full of endless evil intentions, which is the root of all chaos.

The life rock man fights with the phantom, which is easily infected, and the root is occupied by evil intention.

However, unlike ordinary creatures, thousands of roots and stems are one, and their thoughts are in step, but their consciousness is divided into thousands, and evil intentions cannot completely pollute the roots and stems.

Therefore, even the life rock people were infected into strange slaves, but the roots still retained a trace of ID until Ye Feng appeared and purified it with reincarnation fire.

"Therefore, the root of everything lies in the phantom. Killing the phantom may end all this."

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes and didn't have much information about the phantom. He just vaguely knew that the phantom was not powerful and was not really weird in ancient times.

"Maybe it's a separation." Ye Feng said in his heart.


The scream suddenly sounded. Ye Feng looked back and saw that the experimenter who had escaped before was infected by evil spirits, covering his head and crying out in pain.

Originally, they had been surrounded by fierce beasts and crafty slaves. Now they are fierce beasts and crafty slaves in all directions. These people who escape from the trial encounter with fierce beasts.

"Everybody, don't run away, there's still a chance!"

Ye Feng's face was dignified, flew up, shook his arms and shouted.

"You can fight evil intentions. We can't. We're finished."

"Yes, you go. We'll help you delay for a moment. Maybe you have a chance to escape here."

"Thank you for your help, but the current situation has no solution. You'd better leave."

The experimenters spoke out one after another. They thanked Ye Feng for resisting the giant and cunning slaves and keeping them.

But now there are thousands of fierce animals and strange slaves in all directions. How can Ye Feng stop them? They have accepted their fate.

"If you can trust me, let go of your mind!"

Ye Feng didn't pay attention to what they said, but shouted and waved at the testers infected by evil intentions.

"The Tao of life and death is a flower, and the Tao heart is eternal!"

Ye Feng drank low in his heart. The evil intention in the eyes of those testers dissipated in an instant. They opened their eyes blankly. The next moment they saw Ye Feng and bowed down to thank him.

"Brother, he can expel evil intentions and protect us from infection. Only by following him can we have a glimmer of vitality!"

At this time, Tianyi clan, who had been saved by Ye Feng before, suddenly remembered that Ye Feng had helped him expel evil ideas and hurriedly said.

"Brother, I trust you!"

Tianyi nationality opposite Yefeng road.

"OK, protect me."

Ye Feng looked at the Tianyi family and showed his Taoist heart again. A flower of life and death rose in the mind of the Tianyi family to protect his knowledge of the sea.

Suddenly, Tianyi family felt that his mind was unprecedentedly firm and would not be shaken. Even endless evil intentions could not make him lost.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not afraid of evil intentions!"

Tianyi family laughed, and the experimenters looked moved.

Ye Feng didn't want to use the flower of life and death before, because it would cause others to covet, but at present, only by gathering the strength of everyone can he have a chance to tide over the crisis.

"Everyone, please trust me."

Ye Feng said again. He glanced at every experimenter and said, "rhizome tells me that the root of all these evil intentions comes from the ground. You can only have a glimmer of vitality if you follow me to the ground and erase the root."

"I believe you!"

At this time, a loud cry sounded. It was the Lei family tester.

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