Ye Feng secretly guessed that through this hole, he could enter the world.

However, the space in the void was full of turbulence, which made him give up the idea.

Like the chaos and cruelty of the sky, although the fierce beasts in the sky collapse are more fierce, they are unable to resist so many of them and pass easily.

Along the way, Ye Feng and others basically didn't meet other testers, which made him think that most of the testers may go with themselves.

The sky is crying fiercely. There is always a light rain between heaven and earth. It doesn't stop all year round, just like the sky is crying.

There are plenty of water and grass here. The grass is several meters high. Walking among the grass, there is rain under your feet, like stepping into a rice field.

Many strange experimenters hide in the dense grass. They hunt fierce animals here and seize spiritual beads.

Ye Feng and his party broke into the grass, immediately alerted these strange testers and flew out to investigate.

Ye Feng looked around and roughly estimated that there were dozens of strange faces.

The two sides face to face. Those strange faces are vigilant and stare at Ye Feng, with deep meaning in their eyes. After a moment, they sneak into the grass again and disappear.

"Where do they all come from?"

Ye Feng looks at Ji Sheng, the son of emperor Da Xuan, who is knowledgeable. In addition to being handsome, he is very good in other aspects.

"The sea of death is so vast that there are many roads to enter Tianqi fierce place. When it is close, there are three places: Tianqu, Yingou Strait and Yinhai road."

Ji Sheng talked with assurance, and the implication showed that these strange testers had never stepped into other fierce places.

"Are they here to rob the Pearl?"

Ye Feng's heart moved and immediately understood Ji Sheng's meaning. Instead of trying all the way from Tianjue fierce, he went straight to Tianqi fierce. The reason was obvious.

"That's why I said it would be more difficult to leave."

Ji Sheng's sharp eyes swept through the surrounding grass, where there was a strange experimenter who wanted to rob.

"Why do people want to follow you? One is to trust you, the other is because of this."

On the right hand side, mang Yue, carrying a huge hammer, said casually: "the trial of the Black Dragon Palace, near the Black Dragon Palace, there are many blessed places attached to the Black Dragon Palace, and most of the blessed places are famous families."

"These famous families boast of extraordinary status and disdain to search for spiritual beads like ordinary testers. They often guard in the last fierce place, rob others and seize spiritual beads."

"The Black Dragon Palace knows this well, but it has not controlled it, which has increasingly encouraged their arrogance. In the past, these looters appeared in the tenth place. Now they are so rampant that they start hunting in the fierce place."

Hearing what mang Yue said, Ye Feng frowned slightly. These looters are so rampant. Are the testers who have reached the end all the way in danger willing to be robbed?

"In the past, some people formed gangs to fight against the looters, but the looters had extraordinary strength, knew more about benefits and split the team, so they never formed an effective resistance."

Ji Sheng answered Ye Feng's doubts and looked at the testers around him, "but now it's different. You and I have good strength. You saved everyone. This kindness can become cohesion, which can bind us firmly together. Some benefits can't split us."

"I see."

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes and thought of the looters who had just emerged. Seeing that they were numerous, he hid again. I'm afraid he had the intention to rob the Pearl, but he didn't dare to do it.

"Hey, you guys, you're still together."

Just then, a hey smile came, the grass separated, and a well-dressed young man came out.

He was wearing a beautiful blue silk jacket, with a purple gold fine silk belt tied around his waist and purple short hair. The shape was quite good, but his smile was particularly obscene.

"Who are you?"

When Ye Feng saw him, he frowned slightly. This guy's smile was too boring.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter who I am. What matters is who I represent."

The young man with purple hair has his nostrils facing the sky and is full of pride. A jade pendant shines in his hand.

"Can you understand the word?"

The purple haired youth squinted at Ye Feng and others, looking like a bull in the sky.


Ye Feng didn't know why. There was a black character engraved on the jade pendant. The character was well written, but he didn't know who it represented.

However, many experimenters saw this jade pendant, their complexion changed slightly, Ji Sheng's eyes drooped slightly, and pulled Ye Feng.

"Trouble is coming. The Black family is one of the top ten families near the black dragon palace. It is said that the body is the black eagle."

"Black eagle?"

Ye Feng pondered that the black eagle was actually a demon family. In ancient times, the black eagle family was quite strong. It was one of the top ten demon families, juxtaposed with the God owl family.

But later, the demon statue disappeared, and the black eagle family separated from the demon family. Unexpectedly, they attached to the door of the black dragon palace.

"It's the slave of the traitor in the family. Your master asked you to come. What's the matter?"

Ye Feng sneered and looked at the purple haired youth.

"Bold madman, how dare you disrespect our Lord!"

The purple haired young man was furious. Ye Feng was no more than a mole ant in his eyes. He dared to be so arrogant and slapped it immediately.

The purple haired young man was arrogant and his ability was not low. He was half a step in the divine realm. When he shot, the wind and cloud shook, and a black light shot from the palm of his hand to pierce Ye Feng's head.

As soon as the purple haired youth made a move, the experimenters immediately became nervous. The tension was not because they were worried about the safety of Ye Feng, but the meaning behind the move.

The purple haired youth represents the Wu family. It's a big force. If you make friends with evil people, I'm afraid the road of trial will be difficult.

The experimenters are in a dilemma. On the one hand, they don't want to offend the Wu family. On the other hand, they are not willing to be robbed by these big forces. They can only hand over the choice to Ye Feng to see how he can deal with it.

"Hum, but a slave dare to be so rampant. Even if your master comes, he can't be so presumptuous!"

Ye Feng was undaunted. He yelled, holding the empty knife in his hand and cutting it off in the face of the black light.


The sabre shines in the world. It cuts the black light in half in an instant. Its prestige is not reduced at all. It goes straight to the face of the purple haired youth.


The purple haired youth thought that Ye Feng was no more than four holy places and could be destroyed easily. Unexpectedly, Ye Feng had such strength. He despised the enemy for a moment and had no time to dodge.

Seeing the light of the knife, he was about to cut the purple haired youth in half. The jade pendant in his hand suddenly lit up, and then a black light barrier shrouded the purple haired youth.


The knife light cut on the barrier. The two sides were deadlocked for a moment and dissipated together. The jade pendant in the hands of the purple haired youth broke and fell to the ground.

"You inspire the token to protect yourself. My lord knows what you have done and will not spare you!"

The purple haired young man showed his hate color and hid some fear in the bottom of his eyes. After putting down his cruel words, he turned and wanted to go.

"Run to me and talk nonsense. Just want to leave? Tianmeng, leave him."

Ye Feng looked at his back with a fierce look and a cold tone, which made tianmeng of Tianyi family fight.

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