Ye Feng knew that as long as he dared to move again, he would kill his master!


Ye Feng's scalp became numb, and the process of turning his head became unusually long, as if running wildly on the death line.

When Ye Feng turned around, he almost cried out. A face was close to his eyes. He could even see every pore on that face.


The voice was familiar. Ye Feng's eyes changed slightly. He saw the face open and the whole face exposed.

"Demon emperor!?"

Ye Feng subconsciously exclaimed. He found that the person in front of him was the demon emperor he had seen in Guiyun mountain.

In the past, the demon emperor was accidentally broken by the tiger demon tiger Lord and got out of trouble.

The demon emperor found that Ye Feng was practicing the demon respect skill. He specially left Ye Feng alive and flew away. He didn't expect to see him here again.

"Elder devil? Why are you here?"

Ye Feng's horror subsided when he found that the other party was the devil. In the past, the devil didn't take his life, and now I'm afraid he won't.

However, the devil emperor has extraordinary skills. Later, Ye Feng saw the Holy Son burning spirit and hated evil insects, but even they in the divine kingdom are insufficient compared with the devil emperor.

Therefore, even if the demon emperor did all the evil things after getting out of trouble, it was difficult for the black dragon palace to catch him in the deep.

"Is it difficult that the black dragon palace is so strong?"

Ye Feng couldn't help wondering. The devil emperor is truly indomitable. His strength is probably the peak of Huangfeng's world. If he can't resist the Black Dragon Palace, the strength of the black dragon palace will be terrible.

"Oh, I didn't expect."

The devil didn't pay attention to Ye Feng. Instead, he stared at Ye Feng for a long time. Suddenly, he pointed to the center of Ye Feng's eyebrows.

The devil's speed was so fast that Ye Feng didn't even have time to respond. The devil's finger touched the center of his eyebrow. A mysterious mark was extracted, poured into the devil's fingertips and disappeared.

"What is this?"

Ye Feng wondered. At the moment, he also realized that it was wrong. What a magnificent breath of the former demon emperor, but the cultivation in front of him was only half a step into the divine realm.

Although the feeling to Ye Feng is still extremely dangerous, it is not as terrible as the demon emperor in the past.

"Is this the devil in front of you?"

Ye Feng as like as two peas in the face, and the same way of behaved, but the difference between the strength is so great that he is not sure.

At this time, the demon emperor seemed to know something from the mark of the demon Qi, and his eyes twinkled with excitement.

"I see. I see."

The devil laughed, "the original body has been out of trouble. I have met you."

"Before..., en? Noumenon?"

Ye Feng was slightly stunned. In front of him, is this the separation of the devil emperor?

"Oh, boy, you're lucky. If noumenon doesn't leave a mark on you and let me know these things, you'll be like them."

The devil emperor looked at himself and pointed to the nearby corpse mountain. He didn't answer Ye Feng's doubts at all.


Ye Feng looked at the corpse mountain, and his mouth was slightly stiff.

Indeed, if the devil is not separated here, he will die.

At this moment, Ye Feng also realized that things were strange. His mark was strange and invalid and appeared at the first token.

As a tester, I don't know the danger here. I will definitely enter the temptation. If someone else changes, I will die at the moment.

"Someone wants me to die!"

Ye Feng's eyes flickered and realized this, but he didn't know who it was.

At the time of transmission, except for the nine elders, the strength of other soldiers was also very important. Most of them could do it if they wanted to harm him.


Ye Feng's eyes are slightly narrowed. Many people can make the mark invalid, but only one person has the authority to specify his transmission location.

"Nine elders..."

Ye Feng pondered and had great doubts about the nine elders in his heart, but he would not make a complete conclusion until he got the truth.

When Ye Feng speculated who was plotting against him, the demon emperor kept staring at him. His eyes kept changing and suddenly lost his smile.

"Boy, do you think who is going to hurt you?"

The demon emperor asked suddenly.

"Elder, how do you know I'm thinking about it?"

Ye Feng was a little surprised.

"Hehe, those guys in the Black Dragon Palace, who didn't know that the emperor was here. If you were sent here, someone must have hurt you."

The demon emperor smiled proudly.

"The elder really has no choice, and the younger generation admires it."

Ye Feng clapped his horse decisively, and then looked at the separation of the devil emperor with some hesitation. He wanted to ask each other if he could leave.

Although it's an acquaintance, even if it's just a separation, the devil's power is towering. Around him, you will feel endless pressure.

What's more, whether the devil emperor will release Ye Feng is still unknown. It's best to leave as soon as possible.

"Want to go?"

The devil emperor opened his mouth and said, "do you know the rules of lifeless Valley?"

"Lifeless Valley?"

Ye Feng's eyelids jumped slightly and knew that this was the name of the canyon, but the meaning behind this made him feel bad.

"The rule is that if you enter lifeless Valley, you will die. No one is exceptional."

The devil emperor suddenly looked serious and stared at Ye Feng's eyes, word by word.

The evil emperor's separated eyes are extremely dangerous and contain towering magic power and killing intention, which makes Ye Feng dry.

"This, this..."

Ye Feng's smile was very stiff. He hardened his scalp and said, "elder, younger generation is timid. You'd better not make such a joke?"


The demon Emperor gave a cold drink, and an indomitable ghost of the demon emperor appeared behind him. The magic power swept away, and the oppressive five senses of Ye Feng disappeared. The mouth was tasteless, the smell was unconscious, the body was unconscious, the eyes could not see and the ears could not listen.

For a moment, Ye Feng seemed to fall into chaos and become a stone and a dead object.

This feeling brought Ye Feng endless fear, but it was only an instant, and he felt recovery.

"Ha ha ha!"

The devil emperor laughed proudly, ignored Ye Feng's breath and said, "the emperor can give you privileges. I will suppress my strength in the Holy Land and fight with you fairly..."

The demon emperor stretched his tone and said, "if you can beat me, I will let you go."

Ye Feng's best quality is full of toughness. If you were someone else, you would just feel that the five senses have disappeared, so endless fear. I'm afraid you can't stand at the moment.

But Ye Feng has adjusted in this short time. When he heard what the demon emperor said, he couldn't help but brighten his eyes.

"Is that true?"

"Is it a child's play for the emperor to speak?"

The demon emperor looked at Ye Feng separately.

"The younger generation is abrupt. What an identity the elder generation is. Of course, he won't tease the younger generation."

Ye Feng quickly laughed.


The devil's cold as like as two peas, and the sudden fall into four peaks of sacred land is exactly the same as Ye Feng.

"Let's go."

The devil emperor separated and said, without giving Ye Feng the slightest reaction time, he shot directly.

The demon emperor's split palm is as fast as electricity. The palm is surging from the vortex of magic Qi. Endless magic thoughts pour out of the palm and are close to Ye Feng's mind.

At the same time, the whirlpool turns, constraining Ye Feng's body and hindering his movement.

Another magic blade flew out and poured into the sea to cut the spirit.

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