"Well, since it's good for both sides, it's up to you."

Ye Feng nodded slightly and stopped.

Later, Ye Feng checked himself and accepted the fire swallowing seal. His affinity for the fire attribute Yuanli evil spirit was greatly improved.

Just as a stove attracts flames, all the free fire elements in heaven and earth are actively approaching Ye Feng.

Ye Feng doesn't even need to be refined deliberately in his body. He can manipulate these fire elements.

When he opened his eyes, Ye Feng waved his hand slightly, and the fire elements around him immediately gathered together and condensed into several big characters.

"It has been accepted by me. You don't have to worry."

When the little iron demon saw these big words, he immediately felt relieved, stroked his small hand on his chest and spit out a mouthful of smoke.

In addition to the arson element, Ye Feng didn't find any other characteristics. In this way, swallowing the fire seal doesn't seem to be as powerful as rumored.

But Ye Feng knew that he didn't realize the power of swallowing fire marks.

Immediately, he left the chaotic iron demon and came to the outside world. He saw the chaotic iron demon standing still with a huge sword.

After a while, the chaotic iron demon turned his eyes and looked at Ye Feng, "thank you for your help."


In the distance, mang Yue was lying on the iron mountain. Ji Shenggang was dug out of the pit by a group of testers and woke up. At the moment, they couldn't help staring at what the chaotic iron demon said.

"What's going on? What did this guy do?"

Mangyue was very confused, and others were also confused.

"Ji Sheng, this is yours."

Ye Feng did not answer their doubts and threw out a token.


When the token was still in the air, it turned into a black dragon and killed Ji Sheng. Ji Sheng couldn't help being silly.

"You want to kill me!"

Ji Sheng is very angry. He is seriously injured and can't deal with the black dragon transformed by the token.

Just then, the halberd painted on his side suddenly vibrated. His body was illusory. The Golden Dragon rushed out and opened his mouth.


The black dragon's body was twisted and then turned into dragon Qi, which was swallowed by the Golden Dragon.

The lucky Golden Dragon gradually gazed, and the golden light shone. It snorted and ejected tokens from its nostrils.

Seeing this, Ji Sheng quickly stretched out his hand to borrow it. Unexpectedly, it affected the injury and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"How did you do it?"

Holding the token tightly, Ji Sheng felt a little unreal.

He rubbed in his hand for a long time to confirm the authenticity. He couldn't help looking at Ye Feng, and the color of gratitude in his eyes flashed away.

"This is a secret between us."

Ye Feng shrugged and swallowed the fire seal. It was very unusual. It was not in this world at all. Even the divine world was extremely rare.

Therefore, he could not expose the news of accepting and swallowing fire seals.

After all, this news tells them that it is not a good thing and may bring great disasters.

"Take care of the injury as soon as possible, catch up with others and get more tokens."

Ye Feng's face was slightly solemn and his eyes were gradually sharp.

The token represents the third trial. If you can pass, you can join the black dragon palace.

So many people are competing. If you slow down, you may miss the token.

The chaotic iron demon is so strong that most of them bow their heads to Ye Feng. They don't need to worry about anything. They immediately cross their knees to meditate, recuperate their injuries and restore their strength.

Ji Sheng and mang Yue were the same. For a time, the field was very quiet, with only slight breathing.

Ye Feng feels the sea, swallows the fire seal, is full of joy, refining the reincarnation of fire.

"Can you leave when you get the token?"

Ye Feng thought of one thing and couldn't help looking at the chaotic iron demon.

"You say that black and broken sign?"

The chaotic iron demon scratched his head and said in surprise: "leave? You can leave this ghost place if you get the sign?"

"That's true." maple leaf was much more relaxed and replied immediately.

"Whether we can get a token or not, we can leave. This brand is used to test us. Those who get a token will be rewarded."

"Then why do you say so?"

The chaotic iron demon looks simple, honest and dull, but his brain is not stupid. He captures the key points between Ye Feng's words.

Hearing the speech, Ye Feng couldn't help smiling and said, "because there are people with other identities, you can leave if you get the brand."

Ye Feng said that it is the criminals imprisoned in the Youyuan. If they get a token, they can regain their freedom, leave the Youyuan or join the black dragon palace.

Ye Feng asked the chaotic iron demon about this because he was not sure whether creatures like them belonged to the monsters specially suppressed by the black dragon palace or criminals.

You know, creatures like chaotic iron demon are very powerful. There are countless forbidden places in the abyss. If they all participate in robbing tokens, Ye Feng and others are not opponents at all.

"Fortunately, it should not be difficult to deal with criminals."

He muttered in his heart. At this time, the chaotic iron demon raised his finger and pointed to the urn voice in the distance: "are you talking about criminals, those guys?"

Ye Feng was slightly surprised when he heard the speech. He quickly looked up and looked in the direction of the chaotic iron demon.

It's just that there are only one mountain and no one can see.

"How did you see them? What did they look like?"

Ye Feng is alert that no matter who comes is a criminal or a member of the top ten families, conflicts will break out between the two sides for tokens.

"Oh, those guys are vicious one by one, with steel marks on their faces."

The chaotic iron demon thought for a long time and gave such a description. At the same time, he drew a steel seal shape on the ground with a huge sword.

Ye Feng looked like a chain formed by a black dragon with tiny pupils.

"It's a deep criminal!"

"Ready to fight!"

Ye Feng looked down at the crowd, and God knew to preach.

Ji Sheng and mang Yue opened their eyes first and looked at Ye Feng with dignified complexion. Other experimenters also reacted, got up quietly and gathered together.

"Can you share the picture you see with us?"

Ye Feng said to the chaotic iron demon. He saw that the chaotic iron demon can be regarded as the master of the world. Therefore, no matter where it is, it can sense and even observe all the time.


The eyebrows of the chaotic iron demon split, and flames shone out, forming a projection in mid air. A group of criminals with steel seals on their faces and ferocious momentum had just entered here and came to the depths of the mountains.

Seeing these criminals, they all looked dignified, because from the picture, the number of each other was more than 40.

At the same time, there are seven or eight people with extraordinary momentum, who obviously exist in the divine realm, and their every move contains charm.

"Do you want to arrange it in advance?"

Ji Sheng looked at Ye Feng with a heavy face and whispered.

"Are they here to trouble you?"

Just then, the chaotic iron demon urn sounded.

Ye Feng's eyes lit up. Before he opened his mouth, the chaotic iron demon continued: "I'll help you beat them."

"That's what you're waiting for."

He smiled. The chaotic iron demon had almost no flaws. With the help of this guy, it would be much easier to deal with these criminals.

Then, Ye Feng's eyes flashed and said, "let's enter your body. This can ensure everything is safe."

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