Wang Wudi's face was gradually solemn.

He waved and condensed a star map on the tea table. There were five light spots on it, which was particularly bright.

"Speaking of it, the criminals in the deep beyond the five levels of the divine realm are also imprisoned in the magic fog world and can't go out. Therefore, the criminals we encounter are all the five levels of the divine realm and below."

"The misty world?"

Ye Feng's eyebrows were slightly raised.

It seems that this is the name of the forbidden place shrouded in the fog. As for the criminals they will encounter, it is the five aspects of the divine realm. Ye Feng heard this for the first time.

The top ten families have more information than Ye Feng and others. It is a wise choice to cooperate with Wang Wudi.

"According to previous news, there are four levels of divine realm in the deep, with two in total."

Wang Wudi then said, pointing to a bright light spot, "one of them is him. He is called the evil king in troubled times by criminals. He develops forces near the fog world of life breaking demons and constantly gathers criminals as his men. He is the most powerful criminal in the abyss."

"It is said that there are ten people in the holy land, six are one heavy, three are two heavy, and one is three heavy. There are hundreds of people in the holy land."

"Four levels of divine realm..."

Ye Feng feels great pressure. With his current strength, it is difficult to fight against the triple of the divine realm. He needs to use all means to fight against the quadruple of the divine realm, and there is no guarantee of victory.

If you want to surpass the four aspects of the divine realm, you may need to use the enhanced version of the broken mountain and river, but the enhanced version of the broken mountain and river will devour everything of Ye Feng, which is a move of dying together.

Ye Feng will not use this move easily unless he is in a desperate situation.

"What about the other one?"

Ye Feng wrote it down in his heart and then asked.

"The other is him."

Wang Wudi pointed to another bright spot, just below the evil king in troubled times, "he is called a madman by criminals. He has always been alone. His men have no power, but I'm afraid his strength is stronger than the evil king in troubled times."

"After all, he is crazy by nature and likes fighting most. It is impossible for such a person to survive in the abyss for so long without real skills."


Ye Feng wrote down the name again and looked at the other three bright spots, "where are the three of them?"

"This one has been removed by me. Don't mention it again."

Wang Wudi pointed to the bright spot on the left of the Madman of Chu and said calmly.

"That's good news."

Ye Feng frowned slightly. Wang Wudi seemed indifferent on the surface. In fact, he was showing off his achievements.

"This one, known as the blood devil, is said to be bald. His forces are not weak. He has..."

Wang Wudi pointed to the next light spot. Before he finished, Ye Feng said, "there are seven gods and more than 40 people in the holy land."

"Oh? Brother Shenfeng knows him?"

Wang Wudi looked up and was surprised.

"Well, we've got rid of it."

Ye Feng smiled calmly.

"..." Wang Wudi took a deep look at Ye Feng and nodded, "it's also good news. That's the only one left."

Pointing to the last light spot, Wang Wudi said, "this is the second strongest criminal under his hand except the evil king in troubled times."

"He calls himself the dark king, but many criminals privately call him a Yin ghost. He is good at assassination. He has three gods, two gods, six gods, one God and 53 holy lands."

"So much?"

Ye Feng was slightly surprised. In this way, to get rid of the criminals killed by the bald blood devil and Wang Wudi, it was only the alliance of three noteworthy criminals such as the evil king in troubled times, and they had more than 20 divine places.

"There are other divine lands and holy lands, which are not as noteworthy as them, but there are also a lot of them."

Wang Wudi's look became dignified. "According to my inference, if all the criminals are united, there may be more than 30 holy places and thousands of holy places."

Hearing this, Ye Feng's face was slightly stiff. He had tried to overestimate the power of Youyuan criminals, but now it seems that he underestimated it.

In the case of the suppression of the quintuple of the divine realm, there are more than 30 in the divine realm alone, and there are thousands in the divine realm. Even if he joins hands with ten families such as Wang Wudi, it is still almost impossible for him to resist.

"No wonder even Wang Wudi feels full of pressure."

Ye Feng spits out a mouthful of turbid air and nods, "I know. Brother Wang has a way to deal with it?"

Before he knew the criminal power, Ye Feng still had a war mind, but now he has given up this idea. He can be fearless of life and death, but he should be responsible to his companions.

In the face of such a huge force, the testers will only be wiped out. Ye Feng can't let them die.


Wang Wudi was silent for a moment and said, "but it's not safe. I'm afraid this war can't be avoided."

Ye Feng was not surprised by this answer. In front of such a huge force, any plot may be seen through, but no matter what, always try.

"Please tell brother Wang." Ye Feng hugged his fist.

"I have a magic weapon in my hand, which is given by my family elders. It's called hidden Tissot. It can hold hundreds of people, hidden in the void and undetected."

Wang Wudi said.

Hearing the speech, Ye Feng's eyes are slightly bright. With this magic weapon, he hides it at the opening of the portal in advance. When the portal appears, he can enter it immediately to avoid fighting.

However, Wang Wudi's possession of hidden Tissot is still not optimistic, indicating that hidden Tissot must have shortcomings.

"This hidden Tissot can introduce the void, but if someone has the means to explore the void, he can find it."

Sure enough, Wang Wudi said the disadvantages of hidden Tissot.

There are thousands of criminals. Even though the means of exploring emptiness are very rare, there are proficient criminals.

"Secondly, the entrance and outlet can only determine the general orientation. It is uncertain where it appears."

Wang Wudi's voice was low. "If we hide in the hidden Tissot, the entrance is far away from the hidden Tissot and are surrounded by criminals, we can only break through."

"Even if we are lucky, the entrance will appear near the hidden Tissot, and the hidden Tissot cannot pass through the transmission entrance. At that time, we will still show up and expose ourselves, and the criminals will still find us."

Ye Feng vomited a mouthful of turbid air and said, "so even if everything goes well, someone should still be behind the palace, or give up his life to save others."

"That's right."

Wang Wudi's eyes were deep and stared at Ye Feng, "that's why I asked you to cooperate, because I know that you and I are one kind of people."


Ye Feng's heart moved. He saw the same thing as himself from Wang Wudi's eyes.

Guardian, or responsibility, is the firm belief to protect the companions around you.

"I will try my best to protect them."

Wang Wudi said.

"The same."

Ye Feng smiled. They looked at each other and understood each other's intentions.

They are not good people and can't sacrifice themselves for others, but they have faith and perseverance in their hearts, and try to help others within their ability. That's what they think.

"Because we are the same kind of people, even if we know that he is not inferior to me, we still don't choose to do it."

Wang Wudi looked at Ye Feng, opened the curtain, walked away, and said in his heart.

Ye Feng finds Ji Sheng and mang Yue and tells them what Wang Wudi said. Both of them look very dignified.

However, knowing that Ye Feng and Wang are invincible, they all support and will fight side by side with Ye Feng.

The two sides cooperated and united to move forward together. One day later, Wang Wudi stopped the people in front of a magic fog world called tianguaiyuan.

"Gentlemen, this is the hidden Tissot. You can hide into the void and avoid being investigated by others."

Wang Wudi waved, and a flying shuttle the size of a palm flew out of his sleeve robe and floated into the air. It rose in the wind and turned into a behemoth in the blink of an eye.

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