"What are you talking about!"

Zhan Ba Ye was furious and his muscles bulged. He hated people saying he had no brain.

"You are so old that you have the seed to practice!"

Zhan Ba Ye rolled up his sleeves and prepared to have a fight with the whole bag of medicine.

"Don't make any noise and listen to me." then Wang junqian stood up and said, "everyone here, in my eyes..."


Before Wang junqian finished his words, Gu Huayuan, a young man in green robe, snorted and squinted over.


Wang junqian smiled awkwardly and hurriedly said, "except you, everyone here is rubbish. Let this boy follow me."

"You old thing!"

"Shameless, why with you!"

"Yes, don't think you can rob talents with high qualifications. I won't let you!"

The elders were all angry and scolded one after another. In particular, the five elders were full of medicine and all ten fingers were wearing space rings. At this moment, weapons flew out of the rings and were about to be thrown into Wang junqian's face.

"Shut up!"

Seeing that the elder Gu Huayuan couldn't control the scene, he immediately shouted angrily, and the fierce divine power swept through the hall, and the hall immediately quieted down.

The elders took their seats one after another, but they were still angry. They were about to open their mouth when guhuayuan looked at them coldly.

When they were calm, guhuayuan coughed and said, "don't worry. There's a third trial. Make plans after the trial is over."

Hearing the speech, the elders nodded slightly. Although Ye Feng could get a token from Wuming Valley and it was inevitable for them to pass the third trial, there was really no need to rush for it at the moment. Let's talk about it after reading it.

Immediately, the elders calmed down and guhuayuan sent a message to the nine elders, that is, Wu Chun, to start the third trial.

At the time of transmitting the voice to Wu Chun, Gu Huayuan's eyes flashed inexplicable brilliance. Through tracing back to the origin, he saw that Ye Feng inexplicably appeared on the edge of lifeless Valley, and the mark was still invalid.

As an existence that has lived for thousands of years, Gu Huayuan has seen too many intrigues. His mind is moved. He guesses that Wu Chun is preparing to harm Ye Feng.

But guhuayuan had his own calculation and didn't make it clear, but pressed it in his heart.

At this time, Wu Chun, who learned that he was going to start the third trial, brushed aside Ye Feng and said, "well, those who failed the trial will be sent away from the Black Dragon Palace by the soldiers, and the others will follow me."

Smelling the speech, Ye Feng and others couldn't help turning around and looking at each other. Their reluctant and encouraging eyes touched their hearts.

"Come on!"

The experimenters raised their fists for Ye Feng and others and shouted loudly.

"Don't worry, it will pass."

Ye Feng smiles and follows Wu Chun away with Ji Sheng and mang Yue.

Out of the hall, Ye Feng saw the outside scene. He had seen the black dragon palace from a distance before. In the center, there was an Optimus giant column and thousands of black dragon sculptures for climbing posture.

Now in the Black Dragon Palace, this huge column is in front of us, and the black dragon sculpture is lifelike, touching our hearts and minds.

Around, there were tall palaces and palaces. Wu Chun took the people through them and came to a tall, magnificent hall.

Above the main hall, there is a plaque with the words "dragon hall".

"This temple is dedicated to the Dragon Dharma phase. You enter the temple to observe the Dharma phase and understand the divine power."

Wu Chun glanced at each face and then said, "those who have the Dharma to give dragon Qi pass the test!"

"Go in."

When a soldier opened the door of the hall, the magnificent divine light immediately reflected. The magnificent dragon power of suppressing the heavens revealed, and Ye Feng and others stared.

In the main hall, there is a statue facing the door of the hall. It is a dragon with scales as cold as a knife, flashing divine awn, and its claws seem to pierce the heaven and earth. Its eyes are deep and look through the nine secluded divine dragon sculpture.

"Dragon Dharma phase..."

Yanmen whispered and looked at the Dharma phase.

Wang Wudi and Ye Feng took the lead in waking up under the shock of FA Xiang, and then walked into the hall, followed by Ji Sheng and others in the rear.

When ten people entered the hall, there was a rumbling sound behind them, and the soldiers of the Black Dragon Palace slowly closed the huge hall door.

Ye Feng took back his sight and looked at the Dragon Dharma phase. Looking outside the hall and inside the hall were two kinds of feelings.

Outside the hall, I only felt that the Dragon Dharma was magnificent and mighty, with the invincible power to suppress the heavens and control the world.

But inside the hall, the Dragon Dharma changes thousands of phases and poses, and thousands of forms flash in front of you every moment.

Each form contains profound Taoist rhyme, powerful magic power, and the feeling that the rules of the great road flash in front of us, which makes people feel as if they are in the fairyland and forget to return.

"Understand the divine power!"

Ye Feng heard a dull shout outside the hall. He was shocked. It was Wu Chun's voice.

Like Ye Feng, others are addicted to the Dharma phase. When they hear the order, they all react and quickly stabilize their mind.

Looking at the Dragon Dharma phase, thousands of forms still flash, but there is a little clarity between the mind and spirit, which can understand more things in the changes of forms.

Ye Feng's mind was constantly filled with mysterious feelings. He stared at the Dragon Dharma phase and didn't move.

Others are the same. They feel the Dharma with all their heart and try to understand the divine power.

As time went by, they were immersed in the Dharma phase and didn't realize that the external time had passed for four days.

During this period, there were many visions around them, and all kinds of Taoist flower gods continued to flow. Some gods even wandered outside the sky and returned for a long time.

This is the beauty of understanding the Dragon Dharma. People are almost in the sea of law and can even touch the road beyond the law. How rare is this opportunity.

At this time, Zhao Huan suddenly opened his eyes. In his eyes, God's awns burst out. Countless God's awns intertwined in mid air and condensed into a big net. The big net has the power to imprison heaven and earth.

"I understand!"

Zhao Huan saw that others were still immersed in the Dharma phase and shouted excitedly. He thought that the sooner he understood the magic power, the stronger his qualification was.

But at this moment, no matter Wu Chun outside the hall or Gu Huayuan and other elders in the distant hall, they all shook their heads when looking at Zhao Huan.

If you understand too early, it means that you don't have enough natural understanding and can't understand higher laws and magical powers.

Zhao Huan woke up in just four days. Although his talent is good, I'm afraid he can't get the reward of the Dragon Dharma.

Sure enough, Zhao Huan understood the law for a long time and waited quietly in the hall. At the moment, he had lost the magic in his eyes and became the divine dragon Dharma phase of ancient sculpture without any movement.

"Why, why hasn't the Dragon Spirit been given?"

Zhao Huan frowned. The magic power he understood was called one net to imprison heaven and earth. It was the strongest magic power he mastered.

In Zhao Huan's opinion, he can understand such extraordinary powers as a net of prisoners, and he will be rewarded with dragon Qi, but the result was unexpected.

An aperture appeared at Zhao Huan's feet. Zhao Huan, who was looking forward to the reward of dragon Qi, didn't even notice it.

Immediately, the aperture turned, and a deep darkness appeared under Zhao Huan's feet. He had no time to react and fell directly into the darkness.

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