"I see."

Ye Feng and others respectfully responded. Long Zhi's body flashed and disappeared.

Long rui'er saw this, took a picture of the table, and then took out a Zhang Bi blue board made of jade, "register."

Ye Feng and others took over the board and marked the name, identity and all kinds of information on the board, which needs them to fill in.

On the back of the board, it says what is needed to join the dark net. The first one tells them to join the dark net and disconnect all contacts with the black dragon palace. Except for necessary events, they are not allowed to call all forces of the black dragon palace.

Although the dark net belongs to the Black Dragon Palace, before necessary, the dark net will get rid of all connections with the black dragon palace. Even the members of the dark net, even the dead bodies, cannot return to the Black Dragon Palace, so as not to be found.

The second rule shows that those who join the dark net have life and death, wealth and honor in heaven, and they may lose their lives for any task. Let them be psychologically prepared.

There are still many things to do in the follow-up. Ye Feng looked at them one by one, then turned the board back to the front and wanted to fill in, but he didn't have a pen and couldn't start at the moment.

Others are the same. For a moment, they look at long Ruier in doubt. Since they have given the board, why not give the pen?

"This is a board made of Tiangang stone. After filling in, the soul contract will be directly signed. At the same time, no external objects are required. As long as the soul agrees with the contract, the content will be filled automatically."

Long rui'er smiled sweetly and did not joke that Ye Feng and others had not seen the world. She explained patiently.

Hearing the speech, everyone was surprised and curious, trying to summon a trace of divine power to attach the board.

Soon, Ye Feng held the board and filled in the information one by one. Finally, the board lit up. Ye Feng felt that there was a great power of heaven and earth to connect his spirit with the board.


The board suddenly cracked, turned into countless blue stars and disappeared, while Ye Feng felt that he had a trace of connection with heaven and earth, which was the contract between heaven and earth signed through the board.

After Ye Feng, the boards in other people's hands dissipated one by one, but there were several local soldiers in Heilong palace who were like haoyuntian. The boards in their hands were still.

This is because they did not fully agree with the contract. After half an hour, these people seem to have figured it out, dissipated the board in their hands and successfully signed the contract.

"Well, come with me."

The dark net registry is the most leisurely job. After all, there are often only a few people who join the dark net in January. At present, no one else joins. Long Ruier comes out of the window and walks forward with Ye Feng and others.

After walking more than ten meters, long Ruier stopped in front of another window and smiled at the black dragon woman with clear eyes inside.

"Long Xinyue, they have registered as the dark gold dragon guard. Give them something."


Long Xinyue smiled and found 20 space rings. Ye Feng and others lined up to get them.

Put on the ring and Ye Feng's spirit sank into it. There were countless weapons in it, including three top holy soldiers and hundreds of other holy soldiers.

In addition to the holy soldiers, there are all kinds of clothes, all kinds of books. Clothes include the clothes of all races in the whole Huangfeng world. Those books record local customs, legends and all matters needing attention.

In addition, there are many pills and array plates. In short, everything in the ring covers almost anything in the world.

After seeing the ring, Ye Feng took a deep breath. The things in the ring are so rich that it shows that the dark net is rich and powerful.

At the same time, those costumes, books and all kinds of weapons all show one thing, that is, the members of the dark king should disguise themselves as all kinds of identities to perform all kinds of dark tasks.

These things make Ye Feng think of a word, undercover.

After receiving the ring, long Ruier took Ye Feng and others to handle a lot of affairs, the most important of which was to receive the dark golden dragon order.

Looking at lying quietly in the palm of his hand, it feels cold. Although it is only the size of a palm, it weighs 10000 kg. A dragnet is carved on the front and a dragon token behind. Ye Feng's eyes flash.

The dark golden dragon order represents the identity symbol of the dark golden dragon guard. It can mobilize any team in the Black Dragon Palace, but it can't be used at leisure. It doesn't even have a big event. Even if life or death, the dark golden dragon order can't be exposed.

In addition, there is also the effect of disguised realm and appearance. This effect can be used at will, assisting the dark dragon in disguise and secretly investigating.

Follow long Ruier to run east and West. About two hours later, the other party informed them that everything had been done. You can go to the Dark Lord palace to see the Dark Lord Long Zhi.

The Dark Lord palace is at the core of the Dragon God castle. Ye Feng and others met many dark golden dragon guards along the way. These dragon guards saw that they were not strong, but they had become dark golden dragon guards. They all judged that they had extraordinary potential and were very polite to them.

All the way, Ye Feng and others passed the review of the Dark Lord guard and finally came to the Dark Lord palace.

The Dark Lord palace is actually a small room where long Zhi handles affairs on weekdays.

Ye Feng knocked on the door and was allowed to push the door in. He saw long Zhi sitting behind a square table with two messenger crystals on the table.

"In these two missions, according to the dark net investigation, it is preliminarily suspected that grey robed people are involved."

Long Zhi pointed to the messenger crystal and narrowed his eyes slightly. "One of the tasks is related to the moon family. This is a race under the shelter of the black dragon palace. They believe in the moon god and will hold a moon god Festival recently, but many moon people mysteriously disappeared, causing panic."

With a wave of the palm of Long Zhi's hand, the crystal ball on the left flew to Ye Feng, who quickly caught it.

"Take it back and have a good look. This task will be handed over to your Longyin team. You should find out the cause and whereabouts of those people. At the same time, you should be careful, because this matter may be related to the people in grey robes."


Hearing the speech, Ye Feng, Ji Sheng and others bowed down.

Then, Long Zhi looked at Wang Wudi and said, "another task is related to the dark night palace, which is also one of the sheltering forces of the black dragon palace. They also have a missing case, which will be handed over to your dragon capture team."

"Invincible, yes."

Wang Wudi received the messenger crystal and bowed to Zhan Qiong and others.


Long Zhi glanced at the crowd and looked serious. "Both tasks may be related to people in gray robes. You must be careful. Remember, tasks can fail, but your life must be saved!"

Long Zhi knows that Ye Feng and other soldiers who joined the black dragon palace through trial are fragrant pastries with extraordinary potential and precious life.

Being able to enter the dark net is basically not ordinary. Therefore, the dark net attaches great importance to all the dark gold dragon guards. It will be painful to lose a dragon wisdom, so any task is to protect life first.

After Long Zhi's instructions, Ye Feng and Wang Wudi led their teams and left the dark palace.

Standing in the corridor of the Dragon God castle, Ye Feng and Wang Wudi looked at each other. There was a hot war in their eyes.

Ye Feng knew that Wang Wudi regarded him as the only opponent, and Ye Feng did the same. Since the end of the battle of Youyuan, they entered the black dragon palace and improved greatly. They have always been eager to fight, but now is not the time.

"I wish you a successful completion of your task."

Wang Wudi said to Ye Feng.

"You too."

They looked at each other and smiled, then led the team to separate.

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