The dark fox evil nightmare looked coldly at the hall leader of the destruction hall, "you've seen it for so long, should you do it?"

Hearing the speech, the leader of the world destroying hall jumped in his heart. He looked at Ye Feng like a murderous God in the crowd, and his heart trembled.

However, under the gaze of the evil fox nightmare, the leader of the world destruction hall felt terrible pressure and dared not refuse.

"This bastard, this battle must consume a lot. He looks energetic. I'm afraid he doesn't have much power left. It's time to fight!"

The hall leader of mieshi hall looked at Ye Feng, cheered for himself, and immediately turned into an illusion and rushed to Ye Feng.


The strange voice sounded. Ye Feng was fighting with thousands of evil people. Suddenly, he saw thousands of strange evil butterflies appear. This is not a world killing evil butterfly, but a world hating evil butterfly.

"Oh, this old thing, can't help it at last?"

A cold light flashed in Ye Feng's eyes. He knew the details of the world weary evil butterfly. Only the leader and deputy leader of the world killing hall could master the strange power.

"Die for me, kill the world Xiongqi palm!"

The leader of the extermination hall suddenly appeared behind Ye Feng, and his palm exploded. Thousands of extermination light patterns on the palm were linked together to form a extermination atlas.

From this atlas, Ye Feng can see a scene of annihilation. Thousands of creatures fall in a pool of blood. Countless evil beings laugh and eat flesh and blood happily.

This atlas even appeared in Ye Feng's knowledge of the sea, affecting Ye Feng's consciousness, allowing him to see the destruction of the world and raise a sense of despair in his heart.


Just then, the flower of knowing life and death in the sea turned, the atlas of annihilation burst, Ye Feng recovered his Qingming, and the hall leader of annihilation hall appeared in front of him and hit the door directly.

"Hum, these shameless means!"

Ye Feng snorted coldly. Although the leader of the world destroying hall attacked from the rear, Ye Feng is a god owl, surrounded by gods, without weaknesses and flaws. There is still a self-respect behind him, facing each other directly.

"Dead soul, secluded pupil!"

Ye Feng did not panic when he looked at the killing palm. He opened a vertical eye in his eyebrows, just like the eyes of the master of Jiuyou who is in charge of Jiuyou and governs the infinite dead soul.


The soul vanishing divine light crushed the void and flew out boldly. In the face of the leader of the world destroying hall whose strength was suppressed in the holy land, this soul vanishing divine light destroyed the world.

In an instant, the palm in front of him was blown to pieces, and the soul vanishing divine light pierced into the void and rushed directly into the sea of knowledge of the Lord of the world destroying hall.

Under the erosion of devoid force, the leader of the world destroying hall is trying his best to resist, and his consciousness is inevitably in a trance for a moment. Ye Feng captures this opportunity and makes a bold move.

"Broken mountains and rivers!"

The sword cuts through the mountains and rivers and splits the world. It contains a trace of Ye Feng's will to kill evil. With the terrible power of killing everything, it cuts to the hall leader of the world killing hall.

This is the strongest blow that Ye Feng can exert at present, and it is also a blow that he is extremely confident. He believes that the Lord of the world killing hall can't stop this knife.

The situation was indeed as Ye Feng expected. The leader of the world destroying hall had regained consciousness when the knife light was approaching, but he felt desperate in the face of the knife.

Under the seal, there were only nine levels of cultivation in the holy land. The leader of the world destroying hall felt powerless in despair. He couldn't stop the knife. At this moment, he really realized that the gap between the Holy Land and Ye Feng was like a gap.

At most, he broke out three or four times of the divine realm, but Ye Feng could break out seven times of the divine realm. Even with the help of evil will, evil Falun and all kinds of ability to restrain evil Qi, he broke out a power comparable to the eight times of the divine realm.

In the face of such a powerful Ye Feng, the leader of the world destroying hall was unable to resist. He exhausted all means and played all his cards, which was still useless.

Watching the sword light take pride in him one by one, the magic power and Dharma that he can't use easily are blatantly cut open, just like cutting open his hope, which makes him fall into despair.


When the light of the knife was cut off, the leader of the world destroying hall turned into two halves and became two fireballs. However, the light of the knife was still spreading. I didn't know how to kill more evil people, which was completely eliminated.


At this moment, Ye Feng's momentum soared, and his cultivation, which had been standing still for a long time, broke out majestically at this moment, and his violent spirit swept around. I don't know how many enemies he knocked over.

"Eight holy places!"

Ye Feng's eyes were like electricity. He swept through figures and had incomparable confidence in his eyes. These evils made the evil people more unbearable in his eyes and could be crushed to death.

At the same time, the nether Sutra runs rapidly, swallowing the hall leader of the world destruction hall and the power of breaking the spirits of the evil people.

I only heard the sound of fragmentation from the sea, as if heaven and earth had been opened up, and the sea had expanded by nearly 50%. The spirit of Ye Feng became taller and more magnificent, as if it were the Supreme God's residence, standing in the vast world.

"Youming classic has broken through to the fourth floor!"

Ye Feng felt another joy in his heart. He felt the improvement of Youming Sutra, and pieces of information poured into his heart.

"Soul lock God chain!"

Ye Feng looked at the spirit inside and saw a thick chain in the soul's hand, which seemed to bind heaven and earth, filled with a terrible and extreme atmosphere of repression.

The chain is dark gold, with thunder lines all over the chain. From time to time, dark arcs jump and flash. At the same time, the faint flame wraps the chain, as if symbiotic with the chain, and even condenses a flame dragon head at the front of the chain.

The dragon's head roared silently and smelled constantly, as if it was catching the enemy hidden in nothingness.

"There is such a power!"

A shock flashed in Ye Feng's eyes. He had realized the use of the soul locking God chain. He could entangle and imprison the enemy's spirit, and even directly strangle and devour its spirit.

This is only one ability of the soul locking God chain, and the other ability is even more shocking. It can track the spirit. Even if it is strong in the divine Kingdom and the spirit hides in the law, it can accurately track, kill and devour each other.

"Every breakthrough of the nether Sutra can surprise me. The soul is attached to the body, the soul is lost, the pupil is hidden, and the soul is locked."

Ye Feng vomited out a mouthful of turbid air and looked coldly at the evil envoys who had been deterred by Ye Feng's fierce threat and did not dare to move forward, and a radian was raised in the corners of his mouth.

"I don't know how much power I can get when I reach the peak of the Ninth level. I'm really looking forward to it."

Now, in Ye Feng's eyes, these crimes are extremely evil, bring disaster to the world, be strange running dog slaves, betray the common people in the world, and even the evil envoys in the world are not so annoying.

"You are all tempting accomplishments. I can kill you, devour the soul and cultivate the nether Sutra without the slightest psychological burden."

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately wanted to kill all these evil people and wipe out the disasters for the world. However, he felt the boundless cold enveloping himself, and couldn't help looking away.

The nine headed evil snake and the evil nightmare of the dark fox have eyes as deep as the cold abyss. They lock Ye Feng and are filled with murderous Qi.

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