"Too, too terrible..."

At the moment, the commander and deputy commander were killed by Ye Feng, and the guards were also eaten back. Now they all look pale and are seriously injured.

"Who is this boy and why is he so powerful?"

"Why, why does Zhang Tong understand to offend such a person?"

"Ha ha, no matter why, Zhang Tongling and the secret envoy colluded with this huwan. I don't know how many evil things I did. I can't stand it for a long time. Good death, good death!"

The soldiers shouted. Ye Feng couldn't help but frown when he heard what they said. Most of the soldiers despised what Zhang Tongling and the dark envoy did.

But on second thought, it's easy to understand. After all, these soldiers want to protect one side when they become a guard army, not to harm the people's lives for big people.

However, the soldiers' duty is to obey orders, so no matter what Zhang Yesheng asks them to do, they can't refuse.

But now Zhang Yesheng is dead. For them, they don't need to be forced to do what they don't want to do.

"Sir, please spare our lives. We will leave manfeng county city in the future and never help these animals do evil again."

Among the soldiers, a square faced man who seemed to have some voice and strength in the divine realm came out and respectfully rushed to Ye Feng.

"Yes, please let me live and never do evil in the future. We are not interested in staying in this shit manfeng county city."

A famous soldier followed and got up. Some of them saw huwan with naked and undisguised disgust. It seems that they really despised huwan and other shameless and cruel people.

"Since they are willing to correct, it's better to give them a chance. After all, they are forced to do these things."

Mang Yue came from one side, glanced at a soldier, felt the sincerity between their words, and said.

"Well, these soldiers have good intentions, I can see."

Wang Wudi came with his eyes narrowed. Now he is the fifth level of the divine realm. His unparalleled divine eyes are becoming more and more powerful, and he can even see the true feelings in people's hearts.

Seeing Wang Wudi's affirmation, Ye Feng nodded slowly. He knew what effect Wang Wudi's unparalleled divine eye had.

"Well, in that case, you can leave."

Ye fengchong's soldiers calmly waved their hands, while he went to huwan and lifted it from the ground with one hand.

"You are the loyal King behind the scenes, aren't you?"

Ye Feng smiled lightly and his eyes were full of cold.

Huwan could not help shivering. At the moment, he had recovered from his fear, but he was more afraid of Ye Feng and dared not hide it any more.

"Yes, he is a contemporary loyal king. I know a lot about him. Many of his activities over the years are operated through me. I can tell you all. Don't kill me, don't..."

Huwan shouted in fear. He knew that his life was completely under the control of Ye Feng. At the moment, he was incomparably cooperative and only hoped that Ye Feng could keep him alive.

"You're having a good time now."

Ye Feng's mouth has a radian. Many of the information that Hu Wan knows is really useful, but what about this?

"But you still want to die!"

Ye Feng blew out with a fist, and huwan exploded. Before his death, there was incredible in his eyes. Obviously, he didn't understand anyway. He clearly had value and high value. Why did Ye Feng still kill him without hesitation.

"Because you do too much evil, you deserve to die."

Ye Feng took back his eyes and looked at captain Zhao. With a wave of his palm, he absorbed it into his palm.

"See? The guard? It's just a joke."

Captain Zhao stared at Ye Feng and murmured that he couldn't say a word. He was scared silly. In this manfeng county city, Zhang Yesheng was like a God. He was killed by Ye Feng, which made captain Zhao doubt the world.

Is he hallucinating, or is Ye Feng too rebellious?

"Master, I smell the smell of aliens. Many aliens..."

Just then, ye Zhi came to Ye Feng and said with a slightly gloomy face.

"Alien? Slave again..."

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes. Huxiao firm is the base of huwan and the slave trade. It's not surprising that there are slaves here.

"Take me."

Ye Zhi has a keen sense of smell. He takes Ye Feng, Ji Sheng and others into Huxiao firm. It is magnificent and luxurious everywhere. It can be seen how extravagant and wasteful tiger Wanguo is.

"Hum, it's really cheap for him to earn money and enjoy a luxurious life."

Ji Sheng could not help scolding when he saw this scene.

The slaves seemed to be hidden in a very secret place. Ye Zhi took everyone around Huxiao firm and finally found a sundry room, which was stacked with all kinds of things, basically rubbish.

With a wave of Ye Zhi's hand, the Amethyst flame flew out and burned all these sundries. A portal appeared where the sundries had piled up.


Ye Zhi kicked the door open and saw a stone ladder passage inside. Candles flickered on both sides of the passage, accompanied by a weak gasp and a painful and repressed wail.

"Go down and have a look."

With a jump in his heart, Ye Feng took the first step down the channel, and everyone followed.

The passage was not long. It didn't take long to reach the end. Just at the end, Ye Feng stood in place and didn't move into the underground palace.

"What's the matter?"

Ji Sheng and others frowned slightly. Subconsciously, they used the power of the soul to observe the underground palace. When they saw the scenes happening here, everyone was silent.

In such a big underground palace, countless aliens were pierced in the lumbar spine by iron hooks and hung in mid air. Their back injuries were eroded by strange forces and could not be recovered. Blood continued to drip into the large tanks below, and each tank was full of blood.

Among them, many aliens have died on the hook and their bodies stink, but no one took them off the hook at all.

In addition to these hooks hanging alien, many alien children were bumped into translucent bottles. Some looked like they had just been born, and some even looked like fetuses. They were bound to be taken out of their mother's body and bumped into these cans before they were born.

There is wine in the jar. They make wine with foreign children, just like snake wine and centipede wine.

There are also alien people who are placed on the bed and bound with chains. Some lack arms and some lose soles of their feet. They are all incomplete. Beside these beds, there are wooden saws. Obviously, their deformities are sawn off by wooden saws.

These lying aliens are bound on the bed. They can't survive or die. They can only make a sad and weak cry and wait in despair for the vitality to pass completely.

There are also all kinds of situations, which are shocking. Even here, there are dozens of celebrity slaves who are locked together in iron cages. The purpose of what they want to do is self-evident.

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