The loyal king was more and more annoyed when he learned that Ye Feng was a family of God owls.

"Are you crazy? Why should a demon family take care of my business? I'm selling people to vent your anger. Why did you do it to me!"

The loyal King's chest fluctuates violently and is about to explode. He can't understand how Ye Feng, a god owl family, can take a stand against him.

The demon clan should not be happy or even win over when they know that there is such a human Princess like him. Why kill him?

"Shameless people like you look down on you even though they have different positions. You deserve to die!"

Ye Feng said coldly, and his figure disappeared again.

"Where has this madman gone?!"

The loyal king was almost fainted by Ye Feng's reply, but Ye Feng's sudden disappearance made him alert and beware of Ye Feng's attack.


The loyal King stumbled and almost fell to the ground with a slap. He covered his swollen face and his eyes were full of blood.

"Damn it, damn it! How dare you? How can you humiliate me like this? I'm the king of Daxuan county. My first ancestor fought in the world with the first emperor!"

The loyal King roared. He watched Ye Feng appear on the treetop in front of him. He looked at him expressionless. He hated him to death, but there was nothing he could do.

"Now I think of you as a descendant of the loyal king of the first generation? I think of you as the king of Daxuan county? How can I forget your identity when I do those immoral things?"

"As a loyal descendant of the king and as the king of Daxuan County, won't your conscience be condemned for doing such things?"

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes and asked in a cold voice.

"You are a demon family. What does Da Xuan have to do with you!"

The loyal King roared, "what's more, it's just a group of Dalits. Their hearts will be different if it's not our race. What's too much for the king to do to other races? As Da Xuan's people and my people in manfeng County, they shouldn't die for me!"

"It's really high sounding!"

Ye Feng showed his murderous spirit in his eyes, and the shamelessness of the loyal king made him sick.

"In your eyes, they are just a group of Dalits. In my eyes, you are just a Dalit!"

Ye Feng shouted angrily and urged the holy fire in the molten sky. Countless flames swept around. Ye Feng's body suddenly went out from a flame in front of the loyal king.


Another slap made the loyal King look like Venus.

Although the loyal and righteous king is an eight fold divine realm, he has poor talent and does not understand the blinking ability such as space law. He is completely crushed by Ye Feng in speed.

"Pa Pa Pa!"

Ye Feng slapped him wildly and ravaged the loyal king like a ball. He saw the loyal King appear in the sky for a while, fall to the earth at a high speed, and suddenly hit a big tree.

"Ah! Get out of here!"

The loyal King resisted one by one. The endless humiliation made his anger surge in his heart, suddenly broke out with all his strength, and the golden light splashed around.

"Supreme merit light!"

The loyal King roars. These golden lights penetrate everything and have extraordinary power. They are the Shenwang realm magic power inherited by the loyal king of the early generation.

In the face of such magic powers, Ye Feng didn't dare to underestimate it. He had to stop the attack, change his body and keep dodging.

Seeing the loyal King shrouded in golden light, Ye Feng felt extremely ironic.

It's ridiculous that the loyal king of the early generation devoted everything to the human race, established supreme merit and morality, and understood such miracles, but now he is displayed by the cruel, inhuman and evil contemporary loyal king.

"You humble demon clan, dare to fight against the king!"

The loyal King pushed Ye Feng back, his body shrouded in golden light, and his voice became grand and solemn, just like an immortal in the sky.

"You don't know the power of the king. The king wants you to die!"

With a roar, the loyal king suddenly turned his hands to the sky and shouted, "please protect your children and grandchildren!"


The majesty of the divine king swept away, and there was an empty shadow behind the loyal king. The appearance of the empty shadow was similar to that of the loyal king, but his bearing was much higher than that of the latter, just like a saint.

At this moment, the virtual shadow opened his eyes, looked compassionate, suddenly stretched out his palm and patted Ye Feng. It looked like a Buddha to surpass the kindness of the heinous people.

"Loyal king, your descendants have done all the bad things. I'll clear the door for you, but will you attack me!"

Ye Feng drank fiercely and did not retreat. His arm was stretched with green tendons and cut out with a blatant knife.

"Broken mountains and rivers!"


The sky and the earth changed color, and the palm and the light of the knife were like the collision of two divine suns, sweeping the four directions one after another. The vast forest was razed to the ground in an instant like a crop harvested by a sickle.

Finally, the palm and the knife light burst together, and Ye Feng flew out upside down. On the other side, the virtual arm of the early loyal King burst, and the arm of the contemporary loyal king also burst.


The loyal King uttered a scream. He didn't expect to be hurt by Ye Feng when he summoned the virtual shadow of the first ancestor. You know, the virtual shadow of the first ancestor protects himself, but he has the strength equivalent to the later stage of the eightfold divine realm.

"Hum, you are doomed to die today. Even if you have great power, you can't escape fate!"

Ye Fengli shouted. He appeared behind the loyal king and printed his palm on the phantom of the early loyal king.

"Collapse and ruin palm!"

Ye Feng whispered. This is the magic power recorded in the black dragon palace. It has a miraculous effect against the virtual shadow.


In the palm of his hand, a collapsed black hole appeared, and the black hole continued to spread. The virtual shadow of the early loyal king was like thin paper and was crushed and swallowed up.

In the blink of an eye, the virtual shadow was completely crushed and swallowed by the black hole. The contemporary loyal King fiercely ejected a mouthful of blood and his breath was listless.

"What else do you have?"

Ye Feng's voice was like an abyss like a prison. With the sound, a knife light flashed past.


The loyal King wailed and held the root of his thigh with one arm. His right leg was cut off by Ye Feng. At the moment, blood gushed like a spring.

"I want you to suffer and feel all the pain suffered by the aliens!"

Ye Feng's voice sounded again. The eyes of loyal and righteous Wang Tong shrank suddenly. Endless fear flashed in his eyes. Just about to open his mouth to speak, the light of the knife flashed again.

When one arm was cut off, the loyal King trembled, leaving only one leg to bounce and flee to the distance.

The wound was eroded by a light fire, which made the loyal King unable to recover his flesh. At the moment, he felt very painful.

As a generation of princes, the loyal king has been spoiled since childhood. Let alone being cut off, he hasn't encountered ordinary bumps and bumps. Such torture makes him overwhelmed.

"Bitch, bitch! Stop, I told you to stop!"

When the loyal king saw Ye Feng disappear again, he shouted hurriedly, but where would Ye Feng listen to him? The light of the knife flashed again. The loyal King hit the ground with a pop, and his left leg leaned on the ground alone.


The loyal King wailed, but before he could react, a palm was pressed on his mouth so that he could not make any sound.

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