"They are in gukuling."

The deer grain family said.

Ye Feng looks at the Fengshen clan leader. He doesn't know where gukuling is, but the Fengshen clan leader, as an Aboriginal, must know.

Sure enough, the Fengshen patriarch clenched his teeth and said fiercely, "it's hidden under his eyelids. These evils!"

When Ye Feng inquired, he learned that gukuling mountain is a small mountain in the south of Fengshen tribe. It is shrouded in fog all year round. There are many fierce animals, which are very dangerous. Therefore, Fengshen tribe generally does not enter it.

Learned from the Luwen family that the evil envoy was in gukuling, Ye Feng and his party set out immediately with the Fengshen family leader, and now they have arrived.

"Here it is?"

Ye Feng's eyes were indifferent and looked at a hazy Valley shrouded in fog. His face was very calm. He didn't perceive any danger from the valley, which showed that things in the valley were very weak to him.


Ye Feng stepped into the valley step by step, and the fog was filled around, which made Ye Feng unable to see clearly. However, after the reincarnation fire surged into his eyes, the fog was in vain.

The walls of the valley are smooth, as if someone had specially polished them for the new year. The ground is covered with broken leaves, which fell from the woods above the valley.

There was a faint smell of decay in the air. Ye Feng saw the bones of many creatures, which should be alien. At the moment, charming fiery red flowers grew on the bones.

"Hold your breath. The flowers here are poisonous."

Ye Feng said calmly, followed by a group of people behind him, all moving forward led by him.

Although the poison of this flower has little impact on them, it will eventually cause some losses. The gains outweigh the losses. Anyway, in their realm, holding their breath for a long time will not endanger their lives.

The crowd continued to move forward. Ye Feng's eyes were like electricity. He swept through every part of the valley. He found that the road was gradually widened and clean.

"It's strange. No one must be interested in cleaning this gukuling mountain..."

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes, quickened his pace, and walked for a while. It suddenly opened up in front of the him. There was no fog in valley.

On the contrary, in the middle of the valley, there are mountains of white bones, all of which are the bodies of fierce animals. At the moment, the skin, blood and flesh have dissipated, smooth as a mirror.

"By the way, the Fengshen patriarch once said that there are many fierce animals in gukuling, which are very dangerous. We didn't see any fierce animals all the way. We must have been killed and concentrated here."

Ye Feng moved in his heart and said, "the evil envoy should be here. Find him."

At the command, the people scattered and opened, and Ye Feng rushed to the back of the dead bone first.

After searching, Ye Feng really found the evil emissary. There were three evil emissaries in gukuling mountain. They were wearing gray robes with strange queen bee patterns.

In addition to the three evil envoys, there is a bald man with the same clothes but stronger breath. The four of them are sitting in a cave. There is a strange array in the cave. The forest is as red as blood and is running continuously.

The blood gas and ferocity in the air are gathered here. There is a cocoon slowly pregnant in the center of the array.

"It will take a thousand more creatures to breed this disillusioned worker bee. At that time, no one can stop us."

The bald man should be a deacon. At the moment, he showed a cold smile. Suddenly, his face changed and looked at the entrance of the mountain.


The bald man asked in a deep voice, and the evil spirit and killing intention had spread out.

"Hehe, you hide well."

Ye Feng walked out calmly, faced the four people and said, "unfortunately, if I find out, all your schemes will be destroyed."

"Who are you and why are you here?"

The bald man's face was gloomy. He realized that Ye Feng was no small thing, otherwise he wouldn't break into here quietly. At the same time, he couldn't feel any danger on Ye Feng, which was impossible, because he wasn't mortal when he looked at Ye Feng's momentum.

"Deacon Hufeng, why talk nonsense with him? Just take him down. Under my interrogation, all his origins and purposes should be told honestly!"

A long hair evil envoy smiled. His whole face was buried under his long hair, and only a pair of bright eyes loomed under his hair, with infinite evil meaning.

"Well, it's up to you to take him down."

Deacon Hufeng smiled and looked at Ye Feng's eyes, but he was afraid. He couldn't touch the number of Ye Feng's ways and let the ghost send evil envoys to test the depth.

"Don't bother so much. Just cooperate with me."

Ye Feng smiled calmly, and the spirit suddenly came out, as high as 100 feet. He waved six soul locking chains and wrapped them around the Deacon Hufeng and others.

"No, run!"

Deacon Hufeng was shocked when he saw Ye Feng's spirit. He knew that Ye Feng could not resist and gave orders in an instant.

As the leader, the Deacon tiger bee reacted very quickly, but in the face of the soul locking God chain, it was completely futile.

With the howling cold wind blowing from Jiuyou hell, the soul locking God chain was as fast as electricity and bound all four deacons of tiger bee in an instant.


The chain was thrown fiercely, and the four people hit the wall. All their bones were broken, and their mouths vomited blood. The law of punishing evil invaded their bodies, curbed evil Qi and healed their injuries.

"Tell me, which strange force are you? What's your plot here?"

Ye Feng looked indifferent and asked.

"These are the guys?"

Beside him, a figure appeared out of thin air. Wang Wudi's unparalleled divine eyes scanned the Deacon tiger bee and others to explore their details.

"Hehe, these guys hide very well."

Ji Sheng walked into the cave, and others followed. They all heard Ye Feng picking up the four tigers and bees and heard the sound.

"You killed my third brother and my people!"

The head of Fengshen clan has red eyes and rolling killing intention. He has seen his third brother and the bones of many people on the corpse mountain in the valley.

"Oh, it's the head of Fengshen clan. You should be glad these guys find us, otherwise in a few days, the whole Fengshen clan will be controlled by us, and you can't escape!"

Deacon Hufeng said fiercely that he was the seventh heavy in the divine realm. It was easy to clean up the Fengshen clan leader. Unfortunately, they met Ye Feng, a pervert, and were taken down by one move.

"Tell me, which entrance of the upper hall do you belong to? What are your plans here? I'm not interested in talking nonsense with you."

Ye Feng flashed a chill in his eyes and said.


Hearing the speech, Deacon Hufeng's pupil shrinks. He hears Shangdian from Ye Feng's mouth, which startles him. To know that it is about Shangdian, it is difficult for ordinary deacons to know, and Ye Feng seems to know Shangdian and their strange men very well.

"You are from the black dragon palace!"

Deacon Hufeng suddenly shouted angrily when he thought of the news conveyed by the upper hall not long ago.

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