"So, I'm afraid those guys met in Qianmen county city are really shadow families..."

Ye Feng told them about the attack on Qianmen county city.

Yousheng cloud and Hu Xianghan looked at each other and nodded.

"It must be the shadow clan. Their place is jiuyouling, not far from Qingzhou. Attacking you should be the same as the divine beast clan. They want to eliminate some competitors first."

Ye Feng can't deny it. Jiuyouling is a mysterious island floating on the sea. No one has ever seen the real face. However, it is rumored that the island is in the sea area southwest of Qingzhou, and the distance is really not far.

"Ha ha, so it seems that there are many thorny enemies on this trip."

Ye Feng shook his head and smiled. He looked indifferent and didn't show much pressure.

But in his heart, Ye Feng is more and more vigilant. The God King of the blue sky may not attract too many people, but Shengxuan Qinglian, the treasure of the world, is full of temptation.

Even the shadow clan, the divine beast clan and the races coming from the divine world came here for this. I don't know how many Tianjiao gathered on this trip, which was extremely dangerous.

At present, the south of Daxuan people's court is the sea of death, but the north is the sea of endless void. Therefore, the powerful races and forces located in the north of Daxuan people's court are very close, but they can't directly reach Qingzhou.

After all, the sea of emptiness is a boundless emptiness. Even the God King dare not step on it easily. The ruins of the God King in the blue sky can only enter the five levels or below of the God realm. Those who are qualified to enter are unable to cross the sea of emptiness.

Therefore, they could not reach Qingzhou in a short time, enter the ruins and participate in the competition for Shengxuan Qinglian.

According to Ye Feng's judgment, the forces that can be compared with them when they arrive in Qingzhou are no more than ten fingers.

At present, it can be determined that demon clan, divine beast clan and shadow clan.

"I'm afraid the corpse clan who buried Shenfeng will also intervene..."

Ye Feng thought carefully. The burial peak is located in Shizhou, one of the nine states in Jinyang. It is very close to Qingzhou, only separated by a Manzhou.

Like the shadow clan and the beast clan, the corpse clan who buried the sacred peak is a race coming from the divine world. They must not give up the great opportunity to compete for the Holy xuanqinglian.

In addition to the corpse state, Ye Feng doesn't know who else can fight against them. Although the world of Huangfeng is big, there are not many who stand at the top. The black dragon palace is one of them, and their opponent will be at the top.

"I'm afraid the Pearl of canglan holy mountain won't come here in a short time. As for other alien and hidden races, it's impossible to judge."

After Ye Feng made a judgment, he decided to join hands with the demon family. Before entering the ruins of the king of heaven, the two sides cooperated to deal with other forces that might exist and want to eliminate them first, such as the shadow family and the divine beast family.

In this regard, the demon family and his party have no opinion. After all, in their eyes, Ye Feng is a person of the demon family. He is the pride of the God owl family. He is very respected and trusted by Ye Feng.

After the two sides decided to cooperate, they set out immediately. Now they are very close to the ruins of the king of heaven, and they will be able to arrive in one day at most.

In order to prevent other forces from ambushing in front, it's better to arrive at the ruins of the king of heaven first.

All the way, the scene around the body flew. Soon, everyone swept out of the dragon body tree forest, and there was a barren wilderness in front of us.

On the wilderness, huge rocks like mountains stand, and there is a long distance between the rocks, so it will not block the line of sight.

Ye Feng looked forward and saw countless rocks walking in every corner of the wilderness. On the rocks, some strange creatures lived.

This creature is shaped like a human race, but its body skin is made of rock. It has only a pair of big meat ears like Pu fan, hanging on both sides of its head and shaking in the wind.

"This is the fan ear rock family, one of the alien families living in the boulder wasteland. They have a long life. They just stay on the rocks from birth to death and never set foot on the land."

"Because in the legend of their ancestors, the huge rock is the boat of life, and the land is the lifeless marsh. As long as they touch the land, life will be plundered and swallowed, and finally the flesh and spirit will turn into flying smoke."

Ji Sheng introduced that the faneryan clan has strong strength. It is said that the ancestor of the Yanzu is still alive and is a God King. Therefore, the Daxuan people's court pays more attention to the faneryan clan, so Ji Sheng knows it very well.

"The rock is the boat of life, and the land is the lifeless marsh..."

Ye Feng's eyes flickered, which was a strange race.

"As long as we don't try to touch and climb the giant rock, these fan ear rock families will ignore us."

Ji Sheng then told everyone not to provoke the fan ear rock family. There are hundreds of millions of fan ear rock families on this huge stone wasteland. They are powerful. If they are provoked, everyone will die.

As soon as they said this, they looked slightly cold and avoided the huge rock one after another.

Ye Feng and Hu Xianghan were at the front of the team, watching the sun set slowly, and a fiery red glow appeared on the horizon, spreading on the earth in front, like a red ocean.

"Stop and stop driving."

Ye Feng raised his arm and motioned to the people behind him to find a place to rest.

"Why? If you go at full speed, you can reach the ruins tomorrow morning."

Yousheng cloud came over and was puzzled.

"Moving at full speed consumes a lot of power. If you reach the ruins under such circumstances, it's hard to deal with the ambush of other forces."

Ye Feng waved his hand and said a word to youshengyun, nodding with admiration, "it's worthy of being brother Shenfeng. It's considerate."

Seeing this, Ye Feng smiled calmly, but a dignified flash in his eyes.

Worried about being ambushed is only one thing. What really made Ye Feng decide to stop was the feeling in his heart. He felt a trace of danger from stepping on this wasteland.

With the passage of time, the sun became darker and darker. This feeling became stronger and stronger. Ye Feng believed in his feeling, so he chose to stop on his way.

"But where does the danger come from?"

Ye Feng swept around, and huge rocks scattered in the distance. The fan ear rock family looked up at the sky on the huge rocks, all looking at the setting sun in the West.

Thousands, maybe hundreds of millions, of faneryan people are looking up at the sky at the moment. These scenes are magnificent but strange.

When they saw the scene, they all looked a little nervous. One by one, they looked at Ye Feng and thought that Ye Feng must have expected this situation, so they stopped them.

But Ye Feng didn't know that the faneryan clan would do this, so he couldn't help looking at Ji Sheng.

"I don't know. This situation has not been mentioned in the information about the fan ear rock family."

Ji Sheng and Ye Feng looked at each other, their eyes full of doubts.

"I'm afraid something big is going to happen. Be careful."

Ye Feng glanced around and found a huge rock full of holes that looked likely to collapse at any time.

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