
Ye Feng's arms and flesh all showed cracks, and blood sprayed out.

Wang Wudi's spirit was hurt and suddenly darkened. Mangyue's King Kong holy bell creaked under heavy load, and then crashed

Everyone worked together and was crushed by the huge waves. This situation even made people feel desperate.

"God maple, control the sea!"

At this time, Ye Feng was shocked when he heard the cry of the Dragon witch.

The Dragon Witch and dragon Hao showed their real dragon bodies, and the painted black dragon scales glittered in the sea of blood. They stretched out their dragon claws, swept out with invisible ripples, shrouded in huge waves and pushed them to the rear.

But they were still reluctant to fight against the huge waves. The Dragon scales were cracking and the dragon body was trembling.

"Come on, go back!"

Ye Feng shouted angrily while showing the real dragon body. His real dragon body is stronger than the two Longwu. This is the transformed dragon body.

Sea control is a unique skill of the dragon family. Ye Feng also mastered it, but he has never used it. Now, in the face of huge waves, the way to use sea control naturally comes to his mind.

Ye Feng mobilized his strength and felt the huge wave as if he were his arm. He tried his best to mobilize the huge wave to retreat backward.

Together, the three finally shook the huge waves. On the waves, green armor soldiers and ghosts are still struggling to rush forward, but they are farther and farther away from Ye Feng and others.

"Back, back!"

Ye Feng clenched his teeth and roared in his heart. He only felt that his strength was consuming at a high speed, and there was little left in the blink of an eye. Long Wu and Long Hao were panting and unable to fight the waves again.

Fortunately, the others fled back to the hole in the rock. Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief and quickly recovered his strength. With a flash of his body, the dragon claw grabbed the two Longwu and took them to the rock.


The huge wave rolled over, and the terrible force was approaching behind him. Ye Feng's forehead was covered with cold sweat. If he was hit by the huge wave, he was afraid that he would be crushed in an instant.

Under the crisis, Ye Feng urged the speed to the extreme. With the help of the law of fire, his body shape has turned into an illusion.


The huge wave hit the brilliance released by the huge rock. The brilliance swayed, and finally insisted.

Ye Feng bumped into the hole and rolled in the hole like a runaway wild horse with Longwu. Finally, Yousheng cloud and Ji Sheng stopped them.


Ye Feng vomited a mouthful of turbid qi and dispersed the real dragon. He felt that his body was shaking. He moved his sore thighs and came to the hole to see the sea of blood. His heart was very heavy.

Long Wu and Long Hao are bleeding all over at the moment. They quickly sit cross legged and recuperate from their injuries.

Others are also consuming a lot and are trying to recover at the moment.

Ye Feng glanced around. Although his team members and demon family members were injured, no one fell, but the other team members were seriously injured.

Just now there are at least five teams in the sea of blood, nearly 60 people, and now there are only 17 people left in the hole.

Five of the Yuzhou people, including the young man in green shirt, survived, and only three members of the other four alien races survived.

Ye Feng and the young man in green shirt looked at each other, and the other party's eyes were dim. He punched Ye Feng, "thank you for your help..."

"Are you all here for the remains of the king of heaven?"

Ye Feng frowned and asked in a deep voice.


The young man in green shirt nodded and said, "I'm Zhuo Ming, the eldest disciple of Qingzhou Jianyu Pavilion."

"Sword feather pavilion?"

This word reminds Ye Feng of a person, Yuzhou guard.

After Manzhou met Manzhou garrison, Ye Feng checked the information about the garrison of Jiuzhou in Jinyang.

Among them, Yuzhou guarded Chu Haoyu and established Jianyu Pavilion, which is the largest force in Qingzhou. It gathers Qingzhou Tianjiao and cultivates useful talents for the human race.

The guards of other states, except Manzhou, will establish sects to train disciples to transport talents for Da Xuan. It seems that Manzhou's guards are really neglecting their duties and deserve to be punished.

Zhuo Ming is the eldest disciple of Jianyu Pavilion. Presumably, his companions are also the disciples of Jianyu Pavilion. I'm afraid they came to guard Yuzhou.

"Are there people from other states?"

Ye Feng pondered that there are nine states in the Terran land. Since the Yuzhou garrison sent people to the ruins, I'm afraid the garrison of the other eight states will do the same.

"Well, zhenshou Zun said that all States except Manzhou have sent teams."

When Zhuo Ming said this, he couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly. They went to the ruins on behalf of Yuzhou. More than half of them were damaged before they arrived. How should the task continue?

If the rest of the States also encounter this sea of blood, I'm afraid they will also suffer heavy losses and may be wiped out. After all, they are lucky to survive only when they meet good people such as Ye Feng.

"Confused, can you touch the remains of the God King of the blue sky at will?"

Ye Feng shook his head. The temptation of holy xuanqinglian is too great. No matter how strong or weak, all forces, and even the scattered cultivation in the world, I'm afraid I can't help wanting it.

However, these treasures must lead to the situation in the world. The remains of the God King in the blue sky restrict cultivation. Only the five aspects of the divine realm can enter. Except for the top forces, others are completely suicidal to participate in this matter.

Even Ye Feng and others have heard that the divine races such as the shadow clan and the divine beast clan are eyeing Shengxuan Qinglian. They are worried and uncertain, let alone ordinary forces?

"Before coming, we all had ambitions, but after this change, I..."

Zhuo Ming shook his head. Even if he didn't encounter a sea of blood, just seeing the strength of Ye Feng and others, he knew that the forces of various States sent people to come, which was completely a foil. How could he rob Shengxuan Qinglian from these real Tianjiao.

Turbid Ming's words, said the voice of outstanding people, and several other alien teams looked at it, with confusion in their eyes.

The sudden rise of the sea of blood really surprised everyone. They were caught off guard and suffered heavy losses.

"Just adjust your state first. I don't know when the sea of blood will stop."

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes and clenched his fist when he thought that Ji Sheng had said about the legend of fan Eryan family before.

According to the legend, Ye Feng was not prepared to tell Zhuoming and others. After all, the news was too heavy for them. If they knew it, it would be like thunder on a sunny day, which would be unacceptable and even crush them and make them despair.

The sea of blood is still surging, the mighty fleet is moving forward, and those phantom monsters and pale arms are making waves in the sea.

From time to time, a huge wave hit the broken rock, and the originally meager brilliance trembled endlessly, as if it would be broken in the next moment, which made people uneasy.

It is the complete giant rock where the fan ear rock family is located. It stands like a mountain in the sea of blood and is firm. No matter how the waves surge, it can't shake a penny.

It's a pity that the faneryan clan doesn't allow other races to climb the complete rock, otherwise people can be more calm and don't have to be so worried.

After Ye Feng recovered, he found Zhuoming and those alien teams and got a lot of news from them.

Zhuo Ming and three foreign teams came from Yuzhou. They stepped into the boundary of Qingzhou along the Tianhuan gorge of Yuzhou and went straight to the boulder wasteland. They encountered this sea of blood soon after they arrived.

The other alien team is from Manzhou. They are the eagle people with fox ears and Eagle faces. They are at the junction of Manzhou and Qingzhou. They are much more informed than the creatures inside Manzhou.

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