"My cultivation reached the five peaks of the divine realm a year ago. I benefited a lot from battles along the way. After I separated from the shadow clan for the first time, I felt the opportunity to break through..."

Long Wu shook his head. Although he could break through a long time ago, he forcibly suppressed it in order to enter the ruins of the king of heaven.

Now, after entering the ruins, the feeling of impending breakthrough is becoming stronger and stronger, and even can't be suppressed.

Now, although the Dragon witch can barely suppress it for a period of time, the divine medicine must not refine even one plant, otherwise it will break through on the spot. It is too risky to do so on the premise of uncertain relic rules.

"You are about to be unable to suppress it. It is almost doomed that you will face the problem of breaking through before leaving the ruins."

Ye Feng shook his head. He felt the active dragon Qi in the Dragon witch body, vaguely like a pot of boiling water.


Long Wu's face was sad, but he was not a hypocritical man. He soon calmed down and began to take care of his injury.

No matter whether you can break through or not, it's always right to cure the injury first.

Ye Feng protected the Dharma for the Dragon witch. He happened to see that only Li flattery and Zhang Yunjun were left in the Tibetan medicine cave. He stood there alone and dared not move. He looked at himself.

"Oh, these two guys have some meaning."

Ye Feng chuckled, and Li flattered them. Ye Feng appreciated them.

"Come here."

Ye Feng waved to them.

They were still a little uncertain. Looking around, they found that there were only two of them here. Only then did they believe that Ye Feng was calling them.

"Brother Shenfeng, you call us?"

Li flattery came with Zhang Yunjun and said with a restrained smile.

"Don't be nervous."

Ye Feng looked at them. "Why didn't you go?"

"I, we..."

Li flattered and hesitated, his face flushed, but he still didn't say why.

He stayed here to help Ye Feng a little, but he thought he had a huge gap with Ye Feng. He was embarrassed to tell the truth.

"Thank you."

Ye Feng saluted with a fist. He had seen Li's flattery.

"No, we didn't help much."

The elder martial brother was surprised and quickly hugged his fist in return.

"Since you still stay here, it's fate..."

Ye Feng pondered for a moment and saw some unopened medicine halls. His eyes lit up.

"Why don't I teach you how to deal with the medicine puppets? It's still very simple to deal with the six medicine puppets with your strength and correct methods. After all, the medicine puppets have no wisdom."


Li flatters and is stunned. Ye Feng teaches them skills to deal with medicine puppets. Obviously, he wants them to receive divine medicine. This is a great good thing.

For a time, the elder martial brothers were very moved. Ye Feng was really a kind person and was so friendly to them. They deserved to stand on Ye Feng's side all the time. Even if their strength was weak, they tried their best to contribute.

"Well, that's it."

Ye Feng waved his hand, then left his body to guard the Dragon witch, and the spirit led them to a medicine hall.

"The fatal weakness of the medicine puppet lies in the heart, that is, the medicine heart, which you should know."

Ye Feng said as he greeted the six awakened medicine puppets. He only used the six powers of the divine realm to fight with the medicine puppets.

"Although the medicine heart is a fatal weakness, it is also well protected. It is not easy to take the medicine puppet through the medicine heart."

Ye Feng's divine soul has bright eyes. The holy fire in the molten sky is burning in it. The weaknesses of the medicine puppet appear in his eyes.

"On the contrary, these parts are the key to beating them."

As soon as Ye Feng pointed out, he pointed to the lingxu cave in front of the medicine puppet's chest. He saw that the medicine puppet's body was stiff and his whole body was stagnant.

"The power of the medicine puppet comes from the medicine heart, and the lingxu point is the only channel for the medicine heart to deliver power to the medicine puppet. Blocking the lingxu point with Yuanli can make the medicine puppet temporarily lose its ability to move."

When the voice fell, Ye Feng's spirit and palm became a knife, cut it on the neck of the medicine puppet, and directly cut off his head.

"And these parts are their weaknesses."

His figure flashed. Ye Feng shuttled among the five medicine puppets, pointing at a weakness everywhere.

Some hits will make the medicine puppet slow down, while others will make his knees stiff and his legs unable to move.

Normal friars don't have these weaknesses. Even if they do, they won't have such a great impact.

But the medicine puppets were dead after all. They were only puppets refined by divine medicine. These weaknesses were amplified, and Ye Feng easily won them.

Seeing Ye Feng walking like a cloud and flowing water, he only used the sixth reconstruction of the divine realm to win six medicine puppets. Li flattery and Zhang Yunjun were shocked.

The skills taught by Ye Feng were very effective. After Li flattered and observed with Zhang Yunjun, he immediately opened a medicine hall to practice.

Although the process was a little bumpy, they couldn't fully integrate their skills in a short time, and were beaten out of the medicine house by the medicine puppet from time to time.

But soon, they became skilled and used their skills to easily solve a famous medicine puppet.

In just one hour, Li fawning and Zhang Yunjun have joined hands and have harvested ten Sanpin magic drugs. Although they are not as fast as Ye Feng, they are also very good.

Ye Feng had already recalled the spirit to protect the Dharma for the Dragon witch, but his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. It was obvious that he had something on his mind.

"Brother Shenfeng, brother Longwu, he..."

Li flattered them and collected a divine medicine again. Seeing Ye Feng's bad complexion, he couldn't help asking.

They had long found that Ye Feng was in a bad mood after Longwu entered the medicine house, so they were worried about whether Longwu had any problems.

"Was it just in the battle that he suffered incurable damage?"

Li flattered and guessed in his heart. He just thought that Ye Feng had obtained nearly 60 divine drugs, so he rejected the idea.

"To be honest, there is some trouble."

Ye Feng shook his head and then told them that Longwu was about to break through.

"It turned out that brother Shenfeng was worried about it."

Li flattered and suddenly realized it. Then he smiled and said, "don't worry about it. Before entering the cave, our martial brother saw a demon family break through the six levels of the divine realm, and nothing happened."


Ye Feng's eyes lit up. If this is the case, the Dragon witch can break through at ease, and even hide cultivation temporarily after breaking through. When it breaks out in danger, it will have miraculous effects.

"What elder martial brother said is true. If elder martial brother Shenfeng is worried, I can break through here."

Zhang Yunjun said at the moment. He held a divine medicine in his hand, which looked like a flame and was shrouded in a blazing flame. It was the rice of heaven fire.

"On that day, Huo rice perfectly matched with the skill in the league. Our martial brothers got one each. As long as refining, they can break through the six levels of the divine realm."

Li Fengxiang also took out a Tianhuo rice. They came from Tianhuo alliance. The Tianhuo alliance skill Tianhuo Rongtian skill was created according to the rules contained in hundreds of fire attribute divine drugs.

Tianhuo grass is one of them. Therefore, the effect of refining Tianhuo grass by using Tianhuo melting Tiangong is several times or even ten times better than other skills.

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