Bibosha felt that his power was being consumed rapidly, and even the pure evil spirit contained in the power of water was eliminated by the holy fire.

Speaking of it, swallowing fire seal is incomparable to restrain evil Qi and other forces. Bibosha found this after he obtained the swallowing fire seal, but his own will has been completely corroded by the strangeness, and the quality of evil Qi in his body is too high to suppress, which makes him think that evil Qi is the strongest power.

Now he found that his evil spirit was restrained by Ye Feng, and Bibo became more and more frightened and even panicked.

"You must kill him, or he will become the greatest threat! Become the biggest stumbling block for sin God to destroy the world!"

The evil light in bibosha's eyes blooms. Seeing that the vortex will be broken by the holy fire in the molten sky, the soul lock God chain restrained by the vortex will break free, and bibosha's body will change.

Bibo was tall and became a giant with five feet in the blink of an eye. A single horn grew on his forehead. The blue water force flowed on his body surface and condensed into scales. The scales covered his whole body and glittered hard and brilliantly. Behind him, a pair of wings condensed by the water force grew.

Between the flapping wings, the infinite water and air flow, the blue wave kills and extends its fingers, the space is suddenly broken, and the violent Weili blows to the holy fire in the molten sky.


The holy fire of molten sky was crushed and extinguished by giant force, but the moment before it was extinguished, the flame also broke the vortex, and the soul locking God chain impacted in front of bibosha.

"Well come!"

Bibosha's whole face was covered with fine scales. At the moment, he opened his mouth and laughed. It was a sharp tooth, which made people shudder.


Bibo killer waved his arm and took the initiative to grasp the soul locking God chain. His speed became several times faster and caught all the eleven soul locking God chains.

With both hands pulling hard, Ye Feng's spirit couldn't control the soul locking chain, and his body stumbled close to Bibo kill.

"Open it to me!"

After Bibo killed the changed body, his strength soared, and the power of water and fire double swords increased greatly. He suddenly broke away the other 11 soul locking God chains and stabbed Ye Feng's spirit.

Ye Feng's face changed slightly, and he quickly shrunk the spirit. At the same time, his body burst out and took the initiative to meet the water and fire twin swords with a knife.


When the swords collided, Ye Feng flew out upside down. Bibo's body flashed. He grabbed the water and fire swords and fiercely chopped at Ye Feng.

"Broken mountains and rivers!"

Ye Feng forcibly stabilized his body, gathered his strength and broke mountains and rivers, and the light of ten thousand feet poured out.

At the next moment, the light of the knife burst open, and the power of the water and fire double swords continued unabated. They rushed out of the light of the split knife and cut straight into the maple face door.

"So strong?!"

Ye Feng's complexion changes dramatically. At the moment, he doesn't care whether Bibo kill has any help. If he retains his strength, he will die in Bibo killer.

"Kill evil Falun!"

My heart moved, and the flaming Buddha light was burning. The red and golden evil killing wheel slowly rose from behind, just like a divine sun guarding Ye Feng in the rear.

The infinite Buddha light shines out, and the Buddha fire condenses into a fire lotus. One after another, they meet the water and fire twin swords.

At the same time, the sound of Zen and Buddhist words sounded in the sea of killing knowledge, which made his mind disordered and his strength weakened.

Ye Feng seized the opportunity, immediately opened his position and appeared dozens of miles away. His face was dignified and looked at Bibo.

The evil killing Dharma wheel was damaged when facing the demon sword heart, and has not completely recovered until now. Ye Feng didn't want to use it, but now he has to. The strength growth after Bibo's killing changes is too terrible.

"This is my real strength!"

When bibosha saw Ye Feng's face, he couldn't help laughing and felt very happy. From the beginning of the battle, he was subject to Ye Feng everywhere, the power of fire and the power of controlling water. Ye Feng had ways to deal with it, which made him feel extremely oppressed and unable to let go.

Now, the changeable form is originally the gifted magic power of the Dharma body of Bibo killing water, and the body of the sea emperor. After obtaining the strange power given by his master, the evil ghost, Bibo killing combines the strange power with the body of the sea emperor and turns it into the evil body of the sea emperor, which is more powerful for its own strength growth.

After displaying the evil body of Haihuang, bibosha can fight with jiuzhong in the divine realm. He is confident that he can easily crush Ye Feng.

"Offending me is your biggest mistake!"

Bibo smiled grimly, and his huge body suddenly disappeared.

At the next moment, a huge iron fist full of fine scales hit Ye Feng's face door, smashing the space along the way, enveloping all the sharp space debris, and even condensing into a space storm.

The iron fist contains infinite power. At the same time, the surrounding space is blocked. Ye Feng can't use the blink method to avoid, so he can only take this blow.

"Immortal reincarnation fire Lotus!"

Ye Feng clenched his teeth and fused all the flames such as reincarnation Road Fire and melting heaven holy fire into immortal reincarnation flame, condensed into fire lotus and roared the iron fist.


The immortal reincarnation fire lotus collided with the iron fist, and the impact of destroying the sky and the earth swept away. Ye Feng's body flew upside down, his face was a little pale, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood.

On the other side, Bibo showed his teeth in pain. He raised his fist and took a look. The fine scales were broken. Blue blood kept dripping down, and even Sen Bai's fingerbones could be seen.

"You can hurt me!"

Bibosha raised her eyes and looked at them with faint water light, like a deep pool. Her eyes were cold, with endless mystery and killing intention.

"I will make you miserable and torture you to the end of the world!"

Bibo used the evil body of the sea emperor and had never been hurt. This was the first time, which made him feel very angry.

After urging the evil body of Haihuang, Bibo's reason for killing obviously decreased a lot and became irritable and violent. Ye Feng caught this and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Ye Feng noticed that the sea emperor's evil body was irrational. He immediately opened his mouth and asked, "Oh, let your secret helper come out and I'll kill him together."

"I can help you!"

Bibo was angered by Ye Feng and thought Ye Feng was belittling him. He smiled coldly: "you have a mysterious mark. How can I let others touch you? You must die in my hands!"

As soon as this remark came out, it already showed that bibosha didn't find a helper, and Ye Feng's eyes were full of light.

"In that case, it's easy to do!"

Ye Feng smiled proudly, "don't think only you hide your strength!"

As soon as Bibo's pupil shrinks, he vaguely feels that something has been exposed, and a sense of crisis envelops him. However, in the state of Haihuang's evil body, his violent will makes him unable to think of the problem.

But for the sense of crisis, bibosha's senses are more acute and her response is more intense. She is worried that there are many long dreams at night and her body shape suddenly disappears.


The fierce Weili roared in the face. Ye Feng's face was indifferent, and his body suddenly turned into a four armed King Kong.

"Demon zuntu holy power!"

Ye Feng roared in his heart. After stepping into Jiuzhou, Jinyang, he never used the demon zuntu holy power to change the form of the demon family because he was worried about his identity being exposed.

Now there are only three people in the valley. Ye Qingcao knew Ye Feng's side early in the morning, so there is no need to hide it, while Bibo was regarded as a must kill person by Ye Feng. It's no big deal to expose his identity in front of a dying person.


Four strong arms burst out violently, thousands of fist shadows burst through the space and even the void. A huge four arm Vajra shadow even appeared behind Ye Feng, bringing strength blessings to Ye Feng and doing the same action as him.

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