"The battle begins!"

The strange sound of dragon and Phoenix sounded again. A flower in front of everyone was transmitted to the mountains above the sky the next moment.

Ye Feng looked at his feet. In the center of the mountain was a huge square. The square was paved with a faint light and a dark star stone inlaid with thousands of stars.

This kind of Youming star stone is extremely strong and difficult for the divine king to break. At the same time, because it looks good and luxurious, it is also one of the precious stones loved by the dragon family.

Therefore, these precious materials are spread on so many mountains. It is obvious that the dead dragon has countless wealth, otherwise it can't take so many nether star stones.

The nether star stone also has a special ability to block space and prohibit all blinking methods.

At the same time, Ye Feng also noticed that the assigned opponent of the Dragon witch was a top Tianjiao of the shadow family, named Yingchen, who had eight levels of combat power in the divine realm.

Other people, such as long Hao, Wang Wudi, you Shengyun and others, have little difference between their assigned opponents and their own strength, almost all of them are extremely arrogant.

It seems that the opponents selected by longfengtian for people have little difference in strength. Generally, there will be no strong and weak situation.

"What are you looking at? You dare to look around when you are dying!"

Opposite, the wolf God feather's red eyes flashed cold, and his murderous spirit rushed up at night, shouting at Ye Feng.


Ye Feng looked at the wolf God feather with indifferent eyes. The wolf God feather itself is the Tianyu Sha wolf family. Its blood is very strong. Although it is not as strong as the races such as dragon and Phoenix, it is also stronger than the ordinary demon family. The God owl family is not as good as the wolf God feather in blood.

However, Ye Feng's strength is much higher than when he first met the beast family. At the same time, he has shown that he has mastered the demon respect skill.

In this way, Ye Feng has less scruples. In the past, he was shackled. Now he doesn't need to hide the demon respect skill. It can be said that he broke free from shackles. Without shackles, he is far better than before.

Ye Feng doesn't pay much attention to the wolf divine feather, unless the wolf divine feather breaks through the sixth weight of the divine realm and has the strength comparable to the ninth weight of the divine realm.

"Still dare to speak well. It seems that you are in a hurry to reincarnate. I will help you!"

The wolf God feather was angered by Ye Feng's disdainful attitude, his blood basin opened, and a faint divine light burst out.

The divine light was full of evil spirit and killing intention. The heaven and earth changed color where he passed. The mournful souls struggled and wailed in the divine light, and stretched out sharp claws to Ye Feng, as if to drag him into endless hell.

"Is that all you can do?"

Ye Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and the crack empty magic blade made great efforts to cut, and the shocking Sabre light poured out. In an instant, it cut the faint light in half, and the infinite dead soul in the faint light gave a scream, which turned into green smoke and dissipated.

"Bah, you stink."

Ye Feng waved contemptuously and fanned the smoke away.


Wolf Shenyu's eyes were almost ready to spit fire. What Ye Feng said made him extremely angry, which was completely contempt.

"I'll see what you can do!"

The wings of the wolf God feather flap behind him, and his body suddenly disappears. The speed of the tianyusha wolf family is also among the best among many god beast families, as fast as lightning.


A long sword suddenly appeared. It grew bigger and bigger in Ye Feng's eyes. Ye Feng looked directly at the sword edge and raised a disdain arc at the corner of his mouth.

"Rock law!"

"Fire armor law!"

Ye Feng stretched out his hand and held the blade directly with his meat palm.


The harsh sound came from the palm, the lightning and flint splashed, the pupil of wolf Shenyu shrank suddenly, and looked at Ye Feng in horror.

"Get out!"

Ye Feng's arm suddenly turned into a real dragon's claw, threw it hard, and the long sword flew out to one side with the wolf feather.

"Broken mountains and rivers!"

An illusion suddenly appeared. Before the wolf God feather could stabilize his body, he saw that Ye Feng showed his true face. The crack empty magic blade was cold and cut down.


Wolf Shenyu quickly waved the blade in his hand, the blade collided, and the blade was cut a gap. Wolf Shenyu barely controlled his body, and his wings flashed behind him and fled quickly.

"Can you escape?"

Ye Feng whispered in a cold voice. Twenty two soul locking chains swept out behind him, penetrating the space, twining from all directions to the wolf God feather.

"Evil spirit opens the sky!"

Seeing that the twenty-two soul locking God chains were going to bind themselves completely, the wolf God feather shouted angrily, his body increased sharply, and the violent evil spirit gushed out of his body.

Just like a cracked divine sun, the infinite evil Qi diffuses to the four directions to form a evil Qi barrier to block out all the soul locking God chains.

"Open it for me!"

Ye Feng blows out with one punch and uses the TIANYAO broken day fist to blow away the evil Qi barrier. However, the wolf Shenyu has already escaped and appears several miles away.

"How can you be so strong!"

Wolf Shenyu looked at Ye Feng with a gloomy face. The black hair originally tied behind his head had spread out and looked a little embarrassed.

"My real strength has never really been revealed..."

Ye Feng looked at the wolf God feather and turned his body into a virtual shadow. The distance of several miles was completely close to them.


The split air magic blade was cut off fiercely, and the wolf God feather splashed on his cheek. He stared at Ye Feng with resentment, and his body retreated rapidly.

As soon as they chased and fled, they ran wildly over the mountains, drawing countless shadows.

The speed of Tianyu Shalang clan is really extraordinary. Ye Feng can't catch up with each other without using Xuanyu cat clan.

However, the changing body shape is related to the demon respect skill. Although there is no need to hide the demon respect skill at present, it is a bottom card after all, and it is very strong.

Just a wolf God feather is not worth Ye Feng's exposure of the bottom card of demon respect skill. This bottom card should be left to the ape God sky and the ice spirit will be valuable.

"You are really like a loach."

Ye Feng chased for a long time and couldn't catch up with wolf Shenyu. He couldn't help but say sarcasm.

"I think you're too slow."

The wolf God feather hissed. At this time, 22 soul locking God chains swept again, and the wolf God feather's face changed slightly.

"Still use this move, I really think I'm afraid of you!"

"The wolf God will not die!"

The clothes on the wolf God feather suddenly burst open. His eyes shot a dazzling red light, and his body expanded rapidly. In the blink of an eye, he turned into a double winged wolf with a height of 100 feet. His whole body was full of evil Qi and rushed into the sky like smoke and sea.

This is the essence of the wolf God feather. Tianyu evil wolf is covered with strange lines on its body surface, showing a savage thirst for blood.


When the wolf claw was waved, he grasped all the soul locking chains that came from the entanglement. However, the power of the soul locking chain was extraordinary. It was the supreme magic power that Ye Feng's nether world had learned from the fourth level of cultivation.

Although the wolf God feather grasped the chain, he could not break it. He could only stand in a stalemate with the chain.

At this time, Ye Feng's body flashed and appeared directly in front of the huge wolf's head. His body was reflected in the wolf's pupil like a grain of dust.

But at this moment, the dust waved the split air magic blade, but it burst into a cold light, reflected in the sky, and chopped it hard.


The wolf God feather opened his mouth and spewed out a faint divine light again. The divine light was hundreds of times thicker than before, just like a meteor falling from the sky and roaring towards Ye Feng.

"Well come!"

Without fear, Ye Feng looked at the divine light as thick as 100 meters, and looked at one of the fierce evil ghosts with teeth and claws. His eyes were very firm, and he met him with a knife.

Where the sword light collided with the divine light, the impact of destroying heaven and earth swept in all directions. The mountains were shaking, and the barriers at the edge of the mountains were covered with dragon and Phoenix lines to block the impact.

At the next moment, the knife light and divine light disappeared at the same time. In the brilliance of the magic explosion, Ye Feng and wolf divine feather were like two shells, attacking each other at the same time.

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