Facing Wang Wudi's attack, huohan was unable to resist. After he surrendered, he tried to delay for ten seconds, but he didn't insist for three seconds. He was beheaded by Wang Wudi's sword and wiped out the spirit.

"It's OK. At least one fire has been solved and the devil curse has been eliminated."

Long Wu comforted Long Hao, who was helpless. Although he noticed that Bing Ling was killing, he immediately looked at each other.

"You will die if you repeatedly oppose my demon clan!"

Bing lingmie wiped his palm on his neck and gnashed his teeth.

"It's you who want to die."

The Dragon witch looked disdainful. "I'll take you on the road myself when I meet Lao Tzu."

At the moment, the four people in the Black Dragon Palace who have not been eliminated have successfully defeated or killed their opponents and can participate in the next round of battle.

On the side of the demon clan Presbyterian, there are still three people who have not been eliminated. They are fighting with their opponents at the moment.

Among them, Yousheng cloud confronts the wind bite, which is one of the heavenly demons in the ten thousand demon grottoes of the demon family.

One side is the Tianmo son of the Presbyterian court, and the other side is the Tianmo son of the Wanmo cave. The two demons are deeply contradictory, and the two top forces are in constant conflict.

Youshengyun and Fengyi met. It can be said that the enemy was extremely jealous when they met and fought with all his strength on the spot.

But in the course of the battle, youshengyun gradually fell into the downwind. Seeing the wind bite more and more, the war became stronger and stronger, and was about to crush himself, youshengyun bit his teeth and surrendered immediately.

In fact, there is little difference between Yousheng cloud and wind bite. If the two sides really fight for life and death, it is unknown who lives and who dies.

However, you Shengyun has practiced the demon zuntu holy power secretly taught by Ye Feng. At the moment, he has a lot of energy to use in the demon Zun skill.

Just for Ye Feng's great plan, he offered a force when Ye Feng ended the human demon war. He needed to hide the demon respect skill and couldn't use this powerful power. Instead, he was limited in combat power and couldn't surpass the wind bite, so he took the initiative to surrender.

Youshengyun abandons his personal interests for the sake of the overall situation, which is an admirable move.

At the moment, facing the accelerated attack of wind bite, Yousheng cloud struggled to resist, and finally survived ten breath and returned to the building ship.


When youshengyun was defeated, Ye Feng just recovered from his injury and opened his eyes. Seeing that he had no choice but to shake his head, Ye Feng patted him on the shoulder.

"I believe your strength will beat each other. Thank you."

The two sides looked at each other and said nothing.

Then, Ye Feng looked into the sky and saw that Lei tingzi was fighting with a celebrity family.

That Terran is the top force in Jianzhou, the contemporary sword of Tongtian Jianmen, and the sword is connected with God.

Jiantong God is also a top Tianjiao, but Tongtian Jianmen can only be the top force in Jianzhou, and there is still some gap between the top force of the whole demon family and the thunder son from the Presbyterian court.

The human and demon sides have deep contradictions. One person and one demon fight with all their strength and fight with real fire.

Seeing that thunder son completely suppressed Jiantong God and tried to kill each other, Ye Feng couldn't help saying, "let him go. I've cooperated with Da Xuan people's court. Don't hate them and affect the competition for holy Xuan Qinglian."


Thunder son's face sank. He was very upset to see that Jiantong God had surrendered and was ready to stick to ten breath.

"You're really defending the Terran. I don't know. I think you're a demon traitor!"

Thunder son scolded secretly in his heart. When he learned that Ye Feng mastered the demon respect skill, he didn't pass it on to them. More frankly, he said they didn't deserve it, thunder son was full of opinions about Ye Feng.

What's more, Ye Feng often helps the Terran speak. If Ye Feng didn't mention Shengxuan Qinglian in his last sentence, thunder son must not listen to Ye Feng and kill the sword on the spot.

"Count your life."

Thunder son looked at Jian Tongshen, snorted coldly, and stopped fighting immediately.

Jiantong God was full of fog. At the moment, he received Ruan Qingfeng's voice explanation. He was stunned. The son of renting holy courtyard chose to cooperate with the demon family?

Although he was puzzled, Jiantong God still put away the long sword, politely threw his fist at Lei tingzi and said, "thank you for your mercy."

"Hum!" Lei tingzi turned his head and waited for Jiantong God to be transmitted back to the building ship. He chose a hundred drops of dragon essence blood to return to the building ship and immediately came to Ye Feng.

"I need you to give me an explanation!"

Thunder son said impolitely.


Ye Feng flashed a faint anger in his eyes and said calmly: "my plan is very secret. You don't need to know for the time being. Just cooperate with me."


Thunder son had a blue vein on his forehead. He was dissatisfied with Ye Feng's attitude and wanted to talk. Youshengyun suddenly shouted, "enough, brother Shenfeng arranged to listen. There's so much nonsense!"

"The loser in the hand of wind bite, why bother me!"

Leitingzi suddenly looks at youshengyun. Youshengyun learns that Ye Feng has mastered the magic power of demon respect and Tu Sheng, but does not teach it to them. He even maintains Ye Feng all the time, which has long made leitingzi dissatisfied. Now he takes the opportunity to vent.

"What are you talking about!"

Youshengyun's momentum suddenly broke out. He voluntarily surrendered for the overall situation, not to be defeated by the wind. In his opinion, it was a complete insult!

"Hum, you can only cross the nest!"

Thunder son showed a mocking smile, but he didn't see that Ye Feng's face was gloomy to the extreme and was still laughing.

"Just follow behind the maple and be a follower. We still choose you as the team leader. You really don't deserve it!"

"Thunder son, you've gone too far!"

Ye Feng flew into a rage and suddenly released the spirit of demon respect. He was crushed down by the terrible pressure. The thunder son's pupils shrank and his body softened uncontrollably. His strength could not be brought into play for six years under this pressure.

Although the demon respect breath is obtained by practicing the demon respect skill, Ye Feng can restrain the breath around his body without leaking out, so he doesn't have to worry about being detected by others, so he can show it under the eyes of other forces.

Thunder son is greedy for the demon respect skill and even wants to monopolize it. He will never disclose it, which is also the reason why Ye Feng dares to use it.

The demon worship breath like the abyss and the sea shrouded the thunder son in an instant, and Ye Feng shouted in a cold voice.

"How can you say such bad words to your companions and apologize to youshengyun immediately!"


Thunder son struggled to resist the pressure, but under the pressure, his knees became softer and softer, and he was about to kneel down.

There was a flash of resentment in Lei tingzi's eyes. If Ye Feng wanted to kneel down in front of so many people with the spirit of demon respect, he couldn't lift his head in his life.

"Sorry, I was wrong."

The heart is extremely unwilling, but there is nothing to do. Lei tingzi looks distorted at Yousheng cloud and apologizes.


Seeing this, Ye Feng snorted coldly, and then the demon respect skill dispersed, and the terrible pressure disappeared. Thunder son only felt sweating all over and couldn't help gasping, as if he had narrowly escaped death.

Lazily, his face was as heavy as water and his eyes turned. He didn't know what he was doing. Ye Feng looked at the sky and saw that Hu Xianghan was fighting with an alien.

The alien had a meeting with Ye Feng and others. Ye Feng had some conflicts with him. It was the miasma of the miasma family.

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