
Scorpion Jue flies out upside down. The video game takes back its fist wrapped around the mighty thunder, stares at scorpion Jue coldly, and disappears again.


The video game appeared from the top of scorpion Jue and blew out with a fist. Scorpion Jue couldn't control his body during the inverted flight. He tried to raise his arms to resist. The next moment, there was a sound of breaking his arms.


The video game day breaks scorpion Jue's arms with a fist, hits scorpion Jue's face hard, and directly collapses scorpion Jue's face.

Scorpion Jue was hit on the ground by huge force and smashed the hard rock. Before he recovered, he kicked a long leg composed of thunder on his waist.


A mouthful of blood spewed out, and the scorpion flew out upside down and hit the barrier. The barrier trembled and even showed a crack.

"Is this guy dying?"

Scorpion Jue wailed in his heart. He didn't expect that a mere alien could explode such power. He was obviously poisoned. How could he do so?

Just when scorpion Jue felt desperate, the body of dianyoutian running towards him in the void suddenly froze, and fell out of the void the next moment.

"Just, almost..."

Dianyou Tian is unwilling to look at scorpion Jue. He has explosive potential and speed to the extreme, but this consumes power and flesh very seriously.

Coupled with the severe poison in his body, the video game sky has reached its limit. At the moment, the toxin completely broke out. His body seemed to turn into a rock, so stiff that he fell to the ground and couldn't move.

"The final winner is me!"

Scorpion Jue showed an excited look. His collapsed face was recovering rapidly. He staggered to the video game sky, and his three eyes burst out black awns.

Just as scorpion Jue was about to understand the video game sky, an aura emerged and sent the video game sky package back to the building ship.

"Damn it!"

Scorpion Jue's face is stiff. Ten breath time has passed. He even let the video game day escape like this.

On the building ship, the sound broke the boundary and the earth lived in seclusion. They hurriedly picked up the video tour to detoxify him.

Although the venom of the scorpion family is powerful, it is not without medicine. With the treatment of Yin duanjie, dianyoutian got rid of the danger of life.

The scorpion refused to accept the blood essence reward and looked down unsightly. The ape God was smiling grimly and staring at him.

"Let's make a deal. You let me go. As long as you let me go, all my blood essence will be given to you."

The ape God knew the sound of scorpion's panic in the sea, and a strange smile appeared on his face, "ha ha, kill you, isn't everything yours mine?"

The voice of Yin evil sounded in the scorpion Jue knowledge sea, "don't worry, I will devour you, and you will become a part of my body and become the nutrient for me to break through."

"Damn it, you really think I'm afraid of you!"

Scorpion Jue stared at the ape God day. At this moment, the aura wrapped him. He returned to the building ship and swallowed all the blood essence in one breath in front of the ape God day.

Scorpion Jue chooses the same dragon essence blood, but he is not a black dragon and cannot be refined directly. Therefore, he has accumulated a lot of essence blood. At present, there are more than 300 drops.

The power contained in so many dragon essence blood is terrible. Scorpion Jue's face suddenly turns red, and the violent force strikes his meridians. The meridians burst and coagulate again under the action of dragon blood.

The uncontrollable power overflowed from scorpion Jue's body like a wave, and his momentum was rising. This was the blessing of blood essence, which greatly increased his strength.


Ape God sneered. He did not hesitate to challenge scorpion Jue. Swallowing so many dragon essence blood can improve his strength in a short time, but it will restrict his own strength if he can't refine it.

With the aura wrapping them up, the ape god heaven and the scorpion appeared on the mountains. Without a word of nonsense, they started fighting in an instant.

"Bang bang!"

The sound of fist and foot collision rang out continuously. The space was broken and the void collapsed. The two even tied.

But in the course of battle, every time he collides, scorpion Jue's face will turn red. The mighty power flowing in his body will continue to impact, and his body will gradually hear the sound of overburdened collapse.

When ape God day challenges scorpion Jue, the battle between Lei Tiantong and lion Ruhuan has also reached a white hot stage. Lei Tiantong holds the world destroying thunder magic sword, and the fierce magic thunder bombards continuously, so the lion Ruhuan can't lift his head.


At the moment, lion Ruhuan has shown his body. Nine Golden Lions and nine heads spit out burst energy balls one after another to resist the mighty magic thunder.

But such means can't stop Lei Tiantong at all. The body surface of Shi Ruhuan has been covered with scars. Through the shocking wound, you can see that there are countless magic thunder running around in his body. His injury is already very serious.

"I admit defeat!"

Although he was unwilling, Shi Ruhuan knew that if he continued to fight, he would be killed by Lei Tiantong and immediately surrendered.

Seeing this, Lei Tiantong didn't pursue the victory, but put away the world destroying thunder demon sword.

It's not that Lei Tiantong doesn't want to kill lion Ruhuan, but lion Ruhuan has good strength. Although he is in poor condition, it's almost impossible to kill him within ten seconds. Therefore, Lei Tiantong wastes his hands and feet lazily.

While lion Ruhuan surrendered, scorpion Jue also came to a desperate situation. His face was as ugly as pig liver, and his whole body was covered with cracks. The power of dragon essence gushed out of the cracks without money.

Scorpion Jue's combat power is still at its peak, but his physical body has reached its limit. The physical body of ape God is too strong to be afraid of meeting him.

Scorpion can never kill ape God before the flesh reaches the limit, so they can only accept their life and wait for death.

"Hahaha, come on!"

The ape God sent out a wild laugh and swallowed the irresistible scorpion in one bite.


The sound of explosion came from the ape God celestial body. As soon as his complexion changed, he suddenly spewed blood, and his body was almost burst.

It was the moment when scorpion Jue was swallowed by ape God, and completely released the suppression of the dragon's blood essence power. His flesh exploded in ape God celestial body, causing great damage to ape God.

"You're not willing to die? What a pity."

The ape God smiled grimly. He didn't care about his injury and tried his best to refine the scorpion. He saw that his physical injury was healing rapidly and his momentum was rising at the same time.


The ape God's body doubled. He roared up to the sky, and his internal strength climbed to the extreme. The next moment, like a flood opening the gate, his realm broke through the six levels of God's realm.


The ape God blew his fist in the void. He saw the space smashed, and the violent power even shook the barrier.

"This power, this power!"

He laughed ferociously. After breaking through the six levels of the divine realm, he felt that he could break the heavens with one punch.

His eyes swept through every figure coldly. The war spirit of the ape God was majestic. At the moment, he was confident to defeat anyone. He with six levels of divine realm would be the most invincible existence in this relic.

"Let him succeed."

Ye Feng took back his sight and shook his head slightly. After the ape God day broke through, there was another thorny enemy.

Later, Hu Xianghan and Lei tingzi surrendered one after another. Ye Feng and Long Wu swallowed hundreds of drops of blood essence respectively. After refining, they watched the only three duels on the building ship.

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