"I am the tenth demon king selected by the heavenly devil and the seventh son of the horn demon king. Dare you kill me?"

Jiao GUI stared at Ye Feng and his face was almost distorted. "What if you are the nine star saint? My father is the horn demon king. He has been immersed in this realm for many years, which is far from what you can compare!"

"There's a lot of nonsense."

Ye Feng looks impatient. Jiao GUI's strength is not very good. He thinks highly of himself. For such a self righteous guy, what Ye Feng likes to do most is to let him recognize the facts and give up all unnecessary fantasies.

"You are a waste."

Without hesitation, Ye Feng suddenly stepped on the rocks on Jiao GUI's body.

At this time, Jiao GUI's glass eyes showed a crazy red glow, his body collided again, and ugly and twisted magic patterns appeared on his body surface.

Jiao GUI's face was the same as that of the human race, and turned into a ferocious demon face. Eight single horns on his head glittered with dazzling magic light.


The ruins of the mountains burst open. Before Ye Feng's foot fell, Jiao GUI had risen into the sky, and his shape had changed greatly from a Terran to a pure horned demon.

"You forced me!"

Jiao GUI's eyes were full of killing intention. In the face of the powerful Ye Feng, he was forced to be helpless and had to activate the Jiao devil blood, which was regarded as a disgrace by himself, to show his most powerful power.

In Jiao GUI's opinion, the devil is the most noble existence in the world, but in addition to the devil's blood, half of his body is the devil's blood.

Horn GUI regards horn demon blood as a disgrace, so he never shows his horn demon form in front of people, but horn GUI in this form is the most powerful.

"I'll let you die!"

Jiao GUI rushed to Ye Feng and blew out thousands of fists in an instant. Countless demons flew out of his fist and opened their bloody mouths to bite Ye Feng.

There was also a continuous magic roar, attacking Ye Feng's sea of knowledge from all directions, trying to interfere with his consciousness.

Facing such an attack, Ye Feng was still calm. He even carried his back with his hands and looked at Jiao GUI so indifferently.

"Even if I stand and let you fight, you can't break my physical defense."

Ye Feng disdained.

This sentence makes Jiao GUI more and more crazy. He feels that Ye Feng is humiliating himself, and his fist falls on Ye Feng like a storm.

But as Ye Feng said, even if ye Feng stood still, Jiao GUI could not break Ye Feng's physical defense.

This violent and dense fist fell on Ye Feng, just like a drop of spray falling into the sea, which could not lift the slightest waves. It seemed to hit cotton without any induction.

Jiao GUI's arm was torn, his whole body was sore, and even exhausted all the magic Qi in his body, but he didn't hurt Ye Feng at all.

Ye Feng's face is still indifferent, and his calm eyes contain disdain that makes Jiao GUI crazy. He can't believe that Ye Feng can be so strong that even his father can't take such a terrible attack?

"No, how can you be so strong? It's impossible. Who are you!"

Jiao GUI gave up the meaningless attack. His face twisted and questioned Ye Feng, "say! Which demon king did you disguise? What's your purpose? Is it for the demon star meteorite?"

"You are too self righteous."

Ye Feng shook his head. He despised your madness. This guy couldn't accept the fact that the Terran was strong, and even tried to deceive himself.

"No, you are definitely disguised by the demon king. There can be no strong man like you in the Terran!"

Jiao GUI shook his head again and again. His eyes were distracted and he had fallen into his own imagination.

"What a sad fellow."

Ye Feng tilted his lips and waved a palm at will, "I am merciful and send you into reincarnation as soon as possible."


This seemingly random palm easily pierced Jiao GUI's chest and blew a big hole in his trunk.

Magic blood splashed out without money. The severe pain made Jiao GUI recover his reason from his madness. He looked at Ye Feng in horror and suddenly retreated back.

"You, you can't kill me! I'm the seventh son of the horn demon king, and I'm the tenth demon king selected by the heavenly demon. How can you kill me and how dare you kill me!"

Jiao GUI roared angrily. He stared at Ye Feng bitterly. He was chosen by the devil. Even if ye Feng was so powerful, he was just an ant to the devil. Did he dare to kill himself and provoke the devil to come to the world?

"Why don't I dare?"

Ye Feng took one step and appeared in front of Jiao GUI again. Five fingers had grabbed Jiao GUI's head.

No matter how Jiao GUI struggled, he couldn't get rid of his iron hoop fingers. He fought hard to attack Ye Feng, but he felt a terrible shock coming from Ye Feng's body.

His attack didn't hurt Ye Feng at all. Instead, he was hit hard by the terrible earthquake, his arms broke and his legs burst.

Jiao GUI, who lost his limbs, became more and more frightened. His eyes were full of fear and his mouth roared, "you can't kill me, absolutely not. I'm the tenth demon king selected by the devil and the spokesman of the devil in the disorderly world!"

"If you kill me, you will only bring endless disasters to the Terran and the world. The natural devil will not tolerate the killing of his spokesman. At that time, all Terrans will die!"

Kwutong suddenly looked down at the Wutong City, and shouted at the people of the Indus City, looking up at them. "You are not stopping him! If this king is dead, the devil will never let you go. The Terran demon will be completely destroyed. No one wants to live!"

"Hahaha! The king is dead. All of you should make amends to the king! If you dare to sit and watch the king be killed, the end is doomed!"

Many Wutong people have a look of fear. The evil clan controls nine territories and countless years. Their terrible nature has been ingrained in the hearts of the people.

Especially the mortals without the slightest resistance, their fear of the demon family has been deep in their bones. Don't mention Jiao GUI's words. Even if an ordinary horn demon family makes such a noise, they may believe it.

Now, when hearing that Jiao GUI was dead and everyone had to bury him, many Terrans looked up at Ye Feng and shouted anxiously, "stop it! Stop it!"

"You can't kill the devil. If he dies, everything will be over!"

"Do you know what you're doing? Do you want to bring the end to the Terran! Let the devil go!"

People in Wutong City shouted hysterically, and their words fell into the leaves of the leaves, so harsh.

These foolish mortals have been completely controlled by the demon family. They can't extricate themselves from fear. I'm afraid they will never lift their heads. Servility has been deeply rooted in their bone marrow.

Even many practitioners of Jupiter sect believed Jiao GUI's words. They shouted Ye Feng in fear and asked Ye Feng to release Jiao GUI.

Fortunately, Qianqiu Tu and the elders are not stupid. They see that Ye Feng is powerful. At the moment, they dare not annoy Ye Feng and directly cut off any disciple who dares to let Ye Feng go by iron and blood.

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