"Demon prince heir?"

Ye Feng watched the angle and others gather together, and now he looked up at the Wutong City, and his eyes were not clear.

"I don't pay attention to the demon king. What's the use of a group of demon prince heirs."

He shook his head secretly. These evil princes gathered here. They were looking for their own death and gave him a chance to catch them all.

Anyway, he has killed Jiao GUI and completely made a bad relationship with the horn demon king. As a human race, Ye Feng has no possibility to live in peace with the demon clan. Sooner or later, there will be a war between the two sides.

"There are nine promising children and a demon king's grandson..."

Ye Feng's eyes flickered, and Jiao GUI was killed by him. Including his grandson, there are nine good people in the Jiao demon clan, and four are present.

"It would be great if the other five came together."

Ye Feng thought in his heart, but he saw the 13th son of the demon king, Jiao you, and suddenly looked at him.

The whole Wutong city is only one of the people who stand upright on the head of the city. Other people are not respectful, bow and scrape, but far away. Ye Feng is standing at the front.

Wutong Wutong is clearly the leader of the city. What is missing is the bitch city. Even if the specific reason is not related to these humble people, they must know something.

Most importantly, Ye Feng's eyes made Jiao you feel very uncomfortable.

He is the son of the devil king. He is extremely noble. Even if the lowly people don't kneel when they see him, they still have a condescending attitude. There is no fear in their eyes, which is very bad!

"Hey, who are you? Do you know what's going on here?"

Jiao you asked proudly. His eyes squinted at Ye Feng, as if ye Feng didn't deserve to be treated with his eyes.

Seeing this, Ye Feng sneered. The posture of the son of the demon king was so arrogant. It seems that they have been used to enslaving the Terran in recent years. They really have just become characters.

"Of course I know."

Ye Feng looked at Jiaoyou playfully, not tight or slow.

"Bold! If you don't know the situation, do you know that standing in front of you is the son of the devil king and Prince Jiaoyou who controls the three devil armies!"

Beside Jiao you, a master stood up and scolded with a fierce face.

Ye Feng was surprised that the master general was an octagonal demon. It seems that the forces under Jiao you are much stronger than Jiao GUI. After all, among the three magic armies of Jiao GUI, the strongest master general is only the peak of seven horns.

However, no matter seven or eight horns, leaf maple is treated equally. They are mole ants.

"What kind of thing do you dare to talk to me like that?"

Ye Feng disdained to smile and totally despised the star anise.

Smelling the speech, the octagonal general was furious. Jiao you also had a heavy complexion and a fierce flash in his eyes. He had long seen that Ye Feng was wrong.

Obviously, he is a lowlife, but he has no fear of him. This guy is strange.

"Hum, it seems that brother Qi is so kind to you beasts that you forget your identity and dare to shout to the master!"

The 77th son of the demon king, Mo Qi, whose body is wrapped in a wide embroidered gold cloud pattern black robe, said at the moment, with a naked and strong killing intention in his tone.

If you were an ordinary person, you would have been shocked by the killing intention of magic Qi and even knelt down. But for Ye Feng, this killing intention can't even compare with the God King's eyes, which won't have any impact on him.

"A bunch of ugly guys, what's the dog's name here?"

Ye Feng sneered, "don't you want to know where Jiao GUI is? Tell you, I killed him!"


A total of twelve demon armies stared at the moment, full of amazement and absurdity. Even Jiao you and other demon princes looked at each other, and then burst into laughter.

"Ha ha! What did I hear? He said he killed seven brothers! It's ridiculous. A lowly Terran dare to say such crazy words."

"Hum, you humble beast, you are so rude and insulting my seventh brother. You are dead!"

Jiao Qi's eyes were cold, "including the city under your feet, all Terrans are going to die!"

"That's right. The humble livestock dare to offend the demon clan. It's really killing themselves!"

The corner column shall follow the road.

On the contrary, she was the twin sister of jiaozhu. The 48th female horn of the demon king frowned slightly and stared at Ye Feng with doubts.

Women's sixth sense is often more acute, and the demon women are no exception. She vaguely noticed that Ye Feng is a little strange. It is not sure that it is really related to the disappearance of Qige Jiaogui.

But in any case, their descendants of the demon king, even their demon soldiers, don't believe that Ye Feng killed Jiao GUI. They think it's just that Ye Feng stuck gold on his face and boasted.

Who is Jiao GUI? The seventh son of the demon king, who has lived for hundreds of years, broke into a famous and fierce name by means of iron and blood killing, and even spread to other territories.

How can such a person die in the hands of the lowly Terran? You know, so far, the nine star saint is only a legend.

And Jiao GUI's strength ranks in the forefront even among the octagonal demons. If he gets the demon star meteorite iron, he may really become the tenth demon king.

Therefore, Jiao you and other demon princes all speculated that the disappearance of Jiao GUI must be related to the demon star meteorite iron. So many demon families died there. It seems that they are all the demon soldiers under Jiao GUI.

Because they recognized some broken armor, which was the standard equipment of Minxing and broken Star Army.

"What happened, let the two magic armies under the seventh brother die out, and even disappear without a trace."

Jiao Xian frowned, and she felt that the arrogant lowlife must know something.

"The seventh brother is very strong. Unless the demon king makes a move, he will be fine."

Jiao you shook his head. "On the contrary, it's the magic star meteorite iron. Did it disappear with brother seven, or did it fall somewhere?"

Hearing this, the demon prince's heirs all looked solemn. Their ultimate goal here was the demon star meteorite iron.

It's strange that Jiao GUI is missing, but don't worry about safety. If the magic star meteorite iron is still nearby, it's obviously the most important treasure.

"Despicable people, you have committed a capital crime and even implicated everyone in the city under your feet!"

Jiao you looked at Ye Feng again and said proudly, "but I can give you a chance. You must know what happened in this battlefield and tell me everything."

"Especially about a piece of black meteorite iron. Let's focus on it. Maybe I'll spare you and the lives of the humble beasts in the city under your feet!"

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes. Jiao you didn't seem to understand people. He had shown that he killed Jiao GUI. Jiao you didn't want to believe it.

And the thousand autumn Tu and Jupiter faction, and the fairy Yun Er, and even the Wutong town guards, the people, are now looking weird.

They watched Ye Feng kill Jiao GUI and kill the main general and Deputy General of the demon army. Their strength was beyond the ordinary. These horn demon princes were unwilling to believe it.

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