"What is this means?"

Xianyun'er looked at Ye Feng incredulously. She knew that Ye Feng was powerful. She also saw Ye Feng beat back several demon prince heirs alone, and even knew that Ye Feng was injured in acting.

But no matter how, xianyun'er didn't expect such a terrible Gang wind to be easily solidified by Ye Feng.

Vigorous wind is naturally formed. This kind of destructive and terrible things need incomparable power to destroy, but it is still possible.

However, if you want to control the vigorous wind and directly solidify the vigorous wind, you need more powerful power than destruction, even the power of rolling.

At this moment, the image of Ye Feng became more and more tall in xianyun'er's heart, which was no different from God and man.

"It's nothing."

Ye Feng saw Xian yun'er's shocked look and smiled calmly. He just used the art of resisting the wind to stop the vigorous wind.

This kind of vigorous wind in the cave is completely incomparable with the vigorous wind above the nine days. Even if the wind control technique can be practiced in the yellow wind world, as long as it is an ordinary holy land, it can easily stop the vigorous wind in the cave.

Ye Feng walked directly into the cave. After the vigorous wind stopped, the valley was no longer terrible.

Xianyun'er hesitated and followed Ye Feng.

Put your palm on the notch on the cave wall, which is the trace left by the vigorous wind, which contains a strong meaning of the vigorous wind.

If there are practitioners practicing one of the ways of wind, this cave is definitely their treasure land. Feeling the meaning of vigorous wind in the notch can deepen their understanding of one of the ways of wind.

Ye Feng just felt it at will and walked directly to the cave. He was attracted by the cave because of the vigorous wind. However, after the vigorous wind was prohibited, Ye Feng found that there seemed to be something in the cave.

The cave is very narrow. Sometimes it needs a cat's waist to move forward. Ye Feng leads the careful xianyun'er to go deeper and deeper. After a while, he comes to the end.

At the end is a small cave. A jade bed is placed against the wall of the cave. In front of the jade bed is a futon. A white bone emitting hazy brilliance is sitting cross legged on the futon.

Even in the past countless years, the skeleton still exudes a very strong breath. From the hazy light emitted by the skeleton, it is at least a strong man in the half step divine realm.

Only the divine realm, or the strong one who touches the threshold of the divine realm, can cultivate the physical body so powerful, eternal and immortal.

"I'm afraid this bone used to be a nine star saint, or even a Royal Star envoy."

Xianyun'er was amazed. She didn't expect to find so many mysteries outside the territory of Jupiter school.

Jupiter faction has occupied this place for so long that I'm afraid the whole territory has been explored, but I haven't found these places.

Obviously, this is not that the Jupiter faction did not search hard enough, but that these places are too secret and even have the ability to isolate and explore. Only Ye Feng can visualize the soul star, and the power of the soul star and the spirit are powerful and extraordinary, so can we find these ancient and mysterious places.

"According to your statement, this corpse was indeed the realm of the Imperial Star envoy."

Ye Feng smiled calmly. The realm can be regarded as an envoy to resist the stars, but the bones were not used to cultivate the power of the stars.

Ye Feng leaned over and picked up an animal skin note placed in front of the body.

The note was already covered with dust. With the touch of Ye Feng's palm, the dust dissipated naturally, revealing a few big words on the cover of the note.

"Wind knife" refers to the experience of cultivation

Xianyun'er looked curiously at this ancient relic, which gave her a very mysterious feeling.

At the same time, Ye Feng, the realm in front of the corpse, also confirmed that it was indeed the realm of the Imperial Star envoy, and his notes must be very important.

You know, in the current disordered world, don't mention the Imperial Star envoy. If Ye Feng hadn't been born, there wouldn't even be a nine star saint in the Terran.

Therefore, Xian Yuner attached great importance to the notes of the deceased, and even regarded them as the supreme treasure.

On the contrary, Ye Feng's attitude towards this "supreme treasure" was obviously not very friendly. He casually opened the classics, glanced at them a few times, and threw them directly to xianyun'er.

"I didn't expect that it was really just a simple note of cultivation experience. I thought it would record any secret."

Ye Feng shook his head in disappointment. The wind knife finger recorded in this note has been regarded as a divine power at the level of divine realm.

For Xiaoqian world, this level of magic power is really worth a half step Shenjing to study all his life, but it is nothing for Ye Feng.

Ye Feng doesn't know how many of these Shenjing supernatural powers he has. There are many shenwangjing supernatural powers recorded in the black dragon palace.

On the contrary, xianyun'er took the notes very nervously. When she looked through the notes, her eyes became brighter and brighter, and even her breathing was urgent.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a powerful magic power."

Xianyun'er looked up at Ye Feng and couldn't help asking, "brother Ye Feng, this magical power is so powerful. Don't you practice?"

"Ha ha, here you are. I still despise this level of magic power."

Ye Feng smiled calmly and pointed out that the mighty wind swept out directly. The wind blade was like a knife, cutting the world. Ripples appeared in the places along the way, even in the void. The shadow was broken.

The power of this finger is not inferior to the vigorous wind roaring in the cave. Xian yun'er stared. This is the wind knife finger recorded in the note.

"You, did you fix it?"

Xianyun'er was shocked. Feng Daozhi was regarded as the supreme treasure by her, but it was very profound. She didn't necessarily succeed in her research all her life. Ye Feng just looked at it and practiced it directly.

"These kinds of magical powers are very simple. As long as you cultivate one, you can master it well, and the others you want to practice are very simple."

Ye Feng disagrees. Any magic power is actually the application of laws. Powerful magic powers often contain several, even dozens, or hundreds of laws.

Just like the supernatural powers used in ancient times, they contain thousands of laws, so their supernatural powers are so huge.

At the same time, as long as you master enough rules, even ordinary fist and foot attacks will become very powerful.

It is the practitioners of the disordered world. They can understand the law by visualizing the stars, and this opportunity is beyond the reach of other creatures in the world.

Unfortunately, the disordered world has the understanding of laws, but they lack the power and skills to use laws. They don't even know the existence of laws.

Therefore, in the process of fighting, Ye Feng can easily crush the practitioners in the disorderly world. On the one hand, Ye Feng has strong strength, on the other hand, Ye Feng has a high vision and knows too much.

Later, Ye Feng looked into the cave carefully and didn't let go of every corner, but he didn't gain anything except the bones and notes.

"Unfortunately, from these discoveries, it can be determined that this extraterritorial place was indeed a cave in the past, which also shows that the disordered world was indeed a small thousand world called the astral and spiritual world in the past."

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