Under the desperate situation of the human race, Yan Hui has resisted hundreds of millions of demons in the southern Xinjiang of the Xingling world for 300 years.

In the past three hundred years, most of the Terran regions were captured by demons or degenerated into demons. Only Yanhui sat down in Fenglin sect, as the first sect in southern Xinjiang, controlled all forces in southern Xinjiang, and almost impeccably resisted the invasion of hundreds of millions of demons and even the laws of the boundless demon domain.

During this period, many powerful figures were born. They made great contributions to the guardian star spirit world and were erected steles and statues, which are the statues in the Fenglin hall.

Each statue records the life stories of these characters and their every merit.

Ye Feng saw the deeds of each statue in the hall and finally slowly spit out a mouthful of turbidity.

Many clues can be seen from these deeds. For example, the star spirit world at that time has been constantly transformed like the demon world, a large number of demons have been born, and countless Terrans have been eroded and degenerated by the law.

At the same time, the deeds also recorded information about the boundless devil kingdom. According to the judgment of Yan Hui and other human heroes, the boundless devil kingdom is likely to be the birthplace of all negative creatures in the world.

The astral spirit world suffers from strange erosion, and will eventually degenerate into the boundless devil Kingdom and become an insignificant devil kingdom in the devil kingdom.

When the star spirit world is completely transformed into the demon world, the spirit belonging to the star spirit world of Xiaoqian world will be swallowed up by the boundless demon world and become the nutrient of the demon world.

Yan Hui believes that weird are the minions of the boundless devil kingdom. They erode the world and corrupt the world in order to expand the boundless devil kingdom.

"These are the heroes of the Terran in the past. They guard the Terran and die for the Terran."

Xianyun'er's eyes burst into tears. She is very smart. Even if it is described in the records, Yan Hui and others guard the star spirit world, not the disordered world.

But she could see that the astral spirit world was the disordered world, the disordered world before falling into the boundless demon world and completely becoming the demon world.

"It turns out that the disordered world was once a world controlled by the Terran. It is strange that makes the world fall into this boundless demon domain and makes people completely reduced to the food of demons..."

"Weird things are extremely evil, causing thousands of disasters in the world. They shouldn't exist at all."

Ye Feng's face was cold. He thought of the ancient mysteries of Huangfeng world. He thought that these mysteries were only unique to Huangfeng world.

But after seeing the experience of the astral spirit world, Ye Feng understood that the ancient mysteries probably existed in many worlds. They messed up the world in order to drag the worlds into the boundless demon realm and make the Terran become the plaything of evil creatures.

"But if the current disordered world has completely degenerated into the demon world in the boundless demon domain, how can there be a human race? Shouldn't everyone degenerate into a demon clan?"

Xianyun'er had some doubts and couldn't help asking.

"The law of the boundless devil kingdom will indeed erode all creatures, make them degenerate and transform into the devil family, but as long as you stick to resist, you can resist this erosion."

Ye Feng shook his head. He could vaguely sense the power of erosion. It was tempting and degenerate at the moment, but the power was very weak and could not shake Ye Feng's state of mind.

"Of course, these alone can't let the human race survive. So far, the star spirit world has completely fallen into the boundless demon realm. Countless years have passed. For such a long time, it's enough for the human race to be extinct by the demon race thousands of times."

Ye Feng's eyes flickered. The strength gap between the human and the devil was so huge that the Terran could exist all the time. Obviously, there was an unknown secret.

At this time, the bookish elder took the initiative to contact Ye Feng. He rewarded Ye Feng with a jade card to activate his contact.


Ye Feng's eyes lit up and decided that the bookish elder had found something. He left the Fenglin hall directly with xianyun'er.

The secret of this hall has been explored clearly by Ye Feng. There is no need to stay any longer.

Soon, Ye Feng came to the library. Xianyun'er specially followed her because she was curious about this dusty history.

"Lord Zhenshen."

The bookish elder didn't seem to see xianyun'er. He didn't care that Ye Feng took others. At the moment, his eyes were full of enthusiasm. He showed Ye Feng the books in his hand and put his fingers on one of them.

"Here, here is the information about the boundless devil kingdom!"

"Let me see."

Ye Feng smiled calmly and moved his palm, and the book collection automatically fell into Ye Feng's hand.

Reading slowly according to the instructions of the bookish elder, Ye Feng raised his eyebrows slightly. The clues he got from the Fenglin hall about the boundless devil kingdom are recorded in the book collection.

At the same time, the collection also records some Xin mysteries about Ye Feng's previous doubts.

It turns out that the Terrans in the disordered realm can still exist in this era, which is the shelter of the Terrans in the star spirit realm in the past.

When the astral spirit world completely fell into the boundless demon world and became the demon world, all the great powers of the Terran forces in the astral spirit world sacrificed themselves together and turned all the caves in the astral spirit world into extraterritorial places.

This extraterritorial place can resist the erosion of the demon world and let the Terran inhabit, which gives the major gates and Terran forces of today's disordered world a breathing opportunity.

In addition, in addition to the transformation of the cave sky, the great powers of all parties also divided half of the sacrificial power to protect the disordered boundary spirit. Their power wrapped the boundary spirit and resisted the erosion of the rules of the demon domain.

The spirit of the world itself also has strong power. Although the star spirit world has completely degenerated into the disordered world of the devil world, the spirit of the world has lost the whole world as a source of power.

However, the spirit of the world still resists the erosion of the rules of the demon world by relying on the sacrifice power and its own strength of the human power, and provides protection for every human creature living in the disordered world to block the influence of the rules of the demon world.

The spirit of the world has guarded the disordered Terran for endless years, and its power is also weakening. From the initial protection, the Terran can also have the existence of the nine star saint and even the realm of the Royal Star.

Up to now, it is impossible for Terrans to have nine star saints, and even eight star practitioners are extremely rare.

The power of the world spirit can't last long, but compared with the demon clan, the Terran practitioners have no resistance at all.

I'm afraid it won't be long before the spirit power is exhausted. Even the nine star saint can't be born. How to resist the demon clan?

At the same time, Ye Feng also saw the records about demons from this record. Demons are not legends, but real.

These heavenly demons were transformed by the fallen Terrans in the star spirit world in the past. Their whereabouts are unknown and are not recorded in the books.

According to the description of the book collection, the nine demon families that control the nine territories are all demons born in the star spirit world under the erosion of the rules of the former demon territory.

These demons had no intelligence at first. After falling, the people in the star spirit world who turned into heavenly demons opened their intelligence for them and trained them into the most loyal servants under their hands. They were the minions of the traitors who destroyed the people.

"The devil really exists..."

Xianyun'er looked at this description. Her pupils were tiny. The human race could not resist even the former claws and teeth of the demons and the nine demons.

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