Yunyu sect and Duanshan sect are waiting on the virtual river. Not far in front of them, a bridge that spans between heaven and earth and emits great divine light, like a rainbow glow, is suspended there.

"This is Hongqiao. It's so shocking every time I see it“

Chu Jiangzi looked at Hongqiao and couldn't help sighing.

"Yes, I remember the last time I passed Hongqiao, 200 years ago. At that time, you and I were still very young."

Zhou Piaoling nodded slightly, and the color of remembrance appeared in his eyes. The scenes of the past were vivid.

"This is the great power of nature. Our practitioners have worked hard for thousands of years and can't have such power."

Next to Zhou Piaoling, Yougu, the elder of the refining Hall of Yunyu sect, couldn't help but exclaim. He looked at Hongqiao and his eyes flashed. It seemed that he was eager to have the power to create such magnificent things.

"The legendary imperial envoy, I wonder if he can do this?"

Wang Zhe, the elder of duanshanzong law enforcement hall, raised his eyebrows slightly and couldn't help but say.

"I don't know."

The two supreme elders shook their heads at the same time. The imperial envoy did exist, but it is already a legend for today's disordered world.

What kind of power these legendary characters have is unknown, and there is no way to judge and trace them.


At this time, a loud cow cry came from a distance. Zhou Piaoling and others all brightened up and turned to look.

I saw a roar from the clouds in the sky, just like a strong army, running at a uniform pace.

In the blink of an eye, the clouds were scattered, and figures were revealed from the scattered clouds.

This is a Terran team, with nearly a thousand people. They all ride a giant ox with illusory body shape and thick, evil spirit and full of chains.

In particular, the head of the old man with black hair and white eyebrows has a giant cow as high as a thousand feet, just like an indomitable mountain. Anyone will be shocked to see this scene.

"It's the prisoner of niuzong!"

The disciples of Yunyu sect and Duanshan sect couldn't help shouting. Their eyes were burning with envy at the giant cattle under the disciples of prisoner Niu sect.

This giant ox is the origin of the name of the prisoner ox sect. As long as you practice the skill of the prisoner ox sect and visualize the prisoner ox star, you can refine the virtual shadow of the prisoner ox and act as a mount.

At the same time, the prisoner cow also has good combat effectiveness and huge size. It often performs extremely well in large-scale wars.

Unfortunately, if you want to refine the prisoner ox, you must practice the prisoner ox sect skill and imagine the prisoner ox star. Other sects can only envy but can't get it.

This prisoner cow star belongs to a special kind of infinite stars in the disordered world.

Divine beast stars are the general name of countless beast shaped stars, and prisoner cow star is one of them.

Among the ten main gates of the great wilderness, in addition to the prison cow sect, which is the gate for visualizing divine animals and stars, there is also the holy fish sect.

The holy fish star imagined by the holy fish sect is not powerful, but its spiritual knowledge is extraordinary. It is very good at checking information.

Among the ten major gates, the holy fish sect often acts as a scout. Just like Jiao Zheng and others attacked the ten major gates, it was also the first thing discovered by the holy fish sect and told the other nine.


The prisoner cow with a height of thousands of feet slowly walked down from the air. Every time it landed, a small cloud appeared at the bottom of its feet and held it in the void.

"Brother Zhou, brother Chu."

The old man with black hair and white eyebrows sitting on the Qianzhang prison cow is smiling at Zhou Piaoling and chujiangzi.

"Brother Tu Long is as elegant as he used to be."

Zhou Piaoling looked at the Qianzhang prison cow under the old man with black hair and white eyebrows and praised it.

"Hehe, the last time we met a hundred years ago, brother Tulong's prisoner cow hasn't reached a thousand feet. Now the prisoner cow has such divine power. Brother Tulong's cultivation has improved again. It's really enviable."

Chu Jiangzi couldn't help sighing. He had been closed for so long and was limited by his life. He had reached the limit of his life. His body had already passed the peak period, and his cultivation was not possible to break through again.

Tulong, however, is only a teenager younger than his first son, but he has made a breakthrough when his life is approaching, which is really enviable.

"It's just a little improvement. It can't break through to the realm of the saint. Everything is nonsense."

When Tulong heard their flattery, he sighed faintly. There was no possibility of the birth of the nine star saint in heaven and earth, and the eight star practitioner was the limit.

This rule has existed since a long time ago. Now it is the darkest era, and the Terran will eventually fall.

Hearing what Tulong said, Zhou Piaoling and chujiangzi also fell into silence, and the three looked at each other speechless.

In fact, the interior of the ten major gates, especially the existence of these near life expectancy, have already predicted the future of the Terran.

Almost all practitioners who can achieve the eight star peak are gifted. Even Zhou Piaoling's master, the last leader of Yunyu sect, achieved the eight star peak at the age of 100.

These can be called heaven defying geniuses. In the end, they can't break through the realm of the nine star saint. In the long years, they die with reluctance and worry about the future of the Terran.

From that moment on, Zhou Piaoling understood in his heart that the Terran can no longer have nine star saints, miracles will not happen, the future will be dark, and the Terran will perish.

"Now all you and I have done is to delay the coming of endless darkness, but how long can it be delayed?"

The first general looked at the two old friends. He looked very lonely. The Terran had no future, but the demon family became more and more prosperous. It can be seen from the fact that the corner demon king had more than ten lustrous sons.

In the future, I'm afraid the talent of the demon family will become more and more prosperous, and the Terran will continue to be lonely. With each passing day, I'm afraid the arrival of the day of destruction will be short beyond everyone's imagination.

"If I say, you just think too much."

Just then, a clear voice sounded, and a senhan weapon appeared in the void.

A figure came out of these senhan blades. He was wearing armor, his eyes and eyebrows were cold, and even condensed into frost.

"What is the future of the Terran? What qualifications do we have to judge the old things that even the nine star saints have not reached?"

As soon as the cold old man came out, he attracted the attention of all the people present. "Instead of thinking so much, it's better to think about the moment. It's serious to kill a few evil demons."

"Even if the human race perishes in the future, we will never lose by killing a few more evil demons today."

Hearing this, Zhou Piaoling and others looked very sad and solemnly saluted the visitors.

"It's us. Thank you for your advice, master Jiyuan."

"Terrans, no matter how dangerous the road ahead is, even if they die without life, they should have the courage to charge."

Ji Yuan nodded slightly, turned and looked, and saw ice blades emerging in the sky. Above the ice blades was a Terran practitioner, who was driving the ice blades.

"My son-in-law of the cold blade sect has arrived. Now there are only jinmuzong and Qingshan Zong, and six Zongs. You can set foot on the Xuhe Hongqiao and go to the Bibo sect."

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