"It seems that you are very confident in the improvement of your strength."

Ye Feng looked at Jiao Luan calmly and then said, "but it's not necessary. You'll expose yourself if you kill them. Don't affect the overall situation."


When Jiao Luan heard Ye Feng mention the overall situation, he flashed a touch of excitement in his eyes and responded respectfully.

"They can't stir up trouble. I can erase them at will. Keeping them is just to make the ten main doors have a longer memory."

Hearing this, Jiao Luan felt a little cold in his heart. He had learned the strength of Ye Feng long ago. The spirit, which was indomitable in the sea and unparalleled in the world, was deeply engraved in his mind.

Whenever he recalls Ye Feng's powerful spirit, Jiao Luan will feel powerless and dare not have the slightest resistance.

Therefore, Ye Feng said that he could easily erase Jiao Zheng and others. He had no doubt, but took it for granted. Ye Feng was so powerful that it was normal to do this. If he couldn't do it, it would be strange.

"Is the corner demon still closed?"

Ye Feng opened his mouth again. He looked into Jiao Luan's eyes and could see the strong killing meaning in each other's eyes when they heard the word "horn demon king".

"I'm still in seclusion, but when I refined the demon star meteorite a few days ago, I vaguely noticed that there was a wave in his seclusion."

Jiao Luan pondered for a moment and said, "I can feel that his power is stronger than before. This retreat should make a breakthrough and is about to wake up."

"Even if he becomes the devil emperor, he can be run over to death. Don't worry."

Ye Feng calmly waved his hand.

"Yes, but he certainly didn't break through. I can detect it."

Jiao Luan's head was lower, but his eyes were more excited. He looked forward to the day when the horn demon king died.

"Well, things outside have nothing to do with you. If you continue to practice, you'd better achieve the demon king state before the plan begins."

Ye Feng waved his palm and the mirror slowly dispersed, and his words were transmitted to Jiao Luan's ears the moment before the mirror completely disappeared.

"Then the plan can officially begin."

"I look forward to this day."

In the dark, Jiao Luan clenched his fist.

Castle Peak sect, Castle Peak town Yuanda array isolates everything inside and outside. The demon army is suspended in the four directions of the array, and miracles fall like rain.

"Bang bang!"

The large array is like an ocean, and the magic power is like stones, which ripples on it.

It is impossible to break through the Qingshan Zhenyuan array with such an offensive.

The nine patriarchs sat in the main hall. There was a holy fish in the center of the main hall.

The fish's eyes and ears are huge and occupy almost all its body. At the moment, a picture is showing in its bright eyes.

In the picture, it is the demon army attacking the Yuanda array in Qingshan town at the moment. Jiaozheng and Jiaoyan charge in the front and bombard the array tirelessly.

"These evil demons know they can't break the array, but they have to do useless work. It's really stupid."

With a smile on the face of the world, Qingtian leisurely picked up the tea lamp, which seemed very relaxed and no longer the tension and fear when he was attacked by the demon clan.

"They seem to have no forces Nouvelles to join."

The fish's graceful and pleasant voice sounded, and the strange fish below was her magic power. "The holy fish sees the world.".

Through this magic power, Yu Wanrong noticed that there was no change in the combat power of the horn government, or even no new personnel.

"Don't underestimate these guys. You've all experienced their cunning."

The leader of Jinmu clan, Zuling shook his head slightly, and his eyes always focused on the picture in the eyes of the holy fish.

"The demons rarely do useless work. They attack meaninglessly and are likely to delay time and wait for other forces to join."

"Yes, always be vigilant“

Wu Hengyu said seriously. There was a cold breath in his hand, which kept flowing and built a map.

This map is the map of taboo Castle Peak and thousands of miles around. He looked at the map and fell into meditation from time to time.

Seeing the Jiaozheng group attacking for a long time, they could not help the Qingshan Zhenyuan array and were ready to retreat. Suddenly, there was a cry of surprise outside the hall.

"Lord! Lord!"

"What's the matter? What's the fuss like?"

Qingtianshi frowned. He looked at the array elder of Qingshan sect who ran into the hall and said displeased.

Now, the Castle Peak sect is the stronghold of the nine sects, and the other eight sects are all here. The elders of their own sects yell so loudly that he feels ashamed.

"I, we studied the Yuanda array in Qingshan town and found a new function."

The array elder still looked excited and said loudly.


As soon as the leaders of Tianlei sect raised their eyebrows, Gu Wei, the leader of Tianlei sect, suddenly stood up, stared at the array elder and asked, "what new function."

The array elder hesitated and looked at qingtianshi.

Qingtianshi glanced at Gu Wei and felt sick in his heart. How can he find new functions? This old thing is more excited than his Qingshan sect leader?

But qingtianshi didn't think much, nodded to the array elder, "say it."

"We found that the Yuanda array in Qingshan town can expand. As long as the main array people are properly manipulated, they can expel the people in the array at will."

The array elder was very proud.


Wu Hengyu, the leader of the cold blade sect, looked the same, but his tone was obviously cautious.

"If the array expands, will the defense be weakened?"

Other patriarchs obviously realized the importance of this problem and looked at the array elders one after another.

"If the expansion range is too large, the defense will be weakened."

The array elder replied.

"This is too big. Do you have a specific number?"

Qingtianshi looked slightly changed and asked quickly.

"According to our judgment, the large array expanded for 50 Li at most, and then the defense weakened."

The array elder pondered: "but according to the power of the horndemon clan, even if the defense is weakened, they can't break the array."

"After careful calculation, the array will expand at most 100 Li, and then it will be difficult to resist the attack of the corner demon clan."

The words of the array elder made your patriarchs' eyes shine, and Gu Wei was even more breathless.

"Great, so..."

Gu Wei looked straight at other patriarchs with a trace of inquiry.

"Don't worry."

Wu Hengyu shook his head slightly, still very calm. He looked at the array elder and smiled calmly: "this is good news, but I need to confirm one thing."

"Lord Wu, excuse me."

The array elders salute respectfully. As the most powerful existence of the ten major sects, almost all practitioners respect Wu Hengyu.

"Does the expansion of the array have an impact on the main array? If the array is really expanded to 100 miles, can the main array be maintained stably?"

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