Feather Sha is flustered and doesn't choose the way. At the moment, he thinks that only his identity and the feather demon king behind him can frighten Ye Feng.

However, Ye Feng despised the threat or background of Yu Sha's heart.

"Oh, I've heard too much like this."

Ye Feng sneered and then said, "recently, I haven't killed many people with the same identity as you. Really, I can be called a devil killer."

At the same time, he realized that Ye Feng was not afraid of his background.

After all, as Ye Feng said, he almost killed all the excellent demons in the corner demon king's court. This is a bold Lord who will not be afraid of the devil's revenge.

Moving out the feather demon king in front of Ye Feng has no effect at all.

"Well, you have too much nonsense. Go on the road at ease."

Then, Ye Feng's plain words made Yusha's heart fall into endless ice caves.

The terrible force swept down, and Ye Feng blew out his palm, and the terrible palm print enveloping the world came boldly.

The feather evil spirit was unwilling to roar. The Dharma phase of the killing devil behind him was revealed again. Eighteen arms and eighteen wings met the towering palm print at the same time.


The palmprint fell, the world was almost broken, the mountains were trembling, and the creatures in the mountains and forests fell into endless panic, ran aimlessly, and even triggered a large-scale animal tide.

But all this is of no importance to Ye Feng. Under the palm of his hand, Yu Sha's heart was destroyed without leaving a trace.

On the contrary, Ye Feng left residual shadows, and my Buddha had already disappeared.

At the same time, big virtual domain, feather demon king court.

Feather demon king court is a huge floating city, like a curtain of heaven hanging on the earth.

Countless huge wings hovered on both sides of the floating city and kept fanning, which enabled the city to get off the ground.

These huge wings look like the wings of the feather demon family. They look more flesh and blood on the surface, but they are actually cast by a unique metal.

This metal has certain activity and can even flow like a liquid. Therefore, its shape can be changed at will. It's no problem to design it into the wing of the feather demon family.

Then, tens of thousands of feather demons will transport power together, supply power to the wings, let them fan up and float in the air.

This is a city with fantastic ideas. Even in the nine borders of disorder, it is also very strange.

At this moment, countless guards in black armor and ferocious masks stand in the feather demon court.

From time to time, powerful patrols pass by. The place where the patrols are most concentrated is the life card Hall of the feather demon court.

Here are the life cards of all important people in the feather demon court. If an important person falls, his life cards will also be broken.

The life card of Yusha heart is in it. With Ye Feng's palm destroying Yusha heart, its life card shows cracks, and then a breath of resentment rises into the sky, and the whole feather demon court vibrates.

"There is dignity falling!"

A figure appeared in the life card hall in an instant. He was still a feather demon with extraordinary temperament, but his face was full of anxiety at the moment.


When the door opened, the feather demon clan entered the hall. At the first glance, he saw that the feather evil heart was full of cracks and lost its glorious life card.

His anxious face turned into panic. He opened his mouth, but he couldn't speak.

"What happened!"

"Who fell!"

"Who is the murderer? We must take revenge!"

A roar sounded in the world, and a powerful feather demon family came at a high speed.

The Yumo royal court is the power center of the whole Yumo family. Countless strong people gather here. The blood of the Yumo royal family always lives here.

At this moment, I don't know how many noble beings of the feather demon family come. They want to avenge their dead peers.

When they arrived, they saw Yu Shaxin's life card broken, but they were stunned and speechless.

Yu Shaxin is highly respected in the Yumo King's court. He is a descendant valued and loved by the Yumo King's family. He even holds the post of general of Yumo King's court. It can be said that he is below one person and above ten thousand people.

Now that such existence falls, the whole feather demon court will shake.

The first to arrive at the life card hall, the feather demon family with extraordinary temperament finally recovered from fear at the moment. His face became more and more gloomy, but his eyes gradually calmed down.

"Big housekeeper, who killed Yu Shaxin?"

The third brother of the feather demon king asked qualitatively. He grew up watching Yusha heart and took great care of it. Now Yusha's heart and body are falling, and he can't wait to peel the murderer's skin and bones.

"Yes, whoever killed brother nine must let him die!"

As the son of the feather demon king, Yu Shaxin's brother spoke.

"I don't know."

Just as everyone was excited to see Yu Sha off with a grand killing, Yu buzun, the king's court housekeeper, shook his head and said.

In a word, let the feather demons present pour cold water on their heads, and their roars were almost extinguished.

"Don't know? How can you not know?"

They are all unbelievable. Looking at the big housekeeper, the life cards in the life card hall are broken, which will show the picture of the fallen before they die, so that the feather demon family can know who the murderer is.

Unless it is the existence of the level of the demon Kingdom, you can never hide your whereabouts.

Now the words of the big housekeeper make them feel incredible. Did Yu Shaxin provoke a demon king?

But although Yu Shaxin is arrogant and even bloodthirsty, he is not a stupid person. How could he provoke such existence for no reason.

What's more, the feather demon king values the feather evil heart so much that he will prepare enough things to protect his life. Even if he meets the demon king, there will be no risk of falling down.

What happened in the end, all feather demons feel strange and want to find out more and more.

"Only when the King returns will he have the opportunity to explore clearly."

The housekeeper shook his head. He couldn't trace the source, but the feather demon king could.

If the feather Demon King returns, you can easily find out the cause and effect of all this with the help of a trace of connection between the life card and the feather evil heart, and find out who is the real murderer.

But now the most helpless thing is that they don't know where Xiaoyu devil is going.

The feather demon king went out three years ago and handed over all the affairs of the feather demon king court to the feather Shaxin.

It can be said that although Yu Shaxin is only a general of the feather demon court, he has actually been called the uncrowned king of the feather demon court.

Just wait for him to achieve the demon king realm, the demon king Yu will pass on the throne of Yu Sha Xin.

Now the heir has fallen, but the feather demon king can't find a trace. He doesn't know when he will return when he travels.

Whether the chief manager or other dignitaries exist, they feel very helpless and even at a loss.

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